Possible Foreign Language Entries

For the films of 2014
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Re: Possible Foreign Language Entries

Post by Cinemanolis »

Precious Doll wrote: Greece - Miss Violence - Well if Dogtooth can score a nomination then there is no reason that this insest drama can't make the cut as well.
I don't think Greece will choose "Miss Violence". It was not well liked here, it grossed only 15.000 tickets! even though it was released after it won 2 prizes in Venice. It also lost the Best Picture awards at the annual Greek Academy Awards, although it won Actor and Supporting Actress.

My guess (and i am very confident about it) is that the film that is going to be submitted is "Mikra Anglia (Little England)" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3253650/combined). It was a box office champion (450.000 tickets) won 7 Greek Academy Awards (Picture, Cinematography, Editing, Art Direction, Costumes, Sound, Make up). A few days ago it also won 3 major awards (Picture, Director, Actress) in the Shanghai International Festival and it was announced that it has distirbution in UK and France.


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Re: Possible Foreign Language Entries

Post by anonymous1980 »

I wonder if Norte, The End of History can qualify. It's the best film I've seen in 2013 and it got U.S. distribution. It's being screened in the Lincoln in NYC right now.
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Re: Possible Foreign Language Entries

Post by ITALIANO »

Precious Doll wrote:Italy - Human Capital -
Yes, unless in the next few months something "big" comes out, it will be this one: box office hit, very good reviews, important national prizes. I'm not sure that it's the "right" movie for the Academy, but then I wasn't sure about The Great Beauty either.
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Precious Doll
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Possible Foreign Language Entries

Post by Precious Doll »

Always a fun time to try and predict what film countries will submit the this category.

Worth keeping in mind that the eligible period is 1 October 2013 to 30 September 2014. I'm not sure if a US release precludes a films entry in this category through. Anyone know?

I will give it a go.......

Canada - Mommy - They usually play it safe but this has went with such acclaim at Cannes it seems to have a good chance.
Turkey - Winter Sleep - Goes without saying. Best Film at Cannes.
Poland/UK - The will need to fight this one out but whoever comes out submits this has a good chance of not only a nomination but a wind. Poland would be the more likely candidate as the UK release may not be until after the cut off date.
Belgium - Two Days, One Night - It may not have won anything at Cannes but it got solid reviews and is probably the countries highest profile French spreader this year (last year was the turn of the Flemish).
Morocco - Rock the Casbah - Sure it's overloaded but it's such good fun and it features Omar Sharif to boot.
India - The Lunchbox - A modest US box hit won't harm this films chances for consideration.
Brazil - Casa Grande - Similar to Neighbouring Sounds but nowhere nearly as skilfully executed. The sort of film that gets selected by never makes the final 9.
Ethiopia - Defret - Angelina Jolie is one of the produces of this and will no doubt bring it the attention it will need.
Bosnia - For Those Who Can Tell No Tales - A friend of mine has been raving about this and given the quality of the dirtectors earlier work this should be given some serious consideration.
Italy - Human Capital - Italy seems a but quiet this year but this was an effective enough drama. One of those that tell the same story over several times from different characters points of view. Would make a respectable entry.
Austria - Macondo - A Rather timely film about misplaced people and a young boy grappling with his new role of head of the house. Nicely made, though doesn't add up to anything of substance.
Iceland - Of Horses and Men - The film from Iceland has a lot of people talking so it could find it's way to this list in a few months.
Greece - Miss Violence - Well if Dogtooth can score a nomination then there is no reason that this insest drama can't make the cut as well.
Sweden - We Are The Best - Maybe it's about time that the enfant terrible of Swedish cinema be given a go with his latest. BY all accounts it's very good.
Australia - Charlie's Country - Some of the dialogue is not in English but how much I don't know. This will determine whether this is submitted or not.

I'll submit more as other possibilities emerge.
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