Our Primary/Caucus Votes

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Post by Sonic Youth »

CNN just reported that Huckabee has already won West Virginia.

Err, when were these polls supposed to close?
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Post by Damien »

Mister Tee wrote:Well, my intended choice, Edwards, left the field last week. I could have still voted for him -- not only he, but Biden and Richardson remained on the ballot. But, being a political realist, I voted for my second choice, Obama. Still very skeptical of him, but think he's the better option.

Totally unscientific survey from my Upper West Side neighborhood: Obama buttons/paraphernalia abound.

My guess about the dispersed Edwards vote is, in urban, esp. Northeast areas, it was a progressive vote, and will probably go disproportionately to Obama...but in Southern/rural spots, alot of it might be "white guy" support, and that I think will translate more easily to Hillary.

Interestingly, in my Hell's Kitchen neighborhood -- approximately 20 blocks or 1 mile south of Mister Tee's -- Clinton paraphenalia was more prevalent than Obama, which surprised me because my neighborhood is extremely lefty/progressive. (Tee, is Jerry Nadler your congressperson as well?)

I too was ready to vote for Edwards until he dropped out (and before that Kucinich before HE dropped out), but it seemed more important to me that Obama have a strong showing today.

Tee, I think your analysis of the disperal of the Edwards supporters is spot on.

Edited By Damien on 1202246867
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Post by The Original BJ »

Another vote for Obama. (Though I, too, would have picked Edwards had he stayed in the race.)

Can't lie -- Clinton's actually impressed me a lot lately. Despite the almost universally held assumption that Hillary is an "unlikable" candidate, I think I actually like her more than Obama, who seems like far more of a concept than an actual candidate.

Still, I align more with Obama on the issues, and think he's the more electable candidate, so I voted for him.
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Post by jack »

Any favourites emerged yet? I've not really been following the US elections so far, but would very much like for Obama to make it to the White House. Don't think much good would come from a Hilldog victory.
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Post by Sonic Youth »

It's perfectly fine to vote for Edwards as a form of protest against the other two candidates. Which is what I'd have done if my primary was today.

But it's not. I live in one of the few states that didn't move the primary voting date back. Pennsylvania doesn't vote until late April. By then, it's probably done anyway. Plus, we'll likely have moved (again) before then, and into a state where the primary has already taken place. I know I could fill out an absentee, but it just seems pointless now.

And nobody listen to the stupid media. It is mathematically impossible for race on the Democratic side to be decided by tomorrow. Republican, maybe. Democratic, no.

And you all may as well get some sleep tonight. California isn't going to be done counting until well into tomorrow.

Edited By Sonic Youth on 1202244107
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Post by Mister Tee »

Well, my intended choice, Edwards, left the field last week. I could have still voted for him -- not only he, but Biden and Richardson remained on the ballot. But, being a political realist, I voted for my second choice, Obama. Still very skeptical of him, but think he's the better option.

Totally unscientific survey from my Upper West Side neighborhood: Obama buttons/paraphernalia abound.

My guess about the dispersed Edwards vote is, in urban, esp. Northeast areas, it was a progressive vote, and will probably go disproportionately to Obama...but in Southern/rural spots, alot of it might be "white guy" support, and that I think will translate more easily to Hillary.
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Post by Damien »

One vote for Barack Obama here in New York City's 91st election district.
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Post by OscarGuy »

Ah. Super Tuesday. What a day. I got to the poll shortly after 8 but it was relatively empty. When I asked for a Democrat ballot, their response either sounded like they'd gotten several or that b/c of my youth they weren't surprised.

Anyway, so I was thinking as I was walking up to the building. Edwards had dropped out, so I was planning to throw my vote to Kucinich just to voice my contrary opinion.

Then, in the split-second as I reached the table with my pen and my ballot, I thought: Do I really want to vote for some other candidate while other people randomly decide which candidate they want. I don't like Obama. I think he's a vacuous windbag who is only saying what he wants people to hear. Hillary, on the other hand, though she may be the bane of existence for several people on this board, is the better of the two, IMO. So, I marked for Hillary. Not my personal choice of the entire field of candidates, but of the two who can win the nomination, she's the better.

Missouri has reported in. :)
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Post by Big Magilla »

Mine is on Super Tuesday. Looks like it's going to between Clinton and Obama so I'll probably end up voting for one of them though neither would be my first choice.

Clinton worries me. She's too strident, but in the end I think she'd be stronger than Obama. His speech praising Reagan was just about the last straw. Maybe after four or eight years as VP under Hillary he'll be ready for the White House himself. We'll have to see how it goes over the next couple of weeks. Maybe they'll both shoot themselves in the foot some more and Edwards or someone else will rise like a phoenix out of the ashes.
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Post by OscarGuy »

Well, my primary here in Missouri is set for Super Tuesday. I will vote for John Edwards if only because he has an actual shot at the nomination whereas Kucinich, who's a bit crazy at times (though aren't we all) is probably the better candidate, but is not in the least bit electable in our current societal setup. So, Edwards will get my vote...though I've thought about voting on the Pube side and seeing who I can waste my vote on...but I'm not a Pube, so that wouldn't be at all within my character. :cool:
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Post by Greg »

This is a thread for those of us who want to to list how we voted in our primary or caucus. As I mentioned in another thread, I voted early in the Florida primary for Dennis Kucinich, even though, as of now and with great irony, Florida has been stripped of its delegates to the Democratic convetnion.

Edited By Greg on 1200588369
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