The Official Review Thread of 2008

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Post by OscarGuy »

I enjoyed it. I think Blair Witch Project was significantly more successful blending story and performance along with the gimmick. Cloverfield's a bit less successful mostly because none of the actors are more than passable and there's no sense to the decision to head back into hell. It doesn't make much sense. Some characters have no resolution, which is part of the problem focusing only on one video tape recording.

The editing was too convenient. Come on? Would the military really have left everything intact? They probably would have stripped out as much of the "love story" as possible simply because it didn't have a bearing on the purpose of showing the tape. And if they were going for a full disclosure approach, then they wouldn't have "cut" so many long pauses or breaks of inactivity from the film.

I love horror films, but not creature/monster films. I thought for the most part that it worked (minus the exceptions above). I was entertained, though not nearly as engrossed as I was with Blair Witch Project. Cloverfield's a triumph of marketing over substance.
Wesley Lovell
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Post by Hustler »

--OscarGuy wrote:Let me preface by saying that I have significant issues with motion sickness. On long trips, I have to drive or it will make me ill. I can't use the microfiche reader at the library without getting quite ill and there are several video games that I have to take dramamine just to sit down and play.

Having said all that, neither Blair Witch Project nor Cloverfield made me even remotely sick. I felt completely fine through the entirety. It's an interesting dichotemy when you think about. People who don't normally get motion sick were getting sick whereas people who do get motion sick weren't having a problem.

And what´s your impression about the movie? Did you like it?

Edited By Big Magilla on 1241382539
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Post by OscarGuy »

Let me preface by saying that I have significant issues with motion sickness. On long trips, I have to drive or it will make me ill. I can't use the microfiche reader at the library without getting quite ill and there are several video games that I have to take dramamine just to sit down and play.

Having said all that, neither Blair Witch Project nor Cloverfield made me even remotely sick. I felt completely fine through the entirety. It's an interesting dichotemy when you think about. People who don't normally get motion sick were getting sick whereas people who do get motion sick weren't having a problem.
Wesley Lovell
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Post by Hustler »

I felt the impulse (and it never happened to me) of running away from the theater in the middle of the film.
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Post by Zahveed »

I almost threw-up during Cloverfield and I never get motion-sick. I actually stared at the floor for a few minutes just to regain my composure. Other than that it was a good concept and good effects, but it could have used a little work. Nobody shit their pants, a must-have in any giant monster situation.
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Post by Hustler »

Wow! I´d enjoyed this movie so much. It introduces an innovative concept in terms of horror films. I know the existence of Blair Witch Project but this movie goes even further.

Edited By Hustler on 1202156527
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Post by Franz Ferdinand »

The concept was good enough, but I could not care less about the characters, nor the pervading scent of vomit when I watched the movie. It was a good enough "event" movie, and finally beat Star Wars' decade-long rule of the January opening weekend record. Let us move on.
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Post by anonymous1980 »

Cast: Lizzy Caplan, Jessica Lucas, T.J. Miller, Michael Stahl-David, Mike Vogel, Odette Yustman
Dir: Matt Reeves

Described as Blair Witch meets Godzilla which is quite accurate. It's a very novel and inventive way of making an old-fashioned disaster/monster movie. Although the characters and performances make it feel like the monster element just walked in an episode of Felicity which is not necessarily a bad thing. Harmless time killer.

Oscar Prospects: Sound Editing and Visual Effects.

Grade: B-

Edited By anonymous on 1202041722
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