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Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:48 pm
by Greg
Kucinich will file what is called a "privileged resolution" in the next few weeks to force the House to vote on impeaching Cheney. He talks about it in the last half of the video.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 2:15 pm
by Greg
Kucinich just got two co-sponsors for his resolution.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:20 pm
by criddic3
Impeachment is extremely unlikely. The fact is that using impeachment to "influence the president" is so unwise, just like many of Murtha's other ideas have been over the years.

The thing is that I defend this president not because i'm "so far up their asses" (and that perverse imagination of yours truly is amazing flipp), but because I believe in this man as a leader. I voted for him twice for president. That doesn't mean I have to continue supporting him, but he has shown more often than not that his convictions warrant the support. He does the right things for the right reasons, even if things don't always turn out the way he hopes they will. This is a admirable trait in any leader, good polls or not. I'd rather stick up for the guy who's trying to do the right thing and not always succeeding to his hoped for end, than someone who wants to quit the first chance he sees trouble on the horizon.

The Democrats have admitted that this is part of their strategy. Majority Leader Harry Reid said he sees the Iraq war as a way for his party to gain seats in the next few elections, which only means that pounding the effort into the ground more ferociously will help his political ego more than truly trying to find ways to win so our troops can come home victorious. They are the ones spreading fear and right now the people seem to be buying it, but it's all for naught.

President Bush has stood on principle and vetoed the pork-filled, timetable-laden legislation that could have been a terrific bi-partisan effort for the troops without those inclusions. Instead Democrats think that half-heartedly fighting against the funding will win them points. It's incredibly cynical. I don't like cynics. I don't particularly root for former Senator Fred Thompson, and won't care one way or the other if he gets into this race, but he said something that rang true. Why would you send a bill for funding to troops, but at the same time tell those same troops that they have already lost the fight? That's the height of cynicism to me. If they really believe this fight isn't worth it, just go for it and cut the funding. After all, the Democrats seem to think the people have their backs on this issue.

But you know that impeachment has a higher price than Democracts are willing to pay. Not to mention a tougher battle than they want to engage in. They don't have the votes. for one thing. And how will it look if two back-to-back 8-year U.S. Presidents are impeached in partisan political battles?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:48 pm
by flipp525
Ya know, you really do have to admire criddic's unfailing dedication to Bush and his coterie. Honestly. I think if pictures were released tomorrow of Cheney and Bush taking turns tag-teaming a group of pre-teen boys, criddic would say that the boys' lewd and lascivious flirtation had provoked the President and the Vice President to drop trou and take charge of the situation like any good Republican would. He really is that far up their asses.

Edited By flipp525 on 1177974132

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:58 pm
by Greg
Adding to this, John Murtha was on Sunday's Meet The Press and said ". . . there's four ways to influence a president. . . and one of them's impeachment. . ."

The relevant part begins at the bottom of page 7.

Criddic, try this pronunciation execise:

Pres-i-dent Pe-lo-si

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:19 pm
by criddic3
"Personally altering intelligence"

Nope, not gonna prove it. He can say anything he wants, but believe me this isn't gonna fly.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:06 pm
by OscarGuy
We all know it's not going to pass, but it's nice to see.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:53 pm
by Akash

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:33 pm
by Greg
Congressman and Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has just filed artilces of impeachment against Vice President Cheney.,2933,268201,00.html