Mary Pickford's Oscar

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Post by Reza »

This is from the World Entertainment News Network (WENN).

Sale of Pickford's Historic Oscar in Limbo

Movie icon Mary Pickford's Best Actress Oscar for Coquette has been
saved from the auction block thanks to documents the actress signed,
agreeing never to sell her little golden statue. Pickford's 1929
award, which was only the second Best Actress Oscar handed out, was
close to being auctioned off by auctioneer Darren Julien recently,
but the sale was pulled when new information about the gong was
unearthed. It was believed the award could be sold as only those who
won Oscars after 1950 signed contracts agreeing never to sell their
golden honor. But Pickford, who was one of Hollywood's first 'royal'
couples after marrying Douglas Fairbanks, agreed never to sell the
gong when she was presented with an honorary Oscar in 1976. Julien
tells website, "Unfortunately we could not sell Mary's
Academy Award because she had signed a document in the 1970s after
she won her honorary Oscar stating that she would never sell it or
her original Academy Award." Both of Pickford Oscars are now the
property of her love rival Beverly Rogers, who married the actress'
second husband Buddy Rogers. Rogers' widow will auction off much of
Pickford's memorabilia next month, but it is not known if she'll be
given official permission to sell the late actress' Oscars.
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