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Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:19 am
by Penelope
The Original BJ wrote:I think the surprise has been oozed out of the Winslet situation, especially with the strong showing for The Reader -- she'll win Best Actress for sure.
Since I've been down this road 5 times with The Goddess, I'm not counting on anything. But at least 1) the Academy correctly recognized that it's a Lead role and 2) they nominated her for the better performance.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:16 am
flipp525 wrote:The Bad:
- No The Dark Knight for Best Picture (and ITALIANO's constant streams of immodest "I told you so's" sure to follow)
But it's true - I told you so. Like I did with Dreamgirls and well, countless other times, and often insulted, lynched and compared to Hitler just for being right.

But I am Italian, I have balls. And I will keep saying the truth, and being hated for that.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:16 am
by Penelope
Considering the lack of love for Revolutionary Road, I'm surprised Michael Shannon, whose buzz was minimal at best, managed to make it in.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:15 am
by The Original BJ
Well, the big news is that, surprisingly, Best Picture and Best Director DO match. However, as I've been saying all along, the annointed five which everyone as been shilling since PGA/DGA didn't pull through in either category. After Frost/Nixon was announced as a Best Picture nominee, I thought for sure we'd get WALL-E, and so was naturally bummed by the inclusion of The Reader. Dark Knight got its Dicky Tracy-level nominations (a sweep of the techs and supporting actor) but couldn't compete with the big boys, about what a lot of us thought it would do before its Guild showings. Can't wait to see the fanboy reaction on that one.

I can't say I'm totally shocked by Winslet's one nomination. She always struck me as in sort of uncertain territory; though voters rarely avoid category fraud (hi, Philip Seymour Hoffman!), she still is so clearly a lead in The Reader, there was always the chance that voters would buck what the campaigns and precursors told them to do, especially for a big name. Unfortunately for us, I think the surprise has been oozed out of the Winslet situation, especially with the strong showing for The Reader -- she'll win Best Actress for sure.

The one nomination omission which truly, deeply saddens me is that of Sally Hawkins. A joyous performance, and I thought after her trifecta of critics' prizes, plus the Golden Globe, she'd be in.

The most shocking snub down-ballot is in the song category: how on earth could Bruce Springsteen have missed a nomination for his wonderful song "The Wrestler?" That to me was a bingo winner. The Slumdog double-dip in this category (not to mention the sound editing nod) shows it has plenty of steam, even if Dev Patel was (thankfully) omitted.

A fair number of surprises in the original screenplay category, it seems. I finally caught up with Frozen River the other day, and it's the type of film I'm generally bummed to see up for awards -- if this thriller had had a bigger budget, there's no WAY we'd be talking prizes. So that screenplay nod was one of the low points of the morning for me, particularly given the plethora of choices.

Rachel Getting Married continues its bum awards streaking, nabbing only the expected Hathaway nomination. Gran Torino is shut out completely.

How cool is it that Werner Herzog is now an Oscar nominee?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:13 am
by anonymous1980
- I just hope the Academy doesn't whine about low-ratings.

- Michael Shannon in Best Supporting Actor and Frozen River in Screenplay are the biggest surprise.

- I sensed The Reader surge coming due to the BAFTA's but I didn't want to believe it.

- I do believe Kate Winslet just won Best Actress.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:12 am
by flipp525
Penelope wrote:No, Viola Davis should win over Cruz.
100% agreed.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:11 am
by Penelope
No, Viola Davis should win over Cruz.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:10 am
by Cinemanolis
Harvey Weinstein is Oscar god. He made it once again despite all the negative publicity. Wow

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:09 am
by flipp525
The Good:
- Angelina Jolie's inclusion -- sorry, haters, but she's good in Changeling.
- A Kate Winslet nomination is always something to celebrate.
- Marisa Tomei's wonderful work being recognized.
- The survival and resurgence of Melissa Leo

The Bad:
- No The Dark Knight for Best Picture (and ITALIANO's constant streams of immodest "I told you so's" sure to follow)
- The major snub of Sally Hawkins who really deserved a spot here (if not the actual win, in my opinion).

Without Winslet in there, doesn't Best Supporting Actress almost feel like anyone's game right now? I'm predicting Viola Davis. Also, all in all, this seems like a strong slate of Best Actress nominees.

Edited By flipp525 on 1232633554

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:09 am
by Big Magilla
Actually this is the most satisfying group of nominations in years.

For the first time in I don't know how long the best picture and director line-ups match my choices.

I've gone back and forth on the Winslet thing so many times I don't know which end is up anymore. Clearly she gave the better performance in the better film, The Reader so they chose the right one if they were only going to give her one nod. I don;t see how she can lose.

Button has thirteen nominations, Slumdog 10 - it's still a two-way race even if the momentum seems to be in Slumdog's favor.

Biggest shocker - no Springsteen for song.

Nice turns of events - Melissa Leo over that skinny English girl. Richard Jenkins over Clint Eastwood.

Best unexpected nomination (at least according to the pundits) - Taraji P. Henson who should win over now predictable presumptive favorite, Penelope Cruz.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:08 am
by Eric
I apologize to dreaMaker for all the bad things were all going to be forced to say about The Reader from here on out.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:06 am
by dreaMaker
Daldry became the first director in history to be nominated for his first three films.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:05 am
by barrybrooks8
I had the Reader right for Picture, but I thought it would take the place of Frost/Nixon, not the Dark Knight.

I'm so excited for Frozen River's two very deserved nominations, and the fact that the screenplay took Rachel Getting Married's spot is just gravy.

I also sorta called by saying something was going to be muddled with Winslet. My fears actually had her not getting nominated at all. Now can she win for a Lead trophy for one she's already won a supporting one for? Not much competition...

Also, hooray for In Bruges. Boooo for boring song choices. We get this huge list of possible nominees, wonder and hope for what might sneak in as an odd and original choice that will be fun to see live, and then nothing but Peter Gabriel and the two Slumdog songs.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:01 am
by FilmFan720
First time nominee Werner Herzog!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:00 am
by Bog
Shannon was my favorite thing about Revolutionary Road but I still choose to think of this as a reminder they forgot him for his Oscar-worthy work in Bug last year