Public Dress Code

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Post by OscarGuy »

And here goes another they not realize there's such a thing as the first amendment? We're not private school or a work place where dress codes can be enforced...

La. towns say no more baggy pants Wed Aug 29, 10:23 AM ET

NEW ORLEANS - Hike up those pants. Droopy drawers that bare skin or underwear might soon be forbidden fashion on the streets of Alexandria and Shreveport, and violators could be forced to part with some cash.


"I'm tired (of) looking at behinds," Shreveport Councilwoman Joyce Bowman said after Tuesday's 4-3 vote to ban fanny-flaunting trousers.

Nobody can be arrested just for violating the ordinance, but they could be fined or required to perform community service. The maximum fine for a first offense is $100.

Alexandria's City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to ban the baring. Its ordinance allows some sag, but 3 inches or more can bring a fine of $25 to $200 and a requirement for community service.

If the mayors of Shreveport and Alexandria sign the ordinances, they will bring Louisiana's total to at least six, with at least two more cities considering bans.

Elsewhere, Atlanta's City Council has held a hearing on a measure to outlaw saggy pants that reveal shorts or thongs.

A similar proposal in Stratford, Conn., was soundly rejected this week after critics argued it would be unconstitutional and unfairly target minorities.

Some opponents cite other objections.

"Are you going to have a 'sagging' court?" Michael Williams asked Shreveport's council. "The police have more important things to do than chase young boys and girls and say 'pull your pants up.'"
Wesley Lovell
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Post by Eric »

Sonic Youth wrote:More ridiculous is their desire to ban jogging bras. Probably half of what women wear in the summer cover up less flesh then jogging bras do.

Gee, why do you think they want to ban them?
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Post by Sonic Youth »

I didn't know that story. Am I the only one?

You'd think law officers would want more kids wearing baggy pants. They can't very well run in them.

More ridiculous is their desire to ban jogging bras. Probably half of what women wear in the summer cover up less flesh then jogging bras do.
"What the hell?"
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Post by kaytodd »

I guess many young people have long admired and emulated rebels. But I am bothered that baggy low-riding pants showing underwear have become popular fashion items because of what they represent. We all know the story: when men are arrested and taken to central lockup, their belts are taken from them. Their pants will then fall a little. A boy wearing pants that show boxer shorts is imitating someone who has just been taken into police custody. Nothing new under the sun, but it gives me the creeps that so many young people have decided that is the look they want. Makes the guys in my junior high school days who made themselves look like Alice Cooper seem normal.
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Post by 99-1100896887 »

Obviously, Georgians have nothing to do but worry about this nonsense.
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Post by OscarGuy »

The most absurd part about this is that depending on how its phrased, it could easily be construed that men could no longer allow their undershirts to show and could no longer walk around in public in tank tops. Heaven forbid a brastrap inadvertently show...

Atlanta considers banning baggy pants 1 hour, 41 minutes ago

ATLANTA - Baggy pants that show boxer shorts or thongs would be illegal under a proposed amendment to Atlanta's indecency laws.

The amendment, sponsored by city councilman C.T. Martin, states that sagging pants are an "epidemic" that is becoming a "major concern" around the country.

"Little children see it and want to adopt it, thinking it's the in thing," Martin said Wednesday. "I don't want young people thinking that half-dressing is the way to go. I want them to think about their future."

The proposed ordinance would also bar women from showing the strap of a thong beneath their pants. They would also be prohibited from wearing jogging bras in public or show a bra strap, said Debbie Seagraves, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia.

The proposed ordinance states that "the indecent exposure of his or her undergarments" would be unlawful in a public place. It would go in the same portion of the city code that outlaws sex in public and the exposure or fondling of genitals.

The penalty would be a fine in an amount to be determined, Martin said.

But Seagraves said any legislation that creates a dress code would not survive a court challenge. She said the law could not be enforced in a nondiscriminatory way because it targets something that came out of the black youth culture.

"This is a racial profiling bill that promotes and establishes a framework for an additional type of racial profiling," Seagraves said.

Martin, who is black, said he plans to hold public hearings and vet the proposal through churches, civil rights groups and neighborhood organizations. The proposal will get its first public airing next Tuesday in the City Council's Public Safety Committee.

"The purpose of the paper is to generate some conversation to see if we can find a solution," Martin said. "It will be like all the discussions we've had around the value of the hip-hop culture. We know there are First Amendment issues ... and some will say I'm just trying to put young black men in jail, but it's going to be fines."

Makeda Johnson, an Atlanta mother of a 14-year-old girl, said she is glad Martin introduced the proposal. She does not want to see a law against clothing, but said she thinks teenagers are sending a message with a way of dressing that is based in jailhouse behavior.

Atlanta would not be the first city to take on sagging pants.

Earlier this year, the town council in Delcambre, La., passed an ordinance that carries a fine of up to $500 or six months in jail for exposing underwear in public. Several other municipalities and parish governments in Louisiana have enacted similar laws in recent months.
Wesley Lovell
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
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