Post-Globe Predictions

1998 through 2007
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Post by Big Magilla »

rolotomasi99 wrote:as for you big magilla, i am the most insulted by what you said. being compared to richard roeper is the deepest cut you could ever deliver to anyone on this board. i do not know what his criticism of DREAMGIRLS is, but mine has nothing to do with the music and everything to do with the staginess of the whole thing. this is the same problem i had with THE PRODUCERS and RENT.

it was a fun film and will do really well with audiences and oscars, but should not be confused with WEST SIDE STORY or any of the other great movie musicals.
Well, I did say you were smarter than Roeper. :;):

Glad to see you've changed your tune and have now based your opinion of Dreamgirls on having seen the film.
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Post by OscarGuy »

Look, rolo, this system has emoticons. things like :) and ;). These are netiquette required when JOKING about something.

There are a LOT of gay posters on this board and your words, especially in the context provided, were tinged with hatred and bile (the word you're looking for instead of vile). So, it isn't much of a leap to assume that based on the context and content of your message that you meant it as an insult and not as a gentle jibe.

I've been on the net for more than ten years and I've done my fair share of unintentional flaming. I had to learn to use the emoticons early on to avoid people thinking I was being serious when my dry wit and sense of humor was actually trying to shine through. If you didn't mean it as an intolerant rant against the people on this board, I appreciate you admitting that, but please also understand where WE were coming from when we said it.
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Post by Reza »

rolotomasi99 wrote:i have not been able to be online for a little while, so i totally missed all the vile being spewed by certain people.

now, as for that vile that i mentioned, where the hell do people get off telling me that my comments were "bigoted" (oscarguy)? if a gay person wants to make a joking reference to a common gay stereotype, he is allowed to do so and no uppity straight person has the right to silence him. that goes for all of you. i am not sure if you were talking to me flipp525, but i am not straight (i am skinny though). your little tirade about being so "butch, masculine, and muscular" sure makes you sound like the homophobe. you are implying that nelly little bottoms like me are lesser than you because you and your boyfriend are steroid popping gym bunnies. being straight-acting does not make you better than me. no, damien, i do not think i am a tough guy because i like a scorsese film over a musical, i just think i have better taste in movies. filmfan720, i would call any male that likes show tunes a queen, whether he was gay or straight. eric got it the most right when he said "Are we not mature enough to live in a world where show-tune lovers are proud to call themselves queens?" as for you big magilla, i am the most insulted by what you said. being compared to richard roeper is the deepest cut you could ever deliver to anyone on this board. i do not know what his criticism of DREAMGIRLS is, but mine has nothing to do with the music and everything to do with the staginess of the whole thing. this is the same problem i had with THE PRODUCERS and RENT.
Hope you have calmed down by now?

Reading your tirade felt like being at the receiving end of all those bullets at the start of Saving Private Ryan. You must really be breathless!
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Post by rolotomasi99 »

i have not been able to be online for a little while, so i totally missed all the vile being spewed by certain people.

first, i want to say that i saw DREAMGIRLS just a few hours ago. it was so much fun. i had a blast. the music was great, the costumes and hairstyles were outrageous, and jennifer hudson gave me chills when she belted out the show's most famous song. this film is going to be a big hit, and is definitely going to win best picture.

however, i stand by what i said earlier (some would say too early). the overall feel of the movie is just a little cheeky. condon handled the visuals well, and kept the movie going. i am not sure what the criticism about the editing was, but i remember some critics were not happy with CHICAGO's editing either. maybe they feel it is too influenced by music video editing techniques, but i did not think it hurt the film. the movie will be the most nominated of the night, and will win best pic, along with costume, set, editing, possibly cinematography. hudson will definitely win, and possibly get a standing ovation. i think it will be a repeat of 2002, though, with director and screenplay going to another film instead of the musical. i loved how upfront this film is about it being oscar-bait. this is the first time that i know of where the credits were designed like the oscar telecast, with drawings of the set and costumes, and examples of how the film was edited, etc. i have never seen such a blatant plea for oscar nominations before in the film itself. it was hilarious.

now, as for that vile that i mentioned, where the hell do people get off telling me that my comments were "bigoted" (oscarguy)? if a gay person wants to make a joking reference to a common gay stereotype, he is allowed to do so and no uppity straight person has the right to silence him. that goes for all of you. i am not sure if you were talking to me flipp525, but i am not straight (i am skinny though). your little tirade about being so "butch, masculine, and muscular" sure makes you sound like the homophobe. you are implying that nelly little bottoms like me are lesser than you because you and your boyfriend are steroid popping gym bunnies. being straight-acting does not make you better than me. no, damien, i do not think i am a tough guy because i like a scorsese film over a musical, i just think i have better taste in movies. filmfan720, i would call any male that likes show tunes a queen, whether he was gay or straight. eric got it the most right when he said "Are we not mature enough to live in a world where show-tune lovers are proud to call themselves queens?" as for you big magilla, i am the most insulted by what you said. being compared to richard roeper is the deepest cut you could ever deliver to anyone on this board. i do not know what his criticism of DREAMGIRLS is, but mine has nothing to do with the music and everything to do with the staginess of the whole thing. this is the same problem i had with THE PRODUCERS and RENT.

it was a fun film and will do really well with audiences and oscars, but should not be confused with WEST SIDE STORY or any of the other great movie musicals. now go put on some streisand and calm the hell down everyone.
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Post by Sonic Youth »

mashari wrote:
Sonic Youth wrote:I've been feeling less comfortable with my Dreamgirls/United 93 statements I made a few days ago. Yes, if Dreamgirls is nominated by the PGA and the DGA, then it clearly has enough support to squeak by with a Best Picture nomination. But I'm less and less certain that's going to be nominated by both organizations, certainly not the DGA. And Greengrass may very well be cited by DGA.

So until Dreamgirls wins the Golden Globe, and is nominated by the PGA and the DGA, I'm taking it out of my predictions. I'm replacing it with United 93, replacing Almodovar with Greengrass, and keeping an eye on Little Miss Sunshine to see how much traction it will gain in the race.

Sonic, United 93's chances even for a nomination are still up in the air. And to say it would even now replace Dreamgirls, the most talked about non-released film of the year, you'd have to be living under a rock. Although I don't see it being the next Titanic with the Academy, Dreamworks is gonna push the hell out of this film being that it's really all they have.
You know what? I really don't know. I'm going back and forth on this.

And how silly to even think about it at this time of year. I'm letting it go until Jan. 4th, when the SAGs and the PGAs are announced. If Dreamgirls misses a PGA nom, then it's really in bad shape.

See you in two weeks!
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Post by mashari »

Sonic Youth wrote:I've been feeling less comfortable with my Dreamgirls/United 93 statements I made a few days ago. Yes, if Dreamgirls is nominated by the PGA and the DGA, then it clearly has enough support to squeak by with a Best Picture nomination. But I'm less and less certain that's going to be nominated by both organizations, certainly not the DGA. And Greengrass may very well be cited by DGA.

So until Dreamgirls wins the Golden Globe, and is nominated by the PGA and the DGA, I'm taking it out of my predictions. I'm replacing it with United 93, replacing Almodovar with Greengrass, and keeping an eye on Little Miss Sunshine to see how much traction it will gain in the race.

Sonic, United 93's chances even for a nomination are still up in the air. And to say it would even now replace Dreamgirls, the most talked about non-released film of the year, you'd have to be living under a rock. Although I don't see it being the next Titanic with the Academy, Dreamworks is gonna push the hell out of this film being that it's really all they have.
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Post by Anon »

Sonic Youth wrote:So until Dreamgirls wins the Golden Globe, and is nominated by the PGA and the DGA, I'm taking it out of my predictions. I'm replacing it with United 93, replacing Almodovar with Greengrass, and keeping an eye on Little Miss Sunshine to see how much traction it will gain in the race.

I have a hard time seeing a sobering United 93 toppling a fun and dazzing Dreamgirls in the Oscar race.

I believe the definitive 9/11 drama has yet to be made, so it's much too soon to reward such a movie at this point.

Then again, I think we all remember how close the equally sober The Pianist came to toppling the energetic Chicago.

I still think box office will determine the direction of Dreamgirls come awards time.
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Post by Big Magilla »

kaytodd wrote:How can anyone, straight or gay, who enjoys popular music not love listening to the original cast recordings of the great Broadway classics. Some of the best music the U.S. has ever produced.
Amen to that.

The golden age of the musical theatre lasted from 1943 to 1968, after which it sputtered along until it pretty much let out its last gasp in the mid-1970s. Subsequent musicals have had one to three decent songs and lots of filler so it's easy to understand why anyone whose first experence with a Broadway musical in the last 30 years that isn't a revival of an earlier show would wonder what all the fuss was about.

Many of the best selling albums of the 50s and early 60s were orignal cast recordings. At the time they were the dominant music in America. Not so any more.
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Post by Sonic Youth »

I've been feeling less comfortable with my Dreamgirls/United 93 statements I made a few days ago. Yes, if Dreamgirls is nominated by the PGA and the DGA, then it clearly has enough support to squeak by with a Best Picture nomination. But I'm less and less certain that's going to be nominated by both organizations, certainly not the DGA. And Greengrass may very well be cited by DGA.

So until Dreamgirls wins the Golden Globe, and is nominated by the PGA and the DGA, I'm taking it out of my predictions. I'm replacing it with United 93, replacing Almodovar with Greengrass, and keeping an eye on Little Miss Sunshine to see how much traction it will gain in the race.
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Post by criddic3 »

One can say the same thing about jazz, swing, Sinatra music, Bobby Darin or just about any (good) music.
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Post by dws1982 »

kaytodd wrote:How can anyone, straight or gay, who enjoys popular music not love listening to the original cast recordings of the great Broadway classics.

How can anyone, straight or gay, who enjoys popular music not love listening to recordings of the great country legends Loretta Lynn and Roger Miller? A lot of people don't though.

I can't say that I love listening to the original cast recordings of the great Broadway classics. I like several individual songs, but showtunes just aren't my thing.
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Post by kaytodd »

How can anyone, straight or gay, who enjoys popular music not love listening to the original cast recordings of the great Broadway classics. Some of the best music the U.S. has ever produced.

Still another reason for me to be thankful for the internet and and i-Tunes. Some of this stuff is hard to find.
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Post by Damien »

60s soul music is probably my favorite music in the world, the greatest music there ever was. Before he started shooting the film, I gave Bill Condon a 2-CD Bobby "Blue" Bland anthology, because there are some tracks which are, to me, just the astonishing apex of the genre. But Bill said he needed to strike a balance and somehow be true to both the actual 60s music AND the sound of the original musical. And I think the orchestrations for the film achieve that middle ground.

As someone who much much more loves soul and R & B than show tunes (I may be queer, but I only own I think 4 original cast CDs) I would have preferred a greater emphasis on the former, but I think ultimately Dreamgirls nicely pays homage to both of its musical legacies.
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Post by Sonic Youth »

Magilla, I don't know exactly what Roeper said. And whether Dreamgirls turns out to be a dog remains to be seen. But musicals homogenize music for the ticket buyers. For a show that claims to pay due diligence to a particular era and style, yeah I'm gonna have my problems with it unless the music itself is good enough to overcome the Broadway accoutrements.

And I did listen to the soundtrack a few days ago. There were a few songs I liked very much, but on the whole I was not impressed. Perhaps they will work better in context.
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Post by Akash »

Eric wrote:Are we not mature enough to live in a world where show-tune lovers are proud to call themselves queens?
I prefer the term "girly man" myself.

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