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Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 5:06 pm
by Big Magilla
Got my booster shot yesterday. Sleepy afterward, but had to stay awake as I had construction going on on my house - new deck. Minor discomfort in my arm at night that kept me from sleeping on my left side as I normally do, but that was all.


Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 6:32 pm
by Sonic Youth
Big Magilla wrote:
Reza wrote:I got two shots of the Sinopharm vaccine in May. About 10 days ago I got a booster shot of Pfizer and lo and behold tested positive for Covid 3 days ago. I have mild body aches, fever, a slight sore throat and have lost my sense of taste and smell. Am just having panadols to bring down the fever along with an antibiotic and some vitamins. Not sure how long this is going to last.

On Edit: Just read how Powell died.
Powell had underlying conditions. Hopefully you don't. Get well quickly!
To be specific, myeloma. Which means he had cancerous blood plasma. Agreed, hopefully you have nothing even close to that.


Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 5:50 pm
by Greg
I have hay fever and have just recognized that I tended to sniffle and sneeze less the times I have worn face masks. I read that pollen particles can be as large as 800 times covid viruses, so, face masks would also block them. Has anyone with any allergies also experienced this?


Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:59 pm
by gunnar
I hope that you get over it quickly, Reza.

I just became eligible for the Pfizer booster and will probably try to get it this week.


Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 7:06 pm
by Greg
Best wishes, Reza!


Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 5:09 pm
by Big Magilla
Reza wrote:I got two shots of the Sinopharm vaccine in May. About 10 days ago I got a booster shot of Pfizer and lo and behold tested positive for Covid 3 days ago. I have mild body aches, fever, a slight sore throat and have lost my sense of taste and smell. Am just having panadols to bring down the fever along with an antibiotic and some vitamins. Not sure how long this is going to last.

On Edit: Just read how Powell died.
Powell had underlying conditions. Hopefully you don't. Get well quickly!


Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 4:05 pm
by mlrg
Reza wrote:I got two shots of the Sinopharm vaccine in May. About 10 days ago I got a booster shot of Pfizer and lo and behold tested positive for Covid 3 days ago. I have mild body aches, fever, a slight sore throat and have lost my sense of taste and smell. Am just having panadols to bring down the fever along with an antibiotic and some vitamins. Not sure how long this is going to last.
Get well soon.

I’m in the middle of a flu (it’s not covid). My first since 2019.


Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 3:58 pm
by Reza
I got two shots of the Sinopharm vaccine in May. About 10 days ago I got a booster shot of Pfizer and lo and behold tested positive for Covid 3 days ago. I have mild body aches, fever, a slight sore throat and have lost my sense of taste and smell. Am just having panadols to bring down the fever along with an antibiotic and some vitamins. Not sure how long this is going to last.

On Edit: Just read how Powell died.


Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 8:57 am
by dws1982
The wording in the district policy says, "If the school nurse sends a certified employee home due to COVID quarantine guidelines, the district will cover the employee's leave and they will not be required to take medical leave", which my principal is interpreting super-literally as "you are not eligible for COVID leave because the nurse did not send you home". It's a poorly-worded policy which literal-minded people will do stupid things with.

But it would've been irresponsible to go to anywhere after I had already begun to show symptoms, and I'm sure I could go to HR and point that out if I wanted to fight this. Or I could point out that there were multiple positive cases in my classroom over the past couple of weeks. I literally had to send home three "Your child has been exposed" letters in my classes in the two weeks before I got sick.

But in a couple of months, I'm transferring to a different contract for a $20,000 raise, and that contract is a non-tenured contract, so I am not inclined to piss off my principal over eight sick days. If I were not going to that contract, I absolutely would make an issue out of this.


Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 7:53 am
by Big Magilla
Sonic Youth wrote:
dws1982 wrote:Thanks for all the good wishes guys.

It's been three miserable days, but the numbers my doctor's office told me to track are all fine, so I think it'll just be several days of sitting at the house feeling bad and randomly falling asleep for two hours.

Also I was denied Covid leave at work for a very silly reason (essentially because I tested positive at home--my admin is reading the guidelines incorrectly) so I have to burn through eight or nine sick days.
What does this even mean?? Is it because you took a home test?
No wonder Alabama is losing so many teachers. Some battles are not worth fighting, but this one sounds like one worth a shot.

Is "admin", used here, short for administrator or administrative assistant? What exactly do the guidelines say? If you can show in black and white that you followed the guidelines you should be able to have that decision reversed.

Does this person expect you come to work sick as a dog where you may be spreading the virus to all you come into contact with on the way so that you can take a test administered by the school nurse? Is he or she saying that a home test may be false positive whereas a test administered by the school nurse would be more conclusive for their verification purposes? Would it had made a difference if you had gone to a hospital, clinic, or pharmacy for the test?


Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 7:25 am
by Sonic Youth
dws1982 wrote:Thanks for all the good wishes guys.

It's been three miserable days, but the numbers my doctor's office told me to track are all fine, so I think it'll just be several days of sitting at the house feeling bad and randomly falling asleep for two hours.

Also I was denied Covid leave at work for a very silly reason (essentially because I tested positive at home--my admin is reading the guidelines incorrectly) so I have to burn through eight or nine sick days.
What does this even mean?? Is it because you took a home test?


Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 3:15 am
by Heksagon
Best wishes, DWS.


Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 7:38 pm
by dws1982
Thanks for all the good wishes guys.

It's been three miserable days, but the numbers my doctor's office told me to track are all fine, so I think it'll just be several days of sitting at the house feeling bad and randomly falling asleep for two hours.

Also I was denied Covid leave at work for a very silly reason (essentially because I tested positive at home--my admin is reading the guidelines incorrectly) so I have to burn through eight or nine sick days. Probably could've fought it and won, but since I plan to transfer to a non-tenured contract in a few months, I'm going to accept that as the cost of doing business, so to speak, because I do not wish to alienate someone who has a say in whether I keep my job.


Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:03 pm
by Greg
Best of luck, DWS.


Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 3:58 pm
by Reza
Hang in there and get well soon.