Oscar Trivia Quiz: Best Picture/Relatives Edition

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Re: Oscar Trivia Quiz: Best Picture/Relatives Edition

Post by Reza »

Big Magilla wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:27 amOne of the sisters and their brother are in an Oscar-winning film together.
Vanessa and Corin Redgrave in A Man For All Seasons
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Re: Oscar Trivia Quiz: Best Picture/Relatives Edition

Post by Reza »

Big Magilla wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:27 am Also, just looking at the first 50 winners, there is a second set of prominent sisters in Oscar winning films.
Lynn Redgrave (Tom Jones) & Vanessa Redgrave (A Man For All Seasons)
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Re: Oscar Trivia Quiz: Best Picture/Relatives Edition

Post by Big Magilla »

Also, just looking at the first 50 winners, there is a second set of prominent sisters in Oscar winning films.

One of the sisters and their brother are in an Oscar-winning film together. Another brother and sister pair were also together in a film two decades earlier, with the sister being the more famous of the two.

There is also an instance of an actress who was nominated for an Oscar in the second of two Oscar winning films in which she appeared while her son-in-law was in an Oscar-winning film between her two winners.
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Re: Oscar Trivia Quiz: Best Picture/Relatives Edition

Post by Big Magilla »

By the way, one that seems to have been missed in the parent/child grouping is one in which the child was in an Oscar winner the year after the parent was in an Oscar winner.
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Re: Oscar Trivia Quiz: Best Picture/Relatives Edition

Post by Big Magilla »

Some of these clicked immediately but others not so easily. Will have to research year by year to get them all.
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Re: Oscar Trivia Quiz: Best Picture/Relatives Edition

Post by Reza »

Fantastic research, I must say, but it will take a while to digest it all and come up with answers.

However, the one about the sisters is an easy and instant guess.
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Oscar Trivia Quiz: Best Picture/Relatives Edition

Post by Mister Tee »

I happened to notice, a few weeks ago, a particular actor in a certain best picture Oscar winner, and it occurred to me that this person’s offspring was also, many years later, in their own winning film. I wondered how common such a thing was. Once I got researching, it occurred to me to wonder about those in other familial relationships (marriages, siblings) –- how many pairs shared the distinction of both being in best picture winners? This sent me down a rabbit hole –- hours on the IMDB -– which uncovered some (to me) interesting results. I’ve decided to inflict what I’ve found on you, in the form of an extended quiz.

Note on accuracy: It’s possible I’ve missed some obscure qualifiers. I got tired of delving into the marriages/relatives of everyone in Around the World in 80 Days. Feel free to correct/amend my findings.

Note on expectations: A number of people who’d instantly cross minds turn out ineligible. Both Shirley MacLaine and Annette Being have their best picture films, but Warren Beatty, despite several times in the running, never managed one. Joanne Woodward wasn’t ever in a best picture winner. Neither Burton nor Taylor every had one, either.

So, among those who did achieve the feat…

I’ll start off with siblings.

1. There’s only one true case of sisters both having best pictures to their credit.* If you don’t get this one, you probably shouldn’t even bother with the remainder of the quiz. If you need a hint: Their winning films came in consecutive years.
* (A sort of exception will be dealt with below.)

There are 6 sets of brothers who’ve both appeared in Oscar-winning best films.

2. Three of those brother combos actually appeared in the same best picture winner. In two of those three cases, one of the brothers also appeared in a later best picture winner.

a) The first should be one of the most obvious.

b) The second, you’d be more likely to know about one brother’s later winning film (and Oscar-winning performance) than to realize either of them is in this famous film.

c) The third comes decades later, with one of the brothers far more prominently featured in the film. To the tune of an acting nomination.

3. The 4th instance is two brothers who each appeared in biopic winners.

One of the brothers is quite familiar -– he’s got a famous role in a film everyone’s seen.

The other I’d frankly not heard of till a week or so ago, when my father mentioned him in a context totally removed from movies. But IMDB shows him with over 100 credits.

4. The 5th pair is two actors we first saw in their quite young days. The more prominent brother –- the one with an Oscar nomination –- didn’t get his best picture winner till almost 20 years after his younger sibling.

5. The last in this group features one brother who appeared in three best picture winners over a decade and a half (the last in a small role). The other co-starred in his best picture winner, sometime between his sibling’s 2nd & 3rd.

On to Married Couples, the largest group I found. I include any two who were married at any point in their lives; it didn’t matter if they were married at the time their films won. In fact, I could only find one case where a couple was married at the time when each of their films won. Hollywood marriages, right?

6. Let’s start with that pair. They didn’t stay married forever, but during their 15 years together, each saw a film of theirs win the top award. The two films were wildly different in tone, and budget. (If no one guesses them quickly, I can provide more explicit clues.)

7. There are three cases of couples who were married for one partner’s winning film, but not the other. In two cases, the films were released during the same decade.

a) The first is another legendary acting winner pair that should be the first to come to mind.

b) In the second case, he’s an acting winner for his best picture. She has been highly awarded in other media, but not film. She had a small but memorable part in a beloved, Oscar-winning film.

c) In the third, he’d already appeared in a winning film prior to their marriage, but had another during their time together. Then, she appeared (in a minor part) in a film that won over 40 years later.

8. An interesting sub-group I’ve encountered: People who met on the sets of their winning movies and subsequently tied the knot. There were four such couples, ranging from the WWII years through the new millennium.

One of them should come easily to mind.

Hint: In each case, one of the partners got an acting nomination for the film, the other didn’t. Three times, it was the female.

9. I found only one case of a couple that married shortly after each had appeared prominently in a best picture winner. It was a short-lived union -– barely 4 years -– but it counts. One of them won an Oscar, the other has been nominated multiple times.

10. Finally, two cases that emerged strictly from IMDB research, and I’d be surprised if anyone gets.

a) Their marriage began and ended long before either got to the Oscars. He appeared in two legendary best picture winners almost two decades apart. She had a smaller role in a film that won between his two. Her name was only vaguely familiar to me.

b) This was one that shocked hell out of me. He appeared in two big best picture winners just a few years apart. She top-lined a best picture winner decades later. You think of her as permanently married to someone else. But they were, in fact, married for about 8 years, prior to either of them being prominent.

And, at last, the parent/child group -- the ones that got me onto this topic in the first place.

11. The parent had a very small part in a famous musical. The offspring had a larger role in a winning movie over 40 years later. (This was the one that inspired this entire topic.)

Hint: The other parent is almost certainly the most famous of the three –- winner of an acting Oscar –- but has never had a best picture winner.

12. The parent is a multi-nominee under acting, and had a juicy supporting role in a powerful best picture winner. The child hasn’t had as prominent a career (though is a Tony winner), but made an impression in a serious drama that won a decade-plus later.

13. Should be the easiest of this group. The parent has appeared in two Oscar winners, more than two decades apart. The child's film won in the years between the two. Both of them have had prominent TV careers.

And, finally, the Oscar-palooza (also the one that explains the asterisk on the sister-sibling question):

14. The parent had minor roles in two best picture winners, two decades apart. One of the offspring also had a small role in the first of those. Two other offspring -– of opposite genders –- appeared in a best picture winner just a view years later than that first film (though one in just a wordless cameo).

I hope you enjoy puzzling these out as much as I enjoyed researching them.
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