The X-Factor - Season 6 - The UK's American Idol - only better...

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Post by OscarGuy »

And here it was a big deal when Whitney broke from Bobby and went into rehab because he'd gotten her addicted to drugs. But, I guess they didn't break the addiction after all.
Wesley Lovell
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Post by jack »

I've never voted for any finalist on any of these shows, but I felt compelled last night to vote for John & Edward.

Did any of you managed to watch the Peter Kay piss-take of shows like X-Factor, American Idol etc...? The three 'finalists' he had werent anywhere near as bad as these two boys, and I love that... The greatest piss-take of any of these shows is actually happening on the show.

Though, in fairness the two kids in the bottom two must have felt awfull knowing that they garnered fewer votes than the Dublin boys.

I had to stop watching when Huston came on it was that bad. For a moment I thought they may in fact bring her out in a wheelchair and be subjected to her drooling for four minutes. I've since watched it again on YouTube and I don't think she knew where she was.

You just gotta love train wreck TV.


I just found this on the Gaurdian website.... Pure genius:

I'm backing John and Edward to win The X Factor. Who's with me?
The twins stop the entire X Factor series from sliding into a long, flat never-ending chunk of inadequacy

Now that it takes up three entire hours of your weekend (not counting ITV2's The Xtra Factor), it's never been clearer that X Factor is less of a talent show and more of a high-level endurance test of your tolerance for mediocrity.

Or at least it would be, were it not for the two shining knights who single-handedly manage to stop the entire series from sliding into a long, flat, never-ending funk of flaccid inadequacy. That's right - I'm talking about the mighty, often Jesuslike, John and Edward. No, really.

This weekend's X Factor saw an almost unprecedented level of hatred pitched towards Irish twins John and Edward Grimes. When it emerged that they'd been saved ahead of desperately anonymous eventual loser Ricky Loney, they were booed offstage by the studio audience while Cheryl Cole deliberately singled them out for abuse. And today I'm here to say enough's enough. It's time for Britain to put its prejudices aside and give John and Edward a chance.

Right now the continued survival of John and Edward might make you genuinely furious, but it's important to remember that the singing sibling duo has long been X Factor's whipping boy of choice. You may remember The MacDonald Brothers, two mind-numbingly dreary, subpar Runrig wannabes who limped to fourth place in 2006 despite a constant haranguing from Simon Cowell. Or Same Difference, the creepy boy-girl duo from 2007 who ended up coming third even though they almost gave Louis Walsh an aneurysm.

Neither of these acts even came close to reaching Jon and Edward's glorious levels of magnificence. They were all too busy telling sad stories about their childhoods to try to win the audience over. But not John and Edward. John and Edward don't have childhoods. They just exist. They were here long before us. And they'll be here long after we've gone. John and Edward are magical.

Also, let's look at Rhydian Roberts - possibly the most talented singer never to win X Factor. Remember how much everyone hated Rhydian at first, just like they hate John and Edward now? Remember how Rhydian had to spend about a month of X Factor live shows bumbling around in fur coats singing ludicrously camp Shirley Bassey and Village People cover versions, just like how John and Edward are being forced to goon around to Robbie Williams and Britney Spears songs now? And then remember how one night – out of absolutely nowhere – Rhydian suddenly sang a version of Somewhere that was so brimming with faultless clarity and beauty that it instantly reduced everyone to a crumpled sobbing wreck? Could John and Edward's Somewhere be just a couple of weeks away? Could it? Yes. Probably not, but yes.

And finally, we shouldn't forget that John & Edward's transcendent performance of Oops ... I Did It Again on Saturday was an all-time X Factor high point. It was utterly majestic. If you want to look at it from a technical level there might have been one or two timing and pitch issues - but it wasn't a performance that should be picked apart on a technical level. It should be spiritually absorbed in one go. And, taken like that, it was life-changing. It was the sort of performance that, if it was projected on to the side of the moon, would stop all global conflict and unite mankind in an instant. Honestly, by the time John and Edward decided to include the song's romantic spoken-word interlude in their performance, you could almost hear the nation's Sky+ boxes simultaneously burst into flames from overuse.

It was perfect. John and Edward are perfect. They're head and shoulders above everyone else on this year's show. The campaign to make John and Edward win X Factor starts here. Who's with me?

Anyone? No?

Posted by Stuart Heritage Monday 19 October 2009

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Post by rudeboy »

I love John & Edward, who at least seem genuinely aware that they're diabolical - even Simon Cowell seems to be warming to them.

Favourites in terms of actual ability - Joe, Stacey and Jamie Afro.

Did you see Whitney Houston's dress come undone last night? And what the hell had she taken?? Woman couldn't string a sentence together.

Edited By rudeboy on 1255953284
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Post by jack »

Not sure if you guys are aware of this show (some of you are). I know that it's not broadcast in the US (not sure about the rest of Europe), but here is the YouTube page containing all the performances.

Check out John & Edward - the old 'so bad it's good' adage is out in spades over these two.

Enjoy .... by clicking here.
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