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Re: BAFTA long list

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:20 pm
by anonymous1980
I want to say how wonderful that Alan Rickman for The Deathly Hallows Part 2 is shortlisted. It's a longshot that he'll make the final five but here's hoping. :lol:

Re: BAFTA long list

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:27 pm
by Big Magilla
Sabin wrote:I don't understand. What is the purpose of this list? These aren't the nominees, right?

Because the point of showing who didn't win is to show the nominees, or rather who could win etc, etc.
This is a preliminary list which gets whittled down to teh final five. The asterisked names are those with the most votes on the preliminary list. The actual list of nominees can and sometiems does change.

Re: BAFTA long list

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:53 pm
by Damien
Sonic Youth wrote:
mayukh wrote:Chuckling at the Bryce Dallas Howard mention.
She's my personal front-runner for a Razzie award.

I don't think I've ever read a BAFTA longlist on their official website before, and the footnote which reads "Denotes chapter selelction from Round One" intrigues me. I assume it means the nominee received enough votes right off the bat, which means support is quite strong. This includes nothing for Best Film or Best British Film, which is perhaps not unexpected. But in the Director category The Artist, Drive, Hugo, Tinker Tailor and Talk About Kevin (interesting how they don't list the director's names) are all footnoted. I don't know if that usually translates to a nomination, but it seems reasonable enough to me.

FWIW, Bryce Dallas Howard is also footnoted, god help us all.
Five acting nominations (and Best Director) for The Help. Good Lord, these people are even more moronic than the Broadcast Critic guys.

Re: BAFTA long list

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:51 pm
by Sabin
I don't understand. What is the purpose of this list? These aren't the nominees, right?

Because the point of showing who didn't win is to show the nominees, or rather who could win etc, etc.

Re: BAFTA long list

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:15 pm
by Sonic Youth
mayukh wrote:Chuckling at the Bryce Dallas Howard mention.
She's my personal front-runner for a Razzie award.

I don't think I've ever read a BAFTA longlist on their official website before, and the footnote which reads "Denotes chapter selelction from Round One" intrigues me. I assume it means the nominee received enough votes right off the bat, which means support is quite strong. This includes nothing for Best Film or Best British Film, which is perhaps not unexpected. But in the Director category The Artist, Drive, Hugo, Tinker Tailor and Talk About Kevin (interesting how they don't list the director's names) are all footnoted. I don't know if that usually translates to a nomination, but it seems reasonable enough to me.

FWIW, Bryce Dallas Howard is also footnoted, god help us all.

Re: BAFTA long list

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:34 am
by mayukh
Chuckling at the Bryce Dallas Howard mention.

Vanessa Redgrave's snub absolutely confounds me. Kristen Wiig over Elizabeth Olsen? At least Marion Cotillard got a (singular) mention somewhere – she was the bright spot of a painfully simplistic film.

Re: BAFTA long list

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:07 am
by Okri
It would resonate more strrongly with AMPAS than BAFTA, I think. Not that I think it's getting anywhere with AMPAS beyond cinematography and another tech or two.

Re: BAFTA long list

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:55 am
by rudeboy
Well I think this all but kills any glimmer of hope for a Vanessa Redgrave nomination - no sign of her even as the barely buzzed Ralph Fiennes makes the longlist for the same film. Otherwise a fairly yawnsome list featuring most of the usual suspects - although seeing My Week With Marilyn and The Iron Lady, neither of which received very good reviews here beyond their leading ladies, show up in so many categories is a little odd.

Only a British film mention for Submarine? The lack of, at least, a screenplay mention is shocking.

Oh and The Tree of Life barely registers. Will this be repeated in the Oscar nominations, or will it resonate more strongly with the American Academy?

BAFTA long list

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:48 am
by Big Magilla