So Off-Topic That It's On...

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Post by OscarGuy »

Someone the other day commented I had too much time on my hands when researching bizarre facts. Well, in my effort to rebuild the 100+ hours of work I had done on some files I lost over the weekend (all Oscar-related, and all pushing my site back on the update schedule by a LOT), I have ended up coming across interesting things that I just wanted to pass along...this one isn't even remotely on any topic, but it was some interesting me anyway...

Days of the Week and How Month's start. There are only 14 possible calendars. 7 for non-leap years, 7 for leap years. Here are some strange facts.

There is no day of the week that at least one month of the year doesn't start on.

Of the twelve months, three start on different days, three pairs start on different days and three months start on the same. Thus, one year might be:

Monday - Month A, Tuesday - Month B, Wednesday - Month C & D, Thursday - Month E & F, Friday - Month G, Saturday - Month H & I, Sunday - Month J, K & L.

May and June never start on the same day as any other month of the year. Therefore, May might start on a Wednesday and June on a Sunday, but no other month in that year will start on Wednesday or Sunday.

Joining May and June in Leap years is the month of October (in the above example, it would join them as the only month starting on Wednesday).

Joining May and June in non-Leap years is the month of August (May starting on Saturday, June starting on Tuesday, August starting on Sunday)

November and March ALWAYS start on the same day of the month. (i.e. they both start on Tuesday)

have fun.
Wesley Lovell
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
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