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Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:05 pm
by Damien
When I saw A Prophet in April I put Niels Arestrupin at the top of my Best Supporting Actor list, and he's remained there ever since. So I'm delighted (and utterly surprised) at his victory.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:33 am
by The Original BJ
Quickly, let me just echo that I too was fairly excited to see a list of critics awards where personal preference and individual thought played a part -- they weren't just trying to predict the Oscars, as so many groups these days seem to be trying to do.

And it's not like there was some obvious agenda to go against the grain either. You really get the sense that this list is just what these critics really liked -- some foreign films, some down-the-middle American dramas, some blockbusters. It feels like a list put together by actual personal opinions, rather than groupthink.

Yeah, I think the fact that this group didn't go for Firth last year makes his win not terribly surprising.

I haven't yet seen Mother, but it's available on Netflix Instant, so anyone else who hasn't seen it can do so fairly easily.

I can see I wasn't the only person to have a reaction to Supporting Actor akin to "Who?...Oh yeah, he was good."

LOVE the idea of Jacki Weaver as an Oscar nominee...really hoping these early awards put her in this race!

Last Train Home is one of the few docs I've heard a lot of positive things about that didn't make the Oscar eligibility shortlist. So it's nice it earned this recognition. (It will be available on Netflix Instant on Jan. 1, FYI.)

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:29 am
by Big Magilla
Well, I liked that one, but not Mother.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:22 am
by Precious Doll
Big Magilla wrote:Give me a good Hong Kong thriller like Oldboy any day.
Oldboy was Korean.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:35 am
by Big Magilla
Give me a good Hong Kong thriller like Oldboy any day.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:58 am
by Precious Doll
I agreed with Okri that the ending of Mother is astonishing, probably one of the best endings of any film in recent years. Hhowever I found much of The Killer Inside Me groan inducing (and I'm not referring to the violence in it) with the silly ending adding to my disdain for Winterbottom's film.

I am glad that a few people have seen Mother and despite it being one of my favorites from 2009, do acknowledge that it is not to everybody's taste. Korean humor does not sit well with everyone, and the mixture of comedy with thriller drama elements probably alienates some viewers. My mother for example did not like Mother, and generally does not like Korean films. My father, however used to enjoy them immensely.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:39 am
by Big Magilla
Okri, if you thought the ending of Mother was awesome, you really ought to see The Killer Inside Me. The ending of that is ten times as awesome! :cool:

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:35 am
by Okri
Saw it. My second/third favourite film of 2010. Hye-Ja's awesome. The ending in particular was astonishing.

I thought Arestup was good but prefered Bencherif (and Rahim as the lead was sensational and would be my pick there if I didn't consder A Prophet a 2009 film).

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:27 am
by Big Magilla
Precious Doll wrote:
Big Magilla wrote:I had to read that quote a couple of times to realize it was referring to Swinton in Julia last year, not the moribund I Am Love this year.

I don't get the love for Mother either. Maybe they were just saying they prefer crazy in a language they don't understand to crazy (Portman) in one they do.
Magilla have you seen Mother?

Actually aside from Sabin and myself has anyone seen Mother?
I did and I didn't like it.

I particularly loathed the ending.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:24 am
by Precious Doll
I'm very happy with Best Actress, Supporting Actor & Supporting Actress wins.

I was nearly going to put Edgar Ramírez as my second prediction for Best Actor but I wasn't sure if Carlos had been released in the US.

I suspect Colin Firth may have partly won because of his work in A Single Man last year. Film critics to sometimes tend to give make up awards just like the Oscars.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:10 am
by Precious Doll
Big Magilla wrote:I had to read that quote a couple of times to realize it was referring to Swinton in Julia last year, not the moribund I Am Love this year.

I don't get the love for Mother either. Maybe they were just saying they prefer crazy in a language they don't understand to crazy (Portman) in one they do.

Magilla have you seen Mother?

Actually aside from Sabin and myself has anyone seen Mother?

Edited By Precious Doll on 1292217922

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:05 pm
by Mister Tee
Excerpted from an LA Times article covering the awards...some further info about the voting:

"Although their wins were limited, "Black Swan" and "Ghost Writer" had significant support throughout the voting.

Among the presumed Oscar contenders, there were few votes for "The Fighter," "127 Hours," "The Kids Are All Right" and "Another Year" in any categories. Christian Bale ("The Fighter"), James Franco ("127 Hours") and Annette Bening ("The Kids Are All Right") all received a handful of votes in the acting categories but were never much of a factor. Melissa Leo and Amy Adams did receive backing for supporting actress but wound up splitting "The Fighter's" votes in that category. The Coen brothers' "True Grit" had several passionate supporters but not enough votes to be a factor."

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:15 pm
by Big Magilla
I thought the TV rule applied to films shown on TV before their theatrical runs. Has that changed?

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:05 pm
by HarryGoldfarb
I don't know it it is elegible or not, but surely here this is goin' to be BIG news. Edgar Ramírez is such a beloved actor here, specially cause he's very charismatic. He started afew years ago as a supporting actor in several soap operas and eventually left; i guess; to the Actor's Studio. If his minor performance in Bourne Ultimatum was considered here like the best thing since bread came sliced I can only imagine the impact of this...

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:59 pm
by Okri
Mister Tee wrote:I think October is about when Carlos was exhibited here, at the Lincoln Plaza. Is the mere fact it was on TV near the same time disqualifying? Is everything that shows on IFC in Theatres ineligible?
No. Just the stuff we want to be eligible, like "Summer Hours" and "Still Walking."

"In the Loop" was eligible, for a counterpoint.

I really think it depends on whether IFC is willing to campaign/submit, and they've stated that they're pushing it for the emmys.