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Post by Leeder »

Check out this book and perhaps this one. They're among the best books of their kind I've seen.

But basically the best advice is to establish a publishing record first. Publish short fiction where you can. (HINT). And then have a resume you can present to publishers. But remember -- for every thousand books that are written, one is published.
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Post by Big Magilla »

You might also want to check out the websites of various book publishers for their policies on accepting unsolicited manuscripts.
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Post by Greg »

Wes, as an aspiring screenwriter, I've posted scripts on Francis Ford Coppola's American Zoetrope site. It doesn't have a section for novels; but, it does have sections for novellas and short stories. You can reach the site here:

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Post by OscarGuy »

I guess the major question is: how does one get published?
Wesley Lovell
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Post by Damien »

OscarGuy wrote:So far, one respondent. Anyone else?

Sorry, Wes, but I am just not a fantasy novel person; they're anathema to me. (I got into a shouting match with a high school English teacher over C.S. Lewis's Perelandra; I was furious that we were reading that when there were so many novels about real life LOL).

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Post by Leeder »

Hi O.G. I wish you all the luck with your publishing. As a successful (read: published... not too recently, come to think of it) fantasy writer myself, I've adopted a policy of never reading anything unpublished... too many nasty legal situations have happened to too many writers. But keep at it; persistence will pay off. It did for me. And by all means, send me any questions if you want to know about my (admittedly very limited) experience of the publishing industry.
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Post by OscarGuy »

So far, one respondent. Anyone else?
Wesley Lovell
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Post by OscarGuy »

I never finished the second book namely due to an increase of activity in my life. However, I was thinking the other day how much I'd really like to get published. However, I'm not going to bother if my work isn't worth it.

I am looking for serious fantasy enthusiasts or those who don't mind slogging through a fantasy novel. If you are interested and want to give me serious feedback on quality, publishability, originality, etc, send me a private message. I'd like to get several opinions if possible.

Fair warning: it is 333 pages, but it's double spaced and uses Courier New font, which should make it easier and faster to read.
Wesley Lovell
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Post by OscarGuy »

The Official NaNoWriMo month began today. I've started my second book.

If anyone is interested in participating, go to and sign up. If you want to be on my buddy list and vice versa or on anyone else's, just post your link here.
Wesley Lovell
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Post by OscarGuy »

I'm done. I don't know how good it is, but it's finally finished.
Wesley Lovell
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Post by OscarGuy »

Believe me, I've given virtually nothing away here. There's no plot detail and there's really no character detail. I highly doubt what I've posted here will ruin anyone's enjoyment. And I will try to publish if I can ever finish it...
Wesley Lovell
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Post by criddic3 »

Is it wise to advertise any of it really, in case you want to publish it?
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Post by OscarGuy »

So the actual month is November, some friends and I decided to do this "write a novel in a month" thing. We're supposed to write 1600+ words a day until we have a 50,000-word novel by the end of August.

Today was our first day of writing and I'm quite proud of what I've done. Set in a world where the gods have profound influence on the lives of the people, a group of adventurers who must uncover the truth about the coming age and what it will mean for the history of the world.

Every 50 years, when the Sun and Moon (gods themselves) come together, a meeting of the gods is held. Together they decide which of them will hold dominion over the world below.

The adventurers must discover which god holds dominion over the age and along the way uncover truths about themselves and the gods that have so influenced their lives.

So, anyway, I hit nearly 5,400 words today, which is about as many as I should be writing in four days. The kit we got suggests we keep a daily blog of some sort, so I guess I'm going to post my accomplishments here. You're welcome to comment if you like. And if anyone knows the best page set up and font and paragraph format to use to equate to the printed page, I'd appreciate some advice.

Today began Chapter I: The New Chosen. It will be broken into 10 sections, covering each of ten characters whose deeds will play a role in the Dawn of a New Age: The Tower of Eawun. My current outline covers four books total, each one will feature one of the four towers of the elemental gods Airun, Fyrun, Terrun and Eawun (Air, Fire, Earth and Water), though not exclusively.

The first character I cover is a human woman by the name of Niefyra. I discuss her childhood initially and mostly her final trial in her quest to become a Guide.

I'm forbidden from posting excerpts from the novel, but I finished her section and have nine more to go before I finish Chapter One.
Wesley Lovell
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
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