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Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 4:50 pm
by Sabin
Many people in this country wouldn't consider an abortion in any situation and they aren't all concertives.

You're presupposing politically conservative as socially conservative. They are linked but not mutually exclusive. This an incredibly socially conservative film. I know many people who wouldn't consider abortion but most of them are socially conservative.

I'm inclined to believe a woman who works at E! and is incredibly career driven - in an entertainment field! - would not have Seth Rogen's stoner baby.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 4:40 pm
by dylanfan23
I don't know how the film could be considered concertive propaganda because someone doesn't think about an abortion in a supposedly obvious abortion situation. Many people in this country wouldn't consider an abortion in any situation and they aren't all concertives. And some even support the right to choose very strongly. The last thing i could be labeled is a concertive and I consider myself to be pro choice, but i would have some moral issues if the situation came up. I'm not religious, so not religious issues, but moral issues. But that doesn't mean i would ever think to say that this shouldn't be a pro choice world. And i think a lot of people are like that and doesn't seem unrealistic at all that it didn't come up.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:59 pm
by Sabin
I have my moments.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:57 am
by Steph2
You're a very strange guy, Sabin.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:45 am
by Sabin
I was being sarcastic but I definitely wasn't angry or upset.

No, you were being sarcastic, a little angry, not upset, but melancholy, a little nauseous, and a lot nauseous.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:39 am
by Steph2
HarryGoldfarb wrote:Good point, but in order to make your statement you don't have to be upset or get angry. It's your opinion and I (and I guess everyone here but I could be wrong) completely respect it, but why you seem so angry about this?

I was being sarcastic but I definitely wasn't angry or upset.

And I'm with flipp - Heigl is the blandest of bland white girls and I wish she'd get off my magazine covers. Please take your big teeth and go.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:23 am
by Penelope
I think Heigl is very attractive, and she's very spirited and likable in her interviews; however, her film roles thus far have been thoroughly bland.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:53 am
by kaytodd
Wow, I never saw Knocked Up as conservative propaganda, just a fantasy for loser guys. I enjoyed the film but I really disliked Rogen's character and his friends. It bothers me when people with opportunity decide to do nothing with their lives. I was rooting for Heigl's character, not Rogen's.

SPOILER: At the end of the film, I was far happier for Heigl than for Rogen. She had a beautiful child and it looked like Rogen was going to make an effort to make Heigl and their child happy. She deserved a happy ending a lot more than he did. And I do think it was a happy ending for both Heigl and Rogen. Of course, I realize not everyone would agree it was the best ending Heigl could have had :;):

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:35 am
by flipp525
I thought Steph's reaction was commensurate to the passive-aggressive quality of the comment she was responding to.

The censorship on swearing has long since been eliminated. Fucking, thank god.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:29 am
by HarryGoldfarb
Steph2 wrote:Yes, that's why I fucking called it an "abortion" playlist, not a "pro-choice" playlist. See how that works? If I wanted middling semantics, I'd just watch the Democratic Debates. I wasn't trying to leave room from ambiguity - I'm pro-abortion.

Good point, but in order to make your statement you don't have to be upset or get angry. It's your opinion and I (and I guess everyone here but I could be wrong) completely respect it, but why you seem so angry about this?

By the way, when did all the censorship here go away? I mean, at some point we werent even able to write Hitchcock when talking about the director? (LOL). Nice change though...

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:19 am
by flipp525
Steph, have you ever read T. Coraghessan Boyle's award-winning short story, "Killing Babies"? I highly recommend it. Boyle rarely disappoints and that story is just fantastic.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:53 am
by FilmFan720
anonymous wrote:
flipp525 wrote:On the casting note, I forgot to mention that the idiot "Danger" who mucked up Million Dollar Baby, is one of the most unappealing actors I've ever seen. His shtick (which he doesn't change movie to movie) is just so lame.

Jay Baruchel? I, for one, thought he was wonderful in Million Dollar Baby. He looked like a meth addict in Knocked Up though.

I think Katherine Heigl's VERY attractive. And not in a bland way too. In interviews, she actually has a personality and a brain. She's also not at all bad in Grey's Anatomy (based on the few episodes I've seen).
I always like him, and enjoyed him in Almost Famous, but his shtick is getting a little old.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:21 am
by Zahveed
Steph2 wrote:Oh and in keeping with what I thought these girls SHOULD have done, I'm creating an "Abortion" playlist on my ipod. Yes, that's right. Music to nix your fetus to. First track: Drowning Pool's "Bodies." Suggestions are welcome.

Chili's "Baby Back Ribs"

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:10 am
by anonymous1980
flipp525 wrote:On the casting note, I forgot to mention that the idiot "Danger" who mucked up Million Dollar Baby, is one of the most unappealing actors I've ever seen. His shtick (which he doesn't change movie to movie) is just so lame.

Jay Baruchel? I, for one, thought he was wonderful in Million Dollar Baby. He looked like a meth addict in Knocked Up though.

I think Katherine Heigl's VERY attractive. And not in a bland way too. In interviews, she actually has a personality and a brain. She's also not at all bad in Grey's Anatomy (based on the few episodes I've seen).

Edited By anonymous on 1201270331

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:06 am
by Johnny Guitar
flipp525 wrote:That's exactly it, Steph. There was no compelling enough reason offered as to why she would opt to have that loser's child. An abortion in that position was like a no-brainer if I've ever heard of one.

Like the Heigl-as-loner-by-inclination position, it's possible that her character is simply of a pro-life inclination altogether, whether publicly--as a matter of moral or ethical principle--or privately (some women are totally pro-choice but just aren't inclined toward abortions as their own choice). But the film just doesn't go there, into that character territory, which is why I don't want to give the film the benefit of the doubt over and over again--its silences and absences on certain matters are just too tellingly convenient. Heigl's the female lead, but, really, she's the foil for the Bros.

Oh, and as far as Katherine Heigl being some prototypically hot, bodacious, blonde chick, am I the only one who thinks she's not really all that attractive? Obviously, she's not my thing, but I just think there's something weird about her mouth and teeth. I'll probably have the "gross conceptualization of beauty in America" police sicced on me, but if she was cast as the truly unattainable "hot chick" stereotype, well, I wasn't really buying that either.

I'd say she's attractive in an utterly bland way. She's of the Estella Warren mold of 'pretty woman.' Bland, blonde, almost appealing, almost interesting, almost vivacious. (Well, maybe something less than "almost"...)