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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:49 pm
by Okri
Arcadia and Jerusalem are both terrific plays. I haven't read Bengal Tiger yet but I have it sitting here.

Skip That Championship Season. A 70's mediocrity that really shouldn't be revived.

Fat Pig is middle Labute, so only see if it's cheap.

Intelligent Homosexual's Guide is Kushner, which means I consider it a must see regardless.

Spider-man will still be in previews then. So don't bother (no, not technically, but come on).

War Horse is supposed to be AMAZING, and it should be open in April.

The Whipping Man's reviews are also quite strong, but it closes early April

There's a new Christopher Shinn play at the Vineyard without an official opening date, but could be open in April. He's a great writer and worth checking out. Lynn Nottage also has a new play and her last one, Ruined, was phenomenal.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:12 pm
by Cinemanolis
I will be in New York in April and i plan to see 8-9 Broadway shows. Your suggestions are always appreciated.

Have booked

Company (Neil Patrick Harris, Patti LuPone, Stephen Colbert)
House of Blue Leaves (Ben Stiller, Eddie Falco, Jennifer Jason Leigh)

Considering the following

American Idiot
Spider Man: Turn off the Dark
That Championship Season (Jason Patric, Kiefer Sutherland, Brian Cox)
High (Kathleen Turner)
Good People (Frances McDormand, Tate Donnovan, Estelle Parsons)
Arcadia (Billy Crudup, Raul Esparza)
Bengal Tiger (Robin Williams)
Gruesome Playground Injuries
Anything Goes
Book of Mormons
Fat Pig
Intelligent Homosexuals' Guide to the...

Unfortunately "Driving Mrs Daisy" and "Other Dessert Cities" will have closed by the time i get to NY.

Any suggestions? Have you seen any of these?