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Re: Director's Guild of America Predictions

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:30 pm
by anonymous1980
My predictions:

Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris
Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist
Alexander Panye, The Descendants
Martin Scorsese, Hugo
Steven Spielberg, War Horse
Terrence Malick, The Tree of Life
Bennett Miller, Moneyball
Tate Taylor, The Help

Director's Guild of America Predictions

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:08 pm
by Sabin
Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Motion Pictures
Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris
Michael Hazanavicius, The Artist
Alexander Payne, The Descendants
Martin Scorsese, Hugo
Tate Taylor, The Help

Well, I'm not including War Horse in the lineup just yet. I haven't seen the film, so I'll happily amend that in a few weeks, but here's my rationale:

I'm most convinced about Michael Hazanavicius and Woody Allen. The former has won more awards than anyone this year for directing outside of Martin Scorsese. He's getting in, and maybe he's getting it. More so than Scorsese or Spielberg, Woody Allen was the Great Master whose career was reevaluated this year with the biggest hit he's had in years/ever, Midnight in Paris. Scorsese and Spielberg can't claim that. Woody missed out his past couple of outings, but I think this will be his fifth DGA nomination.

I remain unconvinced of the industry's love for The Descendants and Hugo. The former has gotten great reviews, is doing moderate box office, and was the eagerly awaited follow-up to Alexander Payne's Oscar-winning last feature. It's been eclipsed this award's season by The Artist and Hugo and hasn't won more than a single Best Picture citation. The Golden Globes could and likely will change that, but I could see a case of Whatever Happened to The Descendants happening w/r/t an Alexander Payne snub. Also, I'm not convinced people in the industry love Hugo. It hasn't made any movie and likely won't for ages. I think it might be seen as more of a critic's darling than a real awards contender. But Martin Scorsese has won a bunch of awards and he got nominated at the DGA for the likes of Gangs of New York and The Aviator (two other films I'm not convinced people truly loved), so he'll likely get in here as well.

I haven't seen War Horse so I can't comment on Spielberg's chances because I haven't seen the film. But I haven't spoken to anybody who is eager to see it. I'm sure it's not a bad film, but I just see it as a film people are going to resist.

That leaves Terrence Malick, Stephen Daldry, Nicolas Winding Refn, and Bennett Miller. So ultimately, it's going to go to Tate Taylor. He hasn't received a single citation yet for directing, but I think that could change very easily as The Help picks up steam and he rides it along to nominations. I know it's a crap shoot, but I could see The Help being a film that everybody in the industry just likes and Taylor being the beneficiary.