Baseball Post-Season 2010

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Post by Damien »

I have to admit, I felt relief more than elation when last night's game was over. Kind of like the dentist saying "Okay, we're done," after root canal.

Tee, I might actually root for the Yanks to make it, both because of the ick-Bush factor that's attached to the Rangers (should they prevail tonight) and also, big IF, if the Giants do get past the Phils, the Yankees/Giants is a classic match-up in terms of historical resonance, especially with the recent death of Bobby Thomson.

Rain, if the Giants do make it into the Series, your haunted house could have a Torture Chamber consisting of the games being televised.

The Phils have to be the favorites. The starting pitchers are pretty much even (though the Phils are, of course, more experienced), but the Phillies have a clear advantage in offense. Still, when the guys have their stuff, the Giants' bullpen is scary good.

Bog, with the kind of offense and fielding your Reds had during the season, I'm sure you'll be back in the thick of things next year.
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Post by rain Bard »

Tee, I am indeed following and rooting for my city's Giants, though mostly I'm not going through the agony of watching the games live.

If only October weren't the busiest month of my year! In addition to my two jobs and keeping on top of film stuff, I'm one of the leaders of a crew putting together a haunted house for Halloween night; for the past few years we've had over 50 volunteers and over 1200 attendees. Though I notice that game 4 of the World Series is scheduled to begin right in the middle of our event, and I was just thinking that we're going to have to come up with some kind of plan in the event that the Giants can get past the Phillies and half our volunteers and guests want to watch the game. Needless to say we've never faced this kind of thing before- what's the etiquette/superstition manual say about counting chickens? Do I wait until the NLCS results are certain to raise the issue, at which point we might have as little as a week to enact the plan?
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Post by Mister Tee »

Congratulations, Damien and danfrank (and rain bard, assuming you're rooting your city on). The Giants look like a decent match for the Phillies (certainly better than the Braves), though I'd feel better about them if their offense wasn't so anemic. Watching these past few games, I found myself thinking, You guys do understand you're allowed to score runs, right? Anyway, they're fortunate to have got by with Baumgarner so they can match up pitch-for-pitch with the Phillies' rotation. Lincecum/Halladay is the kind of game we don't get enough of these days.

I said at the start I thought Tampa was a discernibly better team than Texas, so I'm hardly surprised the Rays have come back. Now they only (only!) have to get past Cliff Lee, in the first all-or-nothing Division Series encounter since '05. As a Yankee fan, I'm neutral as to the outcome, mainly because I think it's bad luck to root for any opponent -- such things have a way of biting one on the ass. I do echo Damien, though: seeing the Bush-man in the dugout evoked an obvious visceral desire to see his team lose. So, Damien, if the Rangers do advance, could you be forced into the philosophically untenable position of preferring the Yanks?

Bog, I've long since come to accept that everyone outside my team's fanbase roots for whoever's playing them. And, honestly, apart from my own team, I have the same preference for novelty -- hence, my hopes for the Giants this year.

The five-game series has always seemed too short. In the first 16 years of divisional playoffs -- '69 through '84 -- the East and West champions of each league played just such a round, and players and fans always moaned how agonizing it was to see a season slip away in what was sometimes a few unlucky afternoons. Finally, in '85, they expanded it to 7, and we immediately saw a number of teams come back from the edge of extinction ('85 Royals, '86 Red Sox). But when they added the divisional playoff round, suddenly we were back to five, and the old problems returned. The problem, of course, is the season is already too damn long (I just realized yesterday this year's Series could extend PAST election day), and we risk grisly weather the further along we go. Perhaps shortening the regular season back to the classic 154 games would help?
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Post by Bog »

CONGRATS NLCS-bound Giants....and Damien and danfrank, et al.

I am firmly in the corner of the Giants amazing pitching/defense and the winner of the Rangers/Rays series (no offense to Tee and Sonic...purely novelty viewpoint) for a World Series that I realize will receive crazy low ratings and be "bad for baseball" but of which I will watch every inning.

caveat: I did watch every inning of last year's series, and would were it a redux this year.
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Post by Bog »

I'm back now...heartbroken and empty, but basically knew that 3 games in a row against these Phillies would have been a miracle akin to Nader winning a popular vote. It was a tough one, but ideally this is a first step. We aren't New York, and if anyone in Cincinnati actually swore to you they believed this was our year to win the Series, well then they don't have an objective bone in their body.

It saddens me to hear so much talk today of the Reds not even being a good team...I find this false. I know what happened down the stretch and how we played against the West coasters and even the Braves, but in my opinion 91 wins is 91 wins....if the Cardinals deserved the spot, they'd have taken it, that's how I see it! Youth crushed us in these playoffs, as we (I believe) tied a record for the fewest errors in a season...BP actually, including the playoffs committed 33% of his errors for the entire season ,in Game 2! Not to mention, statistically the best offensive team in the NL and a .116 BA for these dismal three games.

I'll enjoy the wonderful pitching of the NLCS and hopefully the ALCS as well, and keep watching as a die hard baseball fanatic (at least until the Reds reach a level where it's Series or bust, then it might be hard to keep watching).

I think it's ridiculous that the 5 game series' have lasted as long as they have...the NBA corrected this a few years back. The better team will almost ALWAYS win 4 out of 7, and it's something I think that separates baseball and basketball from all levels of football. However, I think the best of 5 is just too damaging with a tough loss...the Twins had such a debilitating defeat in game 1 that we all knew that was DOA. If that was game 1 of 7, Liriano would still have 2 more cracks at it and it's just 1-0, the Yanks wouldn't have such muscle behind that come-from-behind victory.

Congrats to Tee and Sonic concretely....and Mrs. Sonic, Damien, and danfrank in limbo! Great baseball season so far, and yes, we'll take some hardware and this offseason keep grooming our 6 or 8 potential young stud starters (Volquez, Cueto, Bailey, Wood, Leake, Chapman, Maloney, LeCure) to take some form of a Lincecum, Cain, Sanchez, Bumgardner.

Enough blathering, here's hoping for three 7 game series!
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Post by Damien »

My condolences also to Bog. There's nothing like the empty feeling when all of a sudden your team's offense turns anemic, and you sit there in vain with each new batter, hoping for a sudden tyrnaround. I know it's small consolationn, but at least you do get to look forward to Joey Votto winning the MVP, the voting having been completed before his anemic playoff performance.

And condolences also to Eric. May you find strenth in these Job-like travails. But, Tee, congratulations on your Yankees advancing. I found it hard to come up with a way to congratulate you on making it to the playoffs, because I feared I'd sound snarky since your guys got in even when losing - the wild card being the consolation proze in this year's AL East race. So congratulations on winning and advancing, and now, seriously, no more nice words from me.

The Rangers/Rays series is what baseball fans dream of for the post-season (when your team's not involved). The resiliency of the Rays is joyful to behold almost as much as the fact that the Rangersmessed up in front of the home crowd. I think I posited this somewhere else, but one must rule against a team associated with George W. Bush. And even more so now that a principal owner is Nolan Ryan, who's even more right-wing than George W. Bush.

Giants -- more torture. I would be the first to admit that they didn't deserve to win this game, not with all those squandered opportunities to make the game a blow out.
But, hey, you take a win anyway you can.

And right now Brooks Conrad could probably be elected mayor of San Francisco.

Tee, in addition to Buckner and Durham, I've also seen references to Chuck Knobloch and Dick Stuart. (Being a Keith fan, you probably know this piece of trivia, but a ball that Knobloch threw into the stands hit Olberman's Mom -- a lifelong, die-hard Yankee fan.)

Felt bad that Sanchez didn't get the win, as his pitching was nearly as impressive as Lincecum's the other day. And Buster Posey is one lucky guy -- the mis-call on his steal attempt in Game 1 leading to the victory, the error by Conrad on what was obviously going to be the game-ender. Tee, I believe Linceum will be held for a possible Game 5, or Game 1 vs the Phils, with the rookie with the memorable name of Madison Bumgarner starting. He was uneven during the year, but game into his own down the stretch, so much so that Barry Zito was kept off the roster.

A couple random thoughts:

Watching the playoffs on TBS, you get inundated with promos for new TBS/TNT series that you never hear of again, I believe it was 2 years ago that it was some guy who did mediocre impersonations of Bush and Jack Nicholson. Last year, George Lopez's talk show -- is that still on? Conan seems so sad in these surroundings.

Cole Hamels is the best-looking guy in baseball.

Apparently. there is some discussion about having the first round of play-offs being expanded to best 4 out of 7. The announcers for the Padres -- during one of the last weekend games with the Giants -- both expressed support for the change, arguing that you get to the play-offs with your entire 5 man rotation, so moving to the next step should also involve the entire team. Makes sense to me, certainly more so than having additional teams in the post-season. Any thoughts?

Is anyone else as bothered as I by the Chrysler commercial that has run incessantly in which a little boy is chased by schoolmates and then jumps into the back of his Mom's car. I'm not sure if this was the ad's intent, but the 3 kids chasing him seem like bullies, and the kid seems terrified. It's not like some friendly race home from school with your buddies. And thenm the smiling mother greets hin with "Oh, there you are Sweetie," oblivious to the fact that the son she adores is not well-liked and is being picked on. I just hate this commercial. (Or am I being too sensitive?)

Edited By Damien on 1286779709
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Post by Mister Tee »

Well, first off, condolences to Bog. Though I've had the good fortune to see my team win on more than one occasion, I've also known the sour feeling of going home in the first round, and I'm mindful of the emptiness it creates -- you've rooted a team to this point for six months, and in three unlucky days it vanishes. Very sorry.

As for Giant are your hearts? I assume you spent about ten minutes feeling utterly suicidal -- ruing all those squandered opportunities in the first 8 innings that left the door open for the Braves to storm ahead. (Figures it would have been Hinske, the post-season good luck charm, to hit the homer) But then what followed! Let's not put it all on the unfortunate Conrad. Atlanta has now spent 20 years in playoff territory, and they've never once developed a consistent closer. (The closest was Rocker, till he went off the deep end) It was absurd to be putting a rookie in to face the tying run in a game of that import. With a standard bullpen, the game would likely not have got to even.

But then, of course, there was Conrad, making a play that will live in Atlanta infamy. Comparisons to Bill Buckner of course arose, and some old-timers will mention Leon Durham, who made a near-identical fluff against SD in the decisive NLCS game of 1984. And suddenly the Giants are in command.

So...Lincecum tomorrow on 3 days, with Cain to follow on regular rest if necesaary? Or does Tim have issues with short rest?

Meantime, from a Yankee fan's pespective, the remaining ALDS series is doing just what we'd hope: forcing Price and Lee to be used on Tuesday, making either unavailable till game 3, probably, of the ALCS. That won't assure a return trip to the Series -- either of those teams are perfectly capable of a solid showing -- but it will give the slightest of edges.
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Post by Mister Tee »

So, an ugly day for this board's rooters (except for, by proxy, Mrs. Sonic).

Damien, in case you haven't gleaned from reports by now: the Reds gave up two unearned runs in the 5th, then suffered a meltdown not entirely of their own making in the 7th. Utley was awarded first after being said to be hit by a 102-MPH pitch from Chapman. Oddly, Utley didn't even flinch -- apparently because it didn't actually hit him. (When this same circumstance occurred with Derek Jeter a few weeks back, ESPN ran seminars on cheating. Last night? Crickets) The next batter hit a ground ball that had Utley forced at 2nd, except the umpire blew the call. No matter. Chapman got the next batter on a fly ball to right...except Bruce (it's being said) lost the ball in the lights and let it roar past him. A Little League inning, and the Reds were down for good. Their odds were poor from the start, but it'd be cataclysmic for them to come back from this.

The Giants of course dealt with their own bad fielding last night, then failed to score at a prime opportunity against the usually rile-able Farnsworth (whom Braves fan may now finally forgive for the '05 grand slam). As much as I'm rooting for the Giants, I can't help but feel good for Rick Ankiel being the hero -- given all the angst he's been through in his career.

I know NL fans are theological about hating the DH, but it's all what you're used to. For all the "no strategy" arguments, alot of AL-ers would view NL pitchers as weenie-wusses bailed out in early innings by facing pitchers who couldn't hit the side of a barn.
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Post by danfrank »

Regarding the Giants: Ack!

Tee and Sonic: No worries that the Giants would produce a boring sweep. If they're going to win, they'll take it to the torturous end.

Damien: I'm with you re: the DH. Takes all (well, too much of) the strategy out of baseball.

Other random thoughts:

Timmy in Game 1: Genius!

Posey in Game 1: Definitely out. He even said so.

Instant Replay: The game is long enough already! Human error is part of what makes baseball a great spectacle.

Reds errors in Game 2: Ouch!!!
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Post by Damien »

This why the catch phrase is: Giants Baseball. Torture. I wanted all the series to at least not start off 2-0 except for one of them and, well . . .

Though, admittedly, at this point I'm not as beat up as Eric or Bog.

I had to go ut this evening, and left with the Reds in a safe place. WTF happened?

Two other thoughts:

Buck Martinez has a voice that was made for silent movies.

During the course of the year, I rarely watch American League games, and these playoffs reminded me why. It's not real baseball when you have the DH, and the American League is only worth putting up with because in late October it will face the Nationals. No pinch hitting for the pitcher. No double switch It's an uninteresting, matter of fact power-based take-over of the most human of sports. And I firmly believe that anyone who loves baseball can not be an American League fan, any more than a Republican can love the U.S, Constitution. It's perfect that Giuliani's team is American League,

Edited By Damien on 1286607350
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Post by Mister Tee »

Sonic Youth wrote:Written after the Giants' three run homer in the first inning:

Is it possible that the first round of playoffs will all be decided by streaks? How dull.
It's been sadly the norm of late. I think last year at most one first-round series went more than three games. They might have been all sweeps.

Bog, I hope for your sake you weren't watching tonight. Chapman deserved better than that umpire blunder + Keystone Kops fielding.
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Post by Sonic Youth »

Written after the Giants' three run homer in the first inning:

Is it possible that the first round of playoffs will all be decided by streaks? How dull.

Edited By Sonic Youth on 1286589807
"What the hell?"
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Post by Mister Tee »

So, Tim Lincecum pitches what would normally be a legendary game, and has to settle for the number two spot for the week.

The "must have replay" caucus is in full gear today, after three believed-miscalled plays shifted outcomes yesterday. It sure did look like Posey was tagged before 2nd base; Michael Young's checked-swing looked like "he went too far"; and Pavano's pitch to Berkman seemed to paint the inside corner.

But...whether the infielder's glove grazed Posey or caught a little air is impossible to pinpoint no matter how many times you watch it; my observation over the years is that EVERY checked swing goes far enough, and it's just a matter of luck getting the umpire's call; and the umpire in Yankees/Twins had been giving outside pitches (including one egregious one in that same at bat) but not inside pitches all night -- something Pavano should have been aware of by the 7th inning.

More to the point: Ross still had to single Posey in; Young still had to hit the ball out; and Berkman still had to do something with his "extra" pitch. This is how baseball works: questionable calls happen, but it's usually what happens next that matters. The Twins got a ridiculous call in their favor on what should have been the final out of Game 1. Mo rendered it meaningless by getting Thome on the next pitch. Lowe, Qualls and Pavano failed to do the same. That's why we're where we are today.
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Post by Bog »

So then there's that..........WTF!
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Post by FilmFan720 »

I listened to the first half of the game on the way home, but went to the DVR when I got home...I now wish I had turned the game on:)
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