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Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:23 am
by Damien
For criddic: The McCain Girls

(each candidate gets the "Girls" he or she deserves)

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 11:45 pm
by Johnny Guitar
I am convinced that he is a performance artist after all!


Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:33 pm
by criddic3
OscarGuy wrote:You ARE ill-informd, Criddic. You ignore contrary evidence to all of your claims. If you want to "interpret" history your own way, then let me introduce you to Hitler. History's not really up to interpretation. Debate, maybe, but facts are facts and if you want to ignore facts so that you can sleep better at night, go right ahead. Continue living in your little fantasy world where the United States isn't the most aggressive, power hungry country in the world, imposing its imperialist dogma on other, less powerful nations. In Criddictopia, Iraqis are terrorists because they come from the same region of the world as Al Qaeda, so we should wage war on them for enabling Osama bin Laden.

But, Johnny's right, there's no point in arguing with someone who really only has opinion, fallacy and extremely minimal amounts of fact to support their deductions.

I have over time shared articles and editorials from much better-informed people than myself, which promptly go ignored shrugged off. Your arguments are filled with one-sided opinions much more they are with facts that can be supported. Disagreeing is not the same as being wrong. It is fine with me that you all live in a fantasy world where things are done by a committee of liberal refugees from the 1960s. Your thinking doesn't reflect true reality, but it makes you feel better to think you know the "inside" track. Silently some of you probably believe the conspiracy theories about 9/11 are true and that maybe AIDS was created by the gov't (preferrably Republicans) to kill off black people. Who knows what you really think?!

I'm just a guy who makes his opinons known on this board, and I'm up against a lot of opposition here. But I don't go, because the movie stuff is great and sometimes it is fun to read some of the political comments. It reminds me that I'm sane, that I can think for myself and that there is a wide world out there full of people who think very differently. I'm from New York. We have all kinds of people in this state, but you don't get to have this back-and-forth.

Edited By criddic3 on 1206228959

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:05 pm
by Damien
rain Bard wrote:Which reminds me, Damien, I've been enjoying your goddamn Chuck Jones avatar an awful lot.
Thanks, Brian. Sniffles is one of my all-time favorite cartoon characters (and one of the most under-appreciated).

I love Merrie Melodies and Looney Tunes. Goddamn cartoons are only those feature length films which have no business being considered the equivalent of real movies.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:41 pm
by OscarGuy
You ARE ill-informd, Criddic. You ignore contrary evidence to all of your claims. If you want to "interpret" history your own way, then let me introduce you to Hitler. History's not really up to interpretation. Debate, maybe, but facts are facts and if you want to ignore facts so that you can sleep better at night, go right ahead. Continue living in your little fantasy world where the United States isn't the most aggressive, power hungry country in the world, imposing its imperialist dogma on other, less powerful nations. In Criddictopia, Iraqis are terrorists because they come from the same region of the world as Al Qaeda, so we should wage war on them for enabling Osama bin Laden.

But, Johnny's right, there's no point in arguing with someone who really only has opinion, fallacy and extremely minimal amounts of fact to support their deductions.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:27 pm
by Zahveed
So you don't think all of the politicians and generals that survived would band together and retaliate or at least hold down the fort until some kind of structure was re-established? Does our entire government reside in a few buildings? Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:13 pm
by criddic3
I understand that you have convinced yourselves of your superiority and that you cannot change your thinking. But I know I'm not "blind" to the realities. The point I was making was that, with a few more planes, Al Qaeda could very well have taken down our government and made it virtually impossible to mobilize our armed forces in time to stop them from taking over or at least start a war here at home. I'm not so stupid as to disbelieve what we all experienced on 9/11. You may like to see it all differently, because it didn't turn out that way, but your complacent attitude is simply what is wrong with this country today.

I believe that President Bush was right to make the decision he made with regard to Iraq. That doesn't make me crazy, ill-informed or a chump. Fact is I am none of those things. We may read the history and come to different conclusions, but to dismiss my conclusion as that of some uneducated, hypnotized idiot is just plain arrogance and snobbery.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:41 am
by Johnny Guitar
Al Qaeda did not "almost take us down." This is a fundamental question of one's perception of reality. Criddic, whose entire existence can be explained by the movie Videodrome, is blind to reality because the TV has warped the way he perceives. (He is the New Flesh!) He cannot gauge reality because the only framework to which he has recourse is that constructed for him by the mass media. There's no point arguing about these issues to him; the most logical argument will not appear logical to him, it's as though he's color-blind and you're trying to convince him that red and green are two different colors by appealing to his perception.

Edited By Johnny Guitar on 1206106951

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:53 am
by OscarGuy
It takes years of planning to pull off what they did, Criddic. And whatever their plans were, nothing would have taken the U.S. down. It may have made it angry or vengeful, but it would not have taken us down.

But, keep living in your fantasy world where us fighting in a country unassociated with Al Qaeda becomes a front on terror because Al Qaeda's there. Al Qaeda's there because we brought the fight to their doorstep. But of course defending our borders is immaterial. Those are basically your words here. Only by fighting over there are we going to protect our own borders. We protect our own borders by securing them, not ignoring them.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:13 am
by rain Bard
Which reminds me, Damien, I've been enjoying your goddamn Chuck Jones avatar an awful lot.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:23 am
by Damien
flipp525 wrote:
OscarGuy wrote:What a maroon.

Do you mean "moron"?

No, it's "maroon." This is a Bugs Bunny refernce. Bugs frequently commented of Elmer and other adversaries, "What a maroon!"

I use it frequently myself.

And I signed the Cathlic petition aimed at the biggest maroon of them all. Thanks, Big, for referencing it.

Edited By Damien on 1206081016

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:19 am
by Big Magilla
Catholics Ask President Bush to Pray for Forgiveness, Not Defend his Reckless War Policy in Iraq

As President Bush defended his foreign policies to religious broadcasters today, Catholics United renewed its call for a new direction in Iraq. To date, nearly 20,000 Catholics have signed a “Catholics for an End to the War in Iraq” petition ( calling for “an immediate and responsible end to the Iraq War.”

The president’s address – given at the Convention of Religious Broadcasters in Nashville – is billed as the first in a series of speeches designed to shore up flagging public support for the war. But despite continued attempts to portray the conflict as a moral imperative, faith communities, including the Catholic Church and the president’s own United Methodist Church, have maintained a consistent opposition to Bush’s questionable war.

Prior to the invasion of Iraq, both Pope John Paul II and the U.S. Catholic Bishops voiced what the bishops referred to as “Grave moral concerns about military intervention in Iraq and the unpredictable and uncontrollable negative consequences of invasion and occupation.” The United Methodists expressed concerns that the war was undertaken “without any justification according to the teachings of Christ.”

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:04 am
by flipp525
OscarGuy wrote:What a maroon.
Do you mean "moron"?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:54 am
by criddic3
And Al Qaeda would have to build a massive naval fleet to take us down.

This line alone should be enough to prove how shallow your argument is: Al Qaeda almost took us down without any naval fleet at all. If their original plan had gone the way they wanted it to, we would probably not even be having this debate.

Edited By criddic3 on 1206078861

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:48 am
by criddic3
OscarGuy wrote:What a maroon.

I've got ocean-front property in Colorado, I'd like to sell you.

I seriously can't believe you just said that. It's like the past 6 years of irrefutable evidence to the contrary have been completely ignored by you.

National Defense begins AT HOME. You want to stop the terrorists, fix our border issues, freight issues, etc. Implement the 9/11 commissions recommendations in full. If we had spent all that money we wasted on the war in shoring up our homeland defenses (Homeland Security is a crock of shit), then we would be the most security country in the world. And Al Qaeda would have to build a massive naval fleet to take us down. However, we've played right into their hands by weakening our position with our allies, ignoring the recommendations that could have made our borders more secure and provided them with a massive recruiting tool by killing thousands of innocents in our purported war on terror.

And you bought it hook, line and sinker...they say there's a sucker born every minute, but they should say once a sucker, always a sucker.
You are right about implementing these things at home, but you have ignored the fact that the enemies of America are fighting us in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not in the USA. They are fighting us. You'll never get it, will you? By bring the fight to Iraq, and Afghanistan, we kept them over there. National Defense is not just a matter of isolating our borders. It is a matter of knowing where our enemies are and changing the place where they come from, preventing repeats. If we only paid attention to home, they are free to plan and attack from elsewhere. Stop the spread before it comes to our door, not after. If it doesn't sound logical to you, you just don't understand the concept. That's not my fault. I've tried for years now to explain the significance and the realities and the purpose of our being there. You have made up your mind that there is no logic behind it simply because Iraq didn't attack us on 9/11. You have drawn a narrow pathway in your mind as to how we should fight our enemies.

This isn't law enforcement and it isn't something we can dream away just by building a few fences or asking for another UN resolution. We tried that in the 1990s and got 9/11. It didn't work. Whether we are talking about bin Laden or Saddam Hussein doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, because there are others who have a vision where the entire world is eradicated who doesn't adhere to the whims of their power-mad desires.