Writers' Strike

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Post by OscarGuy »

The problem with that is that the WGA has stated that any writer who works for the AMPTP member studios will be barred from ever becoming a WGA member. Those who don't care won't mind.

However, this does not mean that writers aren't working. Not all studios are members of the AMPTP and so writers can still find work with the true independent studios out there.
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Post by Zahveed »

So will this affect writers outside of the WGA for better or for worse? You would think producers would start taking more scripts from freelance writers in the mean time, until the strike is settled at least. I was only just born in 1988, so I don't directly know how it affected entertainment at the time of the last strike.
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Post by Akash »

I knew any good friend of yours had to be a leftist radical, Damien.
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Post by Damien »

Bill Condon was one of the representatives for the WGA during negotiations, so presumably Italiano will be on management's side.
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Post by Akash »

Since most writing in film and television is so bad, I doubt we're missing much as a result of the strike.

And obviously as a pinko, I support any strike.
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Post by Greg »

At least the WGA has this bit of strong support on its side:

Teamsters support the Writers Guild in fight for fair contract

Official Statement of Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa

(Washington, DC) – Thousands of members of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) find their livelihoods being threatened by the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers’ (AMPTP) refusal to bargain in good faith. Though they are the fuel that keeps the multibillion dollar motion picture and television industry driving, writers continue to be denied a fair agreement by studio executives.

If we abandon our union brothers and sisters now, we abandon the very core principals of trade unionism. I encourage the members of WGA to stand strong and fight for what you believe is right and fair. The Teamsters support your cause.

Without the content these proud union members provide, the television and motion picture industry would come to a grinding halt. Hundreds of people play a role in the creation of a successful product in this industry. However, the genesis of any production comes directly from the talented minds of these writers.

The Teamsters Union has more than 4,000 members at Local 399 in Hollywood, California that work in the motion picture and television industry and understand that the writers’ fight is their fight. I applaud Secretary-Treasurer Leo Reed’s public support of our 12,000 brothers and sisters in the WGA. If the membership of the WGA is forced to strike, our union stands ready to support them in any way we can.

While our members are contractually bound to continue to work active productions if the WGA does go out on strike, each and every Local 399 Teamster has the right to honor any picket line if it is raised at their place of employment without fear of reprisal from the studios. If there is one thing that can be said about the 1.4 million Teamsters across this country, it is that our union is one that believes in strength through solidarity.

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Post by Sonic Youth »

Sorry, Greg.

Hollywood Writers Begin Strike

Nov 5, 6:32 AM (ET)


LOS ANGELES (AP) - Film and TV writers resolved to put down their pens and take up picket signs after last-ditch talks failed to avert a strike.

The first picket lines were set to appear Monday morning at Rockefeller Center in New York, where NBC is headquartered.

In Los Angeles, writers were planning to picket 14 studio locations in four-hour shifts from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day until a new deal is reached.

The contract between the 12,000-member Writers Guild of America and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producer expired Oct. 31. Talks that began this summer failed to produce much progress on the writers' key demands for a bigger slice of DVD profits and revenue from the distribution of films and TV shows over the Internet.

Writers and producers gathered for negotiations Sunday at the request of a federal mediator.

The two sides met for nearly 11 hours before East Coast members of the writers union announced on their Web site that the strike had begun for their 4,000 members.

Producers said writers refused a request to "stop the clock" on the planned strike while talks continued.

"It is unfortunate that they choose to take this irresponsible action," producers said in a statement.

Producers said writers were not willing to compromise on their major demands.

Writers said they withdrew a proposal to increase their share of revenue from the sale of DVDs that had been a stumbling block for producers. They also said the proposals by producers in the area of Internet reuse of TV episodes and films were unacceptable.

"The AMPTP made no response to any of the other proposals that the WGA has made since July," writers said in a statement.

The strike is the first walkout by writers since 1988. That work stoppage lasted 22 weeks and cost the industry more than $500 million.

The first casualty of the strike would be late-night talk shows, which are dependent on current events to fuel monologues and other entertainment.

Daytime TV, including live talk shows such as "The View" and soap operas, which typically tape about a week's worth of shows in advance, would be next to feel the impact.

The strike will not immediately impact production of movies or prime-time TV programs. Most studios have stockpiled dozens of movie scripts, and TV shows have enough scripts or completed shows in hand to last until early next year.

One key factor that could determine the damage caused by the strike is whether members of a powerful Hollywood Teamsters local honor the picket lines.

Local 399, which represents truck drivers, casting directors and location managers, had told its members that as a union, it has a legal obligation to honor its contracts with producers.

But the clause does not apply to individuals, who are protected by federal law from employer retribution if they decide to honor picket lines, the local said.

The battle has broad implications for the way Hollywood does business, since whatever deal is struck by writers will likely be used as a template for talks with actors and directors, whose contracts expire next June.

"We'll get what they get," Screen Actors Guild president Alan Rosenberg told The Associated Press.

The guilds have been preparing for these negotiations for years, hiring staff with extensive labor union experience, and developing joint strategies and a harder line than producers have seen in decades.

"We haven't shown particular resolve in past negotiations," said John Bowman, the WGA's chief negotiator.
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Post by Greg »

There is a chance that the Writer's Guild Of America might go on strike Nov. 1. From what I've read, the WGA is attempting to bring in reality-show writers into the strike (illuminating how "reality" shows are as real as wrestling) and also news writers, at least for CBS news. I think the news part could have the strongest impact by far, as they can't be written ahead of time and they can't fall back to reruns.

As serious as the issue is for people like me, I did find this site to be funny:

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