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Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:12 pm
by The Original BJ
--flipp525 wrote:
--Mister Tee wrote:
--Bog wrote:
Consider this thirded.


And fifthed. She gave a much more impressive performance in RR.

I agree too...

...though I'd still vote for her Reader performance out of this lineup.

Edited By Big Magilla on 1250401683

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:57 pm
by flipp525
--Mister Tee wrote:
--Bog wrote:
--Reza wrote:
I really want Winslet to win this year. Pity it has to be for The Reader. She deserves the award more for Revolutionary Road.

Consider this thirded.


And fifthed. She gave a much more impressive performance in RR.

Edited By Big Magilla on 1250401700

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:53 pm
by Mister Tee
--Bog wrote:
--Reza wrote:
--Mike Kelly wrote:I wish Winslet was up for Revolutionary Road.

I really want Winslet to win this year. Pity it has to be for The Reader. She deserves the award more for Revolutionary Road.

Consider this thirded.


Edited By Big Magilla on 1250401710

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:46 am
by The Original BJ
I voted for Milk, though on another day I might have picked Benjamin Button. The latter wins points for its visual wow (I think the cinematography prize easily belongs right here) as well as for its ambition, but overreaches a bit. The former is a little more limited in terms of narrative and visual imagination, but I think it's ultimately more successful in terms of accomplishing its aims, so it gets my vote. Plus, I think it's thematically the richest of the nominees, and has the best cast too.

Slumdog Millionaire is an entertaining movie. I really have no problem with it winning. It's not tremendous and I certainly think it's been overpraised...but the backlash is about equally out of control, I think. Just because it makes you feel great doesn't mean it's high art...but I wouldn't want to dismiss a movie just for being feel-great either.

Frost/Nixon is enjoyable -- well written and very well acted. It shouldn't be Best Picture material, but on its limited terms, it's good, and I can't understand anyone getting too offended by it. (On the other hand, I can't understand anyone getting too excited by it either...)

The more I think about The Reader, the less I like it, (and, aside from Winslet, I didn't much like it to begin with.) A completely dull, wholly miscalculated effort. The worst Best Picture surprise since Chocolat.

It's strange -- this is certainly the weakest Best Picture lineup in a while and yet I support 100% the nominations of three of these films. Still, I think I'd support WALL-E over and above all.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:32 pm
by Sabin
Milk >> Frost/Nixon >>>>> Slumjamin Buttonaire

The Reader disqualified from equation for reasons of being directed by Stephen Daldry. I'm rather astonished that Frost/Nixon has fewer fans than The Reader. It would be my runner up choice.

Edited By Sabin on 1235086407

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:04 pm
by barrybrooks8
I voted for The Reader. It's the only one I gave an A.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:51 am
by Reza
The Guardian - UK

Why Slumdog Millionaire will win after its seven-Bafta triumph.

Here are 10 reasons why Danny Boyle's crowdpleaser is unsurpassable in the race for the little gold men.

1 It is good enough to win – and it helps that it has poor competition this year.

2 Like its hero, it is the dark-horse, outsider candidate that has come out of nowhere with no stars.

3 In the crucial voting period, it is the film that continues to do great business wherever it plays.

4 The people who like this film adore it – there is no other film in contention that has such an enthusiastic following.

5 For years now, the Indian film industry has been a much discussed but marginalised phenomenon. Now the western audience begins to see what "Bollywood" is like and is reminded of old Hollywood.

6 The fable-like structure of the film has the strength and simplicity of a fairytale.

7 The film is full of delightful newcomers.

8 It is all about money at a moment when no topic concerns us more.

9 The profound hatred or mistrust of corrupt wealth and the consequent adoration of lucky poverty could not have a better dramatic demonstration.

10 The new air of magical realism is about to crush photographic realism in the movies.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:21 am
by Bog
--Reza wrote:
--Mike Kelly wrote:I wish Winslet was up for Revolutionary Road.

I really want Winslet to win this year. Pity it has to be for The Reader. She deserves the award more for Revolutionary Road.

Consider this thirded.

Edited By Big Magilla on 1250401637

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:29 pm
by Reza
--Mike Kelly wrote:I wish Winslet was up for Revolutionary Road.

I really want Winslet to win this year. Pity it has to be for The Reader. She deserves the award more for Revolutionary Road.

Edited By Big Magilla on 1250401626

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:33 pm
by Mike Kelly
Slumdog was my clear favorite among the nominees, with Button, Milk and Frost/Nixon just a notch below. I didn't care for The Reader. I just didn't buy into it. And just as I preferred James Stewart in The Shop Around the Corner over his make-up Award for The Philadelphia Story, I wish Winslet was up for Revolutionary Road.

Edited By Big Magilla on 1250401658

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:12 pm
by OscarGuy
I would have voted for Milk long before I would vote for Slumdog (probably even vote Frost/Nixon before it), but my vote went to Benjamin Button.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:53 pm
by Zahveed
Now we're getting somewhere. Who is going to be the tie breaker?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:27 pm
by Bog
That's now 3 votes for The Reader...along with Jim's confessed vote for Frost/Nixon

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:47 pm
by Hustler

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:27 pm
by Okri
Slumdog Millionaire. Wouldn't mind Milk, if only because I want Focus Features to get a best picture oscar before Fox Searchlight (that's right, you heard me).