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Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:05 am
by FilmFan720
They said at the theatre that they are all available on iTunes, but I haven't checked. I have seen them there in past years, though.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:23 pm
by Zahveed
Is there a place online to see these films without going to see them in the theater bundle?

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:14 pm
by FilmFan720
Saw all five of these today, so figured I would chime in.

Presto, the most widely seen thanks to Wall-E, is an amusing film, but rests on a one-note joke. Oktapodi is even more entertaining, but is also even more one-note and only 2 minutes long. It seems to me that the Academy likes their longer, more substantial cartoons in this category and both are not likely winners.

This Way Up is a very funny British film that goes on too long, going from a cute one-joke film into a weird Tim Burton-esque piece that falls apart afterwards. I can't see people really going for it.

To me, this is between the two best films of the bunch: Lavatory-Lovestory and La Maison en Petites Cubes. Lavatory is my favorite of the bunch, a very funny, simply drawn black and white love poem that the packed house ate up today. It is funny, touching, heart-warming and lovely. It seems just odd enough, yet safe enough, to attract voters. My guess, though, is that the award goes to the Japanese La Maison en Petites Cubes. It is a touching, silent piece about an old man who keeps building extra floors to his house as the waters around him continue to rise. As he goes on an expedition down through his house, and sees his life unfold as he goes room to room, the audience was welling up in tears. It is funny yet touching, with a subtle political message. It is also impeccably made, and the longest and most substantial of the films. I would put my money on it.