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Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:08 pm
by Greg
The most recent Rasmussen poll has Huckabee #1 in Iowa.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 8:40 pm
by OscarGuy
I really have to respect him on this one...for once someone with an energy independence backbone...if only he weren't republican and an ass.

Huckabee: America enslaved to Saudi oil

Sun Nov 25, 2:59 PM ET

WASHINGTON - Consumers are financing both sides in the war on terror because of the actions of U.S. ally Saudi Arabia, Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said Sunday.

The former Arkansas governor made the comments following what he suggested was a muted response by the Bush administration to a Saudi court's sentence of six months in jail and 200 lashes for a woman who was gang raped.

"The United States has been far too involved in sort of looking the other way, not only at the atrocities of human rights and violation of women," Huckabee said on CNN's "Late Edition."

"Every time we put our credit card in the gas pump, we're paying so that the Saudis get rich — filthy, obscenely rich, and that money then ends up going to funding madrassas," schools "that train the terrorists," said Huckabee. "America has allowed itself to become enslaved to Saudi oil. It's absurd. It's embarrassing."

Huckabee said "I would make the United States energy independent within 10 years and tell the Saudis they can keep their oil just like they can keep their sand, that we won't need either one of them."

Responding to the gang rape case in Saudi Arabia, the State Department expressed astonishment about the sentence of the Saudi court against the rape victim.

The woman was convicted of being in the car of a man who was not a relative. The seven men convicted of raping her were given prison sentences of two years to nine years.

Under Saudi Arabia's strict interpretation of Islamic Sharia law, women are not allowed in public in the company of men other than relatives.

The woman has said the 2006 attack occurred as she tried to retrieve her picture from a male friend. While in the car with the friend, two men climbed into the vehicle and drove to a secluded area. She said she was raped by seven men, three of whom also attacked her friend.

The woman initially had been sentenced to 90 lashes after she was convicted of violating rigid laws on the segregation of the sexes. The Saudi court said the woman's punishment was increased because of what the court said was her attempt to aggravate and influence the judiciary through the media.

State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said that "when you look at the crime and the fact that now the victim is punished, I think that causes a fair degree of surprise and astonishment. But it is within the power of the Saudi government to take a look at the verdict and change it."

Last Tuesday, the same day as McCormack's comments, President Bush telephoned Saudi King Abdullah, trying to get Saudi Arabia to co-sponsor this week's U.S.-organized conference aimed at working toward a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians. On Friday, Abdullah agreed to send its foreign minister to the conference.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:30 pm
by taki15
I don't think it's so unintentional.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:50 pm
by Greg
This is the most unintentionally-funny political ad I've ever seen.

Chuck Norris endorses Mike Huckabee:

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 7:28 pm
by Akash
criddic3 wrote:Huckabee does quite well in the debates and he seems like a nice man, but I don't see him as President. I don't have that feeling about him.
He doesn't give you that stirring in your loins like Giuliani, huh?
I could be wrong, but this time I think Republicans want to win.

What? They always want to win, what are you talking about? That's why they'll reroute districts and disenfranchise minority voters. If they are enthusiastic about anything besides tax cuts and white privilege, it's winning.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:12 pm
by Greg
I've seen polls that show Huckabee within striking distance to win Iowa.

Matt Taibbi has an article on Huckabee in Rolling Stone, which includes:

HUCKABEE GAVE AN EVEN MORE DAMNING glimpse into his inner batshit self in a recent appearance at the Preston­wood Baptist Church near Dallas, where he told audiences that Christians are sitting in the pole position of the race to Armageddon. "If you're with Jesus Christ, we know how it turns out in the final moment," he said. "I've read the last chapter in the book, and we do end up winning."

Winning? I ask Huckabee when, exactly, he thinks victory will arrive. "When I was eighteen, I thought I had it pretty well figured out," he says. "I thought the end of the world was coming at any moment." But when I ask how his views have changed, he says only that he is "less adamant now." Huckabee, with the wisdom of age, apparently believes we have at least a day or two left until the end of the world.

The troubling thing about Huckabee's God rhetoric is that a man who is glad that Christians will "win" at Armageddon must be happy about the rest of us losing. When I press him on whether he believes all non-Christians are eternally damned, Huckabee is evasive. "Being president isn't about picking who goes to heaven and who goes to hell," he says. When none other than Bill O'Reilly hammered him on the same point a day later, Huckabee conceded that "I believe Jesus is the way to heaven."

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:25 am
by criddic3
Huckabee does quite well in the debates and he seems like a nice man, but I don't see him as President. I don't have that feeling about him. I could be wrong, but this time I think Republicans want to win. This isn't going to be a repeat of 1996 or even 1992, when the party wasn't really in it full-steam ahead. The 2006 defeat was a major wake-up call to a lot of Republicans. They won't settle for someone who is the idealogical-but-not-quite-electable choice this time. However, I wouldn't be shocked to see him as the VP pick.

Edited By criddic3 on 1193376348

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:53 pm
by Damien
I've felt all along that Huckabee was the one to watch out for among the Repugnants. The supposed front runners all seemed fatally flawed to me in terms of what the goons who vote in their primaries are looking for. Huckabee, though, is a lunatic extremist who speaks reasonably and comes across as a fairly nice guy, not a firebrand (hell, he's even made several appearances on Bill Maher). I'm still surprided he's not leading in the polls (for the nomination). I wouldn't be surprised if come February/March he is.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:35 pm
by Greg
No wonder Mike Huckabee is the new rising star in the Republican Party.

In an under-the-radar interview that aired on CNN Friday night (Oct. 19), conservative talk show host Glenn Beck asked Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee about current events in the Middle East. Then came the payoff question about Armageddon, and Huckabee delivered the ministerial money shot for values voters everywhere:

BECK: You're a biblical guy. You're a preacher. Do you believe we are possibly facing "End Times" scenarios with any of the events that we're seeing?
HUCKABEE: You know, every generation has thought that they were, and we could be, but we don't ever act like, "OK, this is it," so we just sit back and coast and ride it out until the end. We always act as if it could be today, but we also plan as if it could be 100,000 years from now.