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Re: (Ridiculous) NY Critics Voting Date

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:27 pm
by Mister Tee
Since this has turned into the prediction thread...

Film: The Descendants
ru: The Tree of Life, Hugo

Actor: Michael Fassbender (Shame)
ru: George Clooney (The Descendants), Brad Pitt (Moneyball)

Actress: Elizabeth Olsen (Martha Marcy May Marlene)
ru: Kirsten Dunst (Melancholia), Tilda Swinton (We Need to Talk About Kevin)

Sup. Actor: Albert Brooks (Drive)
ru: Patton Oswalt (Young Adult), Brad Pitt (The Tree of Life)

Sup. Actress: Carey Mulligan (Shame)
ru: Vanessa Redgrave (Coriolanus), Janet McTeer (Albert Nobbs)

Director: Terence Malick (The Tree of Life)
ru: Martin Scorsese (Hugo), Steve McQueen (Shame)

Screenplay: The Descendants
ru: Moneyball, A Separation

Cinematography: The Tree of Life
ru: Hugo, The Artist

Foreign Language Film: Poetry
ru: A Separation, Of Gods and Men

Non-Fiction Film: Senna
ru: Tabloid, Cave of Forgotten Dreams

Animated Feature: Rango
ru: The Adventures of TinTin, (who cares?)

First Film: Martha Marcy May Marlene
ru: Margin Call, Tyrannosaur

I notice no one else has picked in this last category. Does anyone know what other prominent films this year were debuts?

Re: (Ridiculous) NY Critics Voting Date

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 2:21 pm
by FilmFan720
FILM: The Artist (Hugo, The Tree of Life)
FOREIGN FILM: Of Gods and Men (A Separation, Uncle Boonmee....)
DIRECTOR: Martin Scorsese, Hugo (Lars Von Trier, Michael Hazanavicius)
ACTOR: Michael Shannon, Take Shelter (Jean Dujardin, Brad Pitt)
ACTRESS: Kirsten Dunst, Melancholia (Michelle Williams, Glenn Close)
SUPPORTING ACTOR: Albert Brooks, Drive (Robert Forster, Christoph Waltz)
SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Janet McTeer, Albert Nobbs (Jessica Chastain, Shailene Woodley)
SCREENPLAY: The Descendants (Moneyball, The Artist)
CINEMATOGRAPHY: Hugo (The Tree of Life, The Artist)
ANIMATED FEATURE: The Adventures of Tintin (Rango)

Re: (Ridiculous) NY Critics Voting Date

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 2:02 pm
by Big Magilla

Best Film - War Horse
(r.u. - Hugo; The Artist)

Best Foreign-Language Film - A Separation
(r.u - Of Gods and Men; In Darkness)

Best Director - Steven Spielberg, War Horse and The Adventures of Tintin
(r.u. - Martin Scorsese, Hugo; Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist)

Best Actor - Gary Oldman, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
(r.u. - Michael Fassbender, Shame; Jean Dujardin,The Artist)

Best Actress - Meryl Streep, The Iron Lady
(r.u. Michelle Williams, My Week with Marilyn; Glenn Close, Albert Nobbs)

Best Supporting Actor - Michael Lonsdale, Of Gods and Men
(r.u. - Ben Kingsley, Hugo; Christopher Plummer, Beginners)

Best Supporting Actress - Vanessa Redgrave, Coriolanus
(r.u. - Berenice Bejo, The Artist; Janet McTeer, Albert Nobbs)

Best Screenplay - The Descendants
(r.u. - Hugo; The Artist)

Best Cinematography - War Horse
(r.u. - The Artist; Hugo)

Best Animated Feature - The Adventures of Tintin
(r.u. - Arthur Christmas; Rango)

Non-Fiction Film - no clue

Re: (Ridiculous) NY Critics Voting Date

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:46 am
by nightwingnova
If naming runners-up are are mine:

Film: Shame (if not, The Artist)
Director: Lars von Trier - Melancholia (if not, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo or The Artist)
Screenplay: Shame
Actor: Christoph Waltz - Carnage (if not, Jean Dujardin or Michael Fassbender)
Actress: Meryl Streep - The Iron Lady (runners-up: Kirsten Dunst and Rooney Mara)
Supporting Actor: Viggo Mortensen - A Dangerous Method (runners-up: Christopher Plummer and Robert Forster)
Supporting Actress: Janet McTeer - Albert Nobbs
Cinematography: Melancholia

Re: (Ridiculous) NY Critics Voting Date

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 2:30 am
by Damien
My Predictions:

Best Film - Hugo
(r.u. - The Artist; Tree of Life)

Best Foreign-Language Film - A Separation
(r.u - Mysteries Of Lisbon; Of Gods and Men)

Best Director - Terence Malick for Tree of Life
(r.u. - Michel Hazanavicius for The Artist; Martin Scorsese for Hugo)

Best Actor - Michael Fassbender in Shame and A Dangerous Method
(r.u. - Jean Dujardin in The Artist; George Clooney in The Descendants)

Best Actress - Michelle Williams in My Week With Marilyn
(r.u. Kirsten Dunst in Melancholia; Elizabeth Olson, Martha Marcy May Marlene )

Best Supporting Actor - Albert Brooks in Drive
(r.u. - Arnie Hammer in J. Edgar; Michael Lonsdale in Of Gods And Men)

Best Supporting Actress - Jessica Chastain in Tree of Life, et al
(r.u. - Berenice Bejo in The Artist; Melissa McCarthy in Bridesmaids)

Best Screenplay - The Descendants
(r.u. - Take Shelter; Bridesmaids)

Best Cinematography - Tree of Life
(r.u. - The Artist; Hugo)

Best Goddamn Cartoon - A Cat In Paris
(r.u. - Decision Not To Give An Award This Year; Rango)

Non-Fiction Film - Cave of Forgotten Dreams
(r.u. - Bill Cunningham New York; Tabloid)

Re: (Ridiculous) NY Critics Voting Date

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:42 pm
by Sabin
Best Film - The Descendants
(r.u. - The Tree of Life, Drive)

Best Foreign-Language Film - A Separation
(r.u. - Of Gods and Men, Mysteries of Lisbon)

Best Actor - Jean Dujardin, The Artist
(r.u. - George Clooney, The Descendants; Ryan Gosling, Crazy Stupid Love, Drive, and The Ides of March)

Best Actress - Elizabeth Olson, Martha Marcy May Marlene
(r.u. Kirsten Dunst, Melancholia; Michelle Williams, My Week with Marilyn)

Best Supporting Actor - Albert Brooks, Drive
(r.u. - Christopher Plummer, Beginners; Jonah Hill, Moneyball)

Best Supporting Actress - Jessica Chastain, her entire body of work
(r.u. - Melissa McCarthy, Bridesmaids; Shailene Woodley, The Descendants)

Best Director - Terrence Malick, The Tree of Life
(r.u. - Alexander Payne, The Descendants; Nicholas Winding Refn, Drive)

Best Screenplay - The Descendants
(r.u. - Bridesmaids, Moneyball)

Best Cinematography - The Tree of Life
(r.u. - Hugo, The Artist)

Best Animated Feature - Rango
(r.u. - The Adventures of Tintin, Chico & Rita)

Best Non-Fiction Film - Into the Abyss
(r.u. - Bill Cunningham..., Tabloid)

Re: (Ridiculous) NY Critics Voting Date

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:29 pm
by OscarGuy
it's only opening on like 1200 screens...Its per screen average on Wednesday was third behind Breaking Dawn and the Muppets...I'd say it isn't doing badly.

Re: (Ridiculous) NY Critics Voting Date

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:37 pm
by Sonic Youth
No guts no glory prediction for Best Film, and this goes for all critic's groups:

This year's nearly unanimous consensus pick (there's always at least one of those, you know), will be Hugo for Best Picture in response to the film's dismaying box office showing.

It's as good a prediction as any this early in the game, no?

Re: (Ridiculous) NY Critics Voting Date

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:46 am
by OscarGuy
I expect Michael Fassbender to show up for Shame. Something is just nagging at me on that one. NY will likely ignore Melancholia (as most groups probably will, though a win by Kirsten Dunst wouldn't surprise me somewhere, but not here). I'm going to guess Jessica Chastain for Supporting Actress in all of her many many many many performances this year (heck, they could mention Fassbender for Shame and A Dangerous Method).

Re: (Ridiculous) NY Critics Voting Date

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:52 am
by Damien
nightwingnova wrote:Ok, I'm gonna take the plunge and take a firm stand on predictions for the NYFCC awards:

Film: Shame
Director: Lars von Trier - Melancholia
Screenplay: Shame
Actor: Christoph Waltz - Carnage
Actress: Meryl Streep - The Iron Lady
Supporting Actor: Viggo Mortensen - A Dangerous Method
Supporting Actress: Janet McTeer - Albert Nobbs
Cinematography: Melancholia

I'm pushing it with Shame and Waltz...but I'll take my chances.
No offense, but I don't think you've got a single one right.

Re: (Ridiculous) NY Critics Voting Date

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:29 am
by nightwingnova
Ok, I'm gonna take the plunge and take a firm stand on predictions for the NYFCC awards:

Film: Shame
Director: Lars von Trier - Melancholia
Screenplay: Shame
Actor: Christoph Waltz - Carnage
Actress: Meryl Streep - The Iron Lady
Supporting Actor: Viggo Mortensen - A Dangerous Method
Supporting Actress: Janet McTeer - Albert Nobbs
Cinematography: Melancholia

I'm pushing it with Shame and Waltz...but I'll take my chances.

Re: (Ridiculous) NY Critics Voting Date

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:56 am
by Damien
nightwingnova wrote:The trailer to Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close starts off auspiciously. Then the second half conveys saccharine gunk. I'm not sure it's worth delaying the vote to see it.
No matter if it's an even bigger piece of crap than such previous NY Film Critics award winners as Gandhi, United 93, Around The World In 80 Days, Sideways, and Marty, these people should not be passing their dubious judgment on what they consider to be the year's best until they've had an opportunity to see all the year's releases.

Re: (Ridiculous) NY Critics Voting Date

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:51 pm
by nightwingnova
The trailer to Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close starts off auspiciously. Then the second half conveys saccharine gunk. I'm not sure it's worth delaying the vote to see it.

Big Magilla wrote:It's getting testy. From the Post's Lou Loumenick':

Producer Scott Rudin and his spin doctors have given a black eye to the New York Film Critics Circle (which gave his "The Social Network'' its top prize last year) and its chairman, John Anderson. The pugnacious critic persuaded the membership (which includes me and The Post's Kyle Smith) to give Rudin an extra day to screen his production of David Fincher's "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo'' (released by Sony) by postponing the group's vote on its annual awards to next Tuesday. The awards vote, which is coming two weeks earlier than usual, had originally been announced for Monday but Rudin's reps said it wouldn't be ready until Monday.

As soon as the change was made, NYFCC members were told by Warner Bros. reps that another Rudin contender, Stephen Daldry's "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close,'' won't be ready until Dec. 2. We had been asked if we could attend a screening of this on Sunday night, but no promises of one had actually been made.

Meanwhile, e-mails exchanged between NYFCC members have been turning up all over the place, including Rudin's mailbox. Since it's been incorrectly quoted at Hollywood Elsewhere, here's my exact response when Anderson remarked about this "curious" awards strategy: "Especially since it virtually invites interwebs speculation that WB doesn't think it stands a chance with us.''

Re: (Ridiculous) NY Critics Voting Date

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:40 pm
by Big Magilla
It's getting testy. From the Post's Lou Loumenick':

Producer Scott Rudin and his spin doctors have given a black eye to the New York Film Critics Circle (which gave his "The Social Network'' its top prize last year) and its chairman, John Anderson. The pugnacious critic persuaded the membership (which includes me and The Post's Kyle Smith) to give Rudin an extra day to screen his production of David Fincher's "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo'' (released by Sony) by postponing the group's vote on its annual awards to next Tuesday. The awards vote, which is coming two weeks earlier than usual, had originally been announced for Monday but Rudin's reps said it wouldn't be ready until Monday.

As soon as the change was made, NYFCC members were told by Warner Bros. reps that another Rudin contender, Stephen Daldry's "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close,'' won't be ready until Dec. 2. We had been asked if we could attend a screening of this on Sunday night, but no promises of one had actually been made.

Meanwhile, e-mails exchanged between NYFCC members have been turning up all over the place, including Rudin's mailbox. Since it's been incorrectly quoted at Hollywood Elsewhere, here's my exact response when Anderson remarked about this "curious" awards strategy: "Especially since it virtually invites interwebs speculation that WB doesn't think it stands a chance with us.''

Re: (Ridiculous) NY Critics Voting Date

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:35 pm
by nightwingnova
Ok. The context is important.

Damien wrote:
nightwingnova wrote:Not critical enough of Thatcher? She's a hero in Britain. She kicked the country forward from an economic and morale dump. The country was dying in the late 70s and 80s.
Not among the British entertainment and arts community, which is to the left of that in the States. Many of the mainstays of British theatre and film today got their starts in works excoriating Thatcher and the Tories.