The Closed Topic

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Post by OscarGuy »

I've had a number of people tell me they were upset that the discussion being held in the Film Criticism & Essays forum was closed before debate was finalized. Magilla and I have talked and he closed the topic for the right reasons, not the wrong as some have implied.

There were a number of members who were uncomfortable with the discussion, some of whom suggested they might leave if it continued. It was also becoming an endless argument that was never going to be won. Steph2 and Sonic are both strong-willed individuals and both believe they are right on the matter and no manner of convincing would have changed that.

The thread was becoming disruptive. I agree with Magilla to a certain extent and I'm going to leave the previous topic closed.

However, I am opening this discussion as a chance for the various sides to finish up their argument and thus give everyone a chance to say what's on their mind or to put forth a final argument. Let's try not to let this go on too long or become too vicious. I was seeing a nasty side come out and it wasn't making me happy.

Let's try to keep the debate civil. But let me forewarn the posters. This is not a debate that will be ended easily. Neither side is willing to budge. That's fine, but let's keep the abusive rhetoric to a minimum so that we don't drive off potential long-term members in the course of our squabbles.

I have some things to say on the matter, since it pertains by-and-large to comments made about me, but I do not have time right now and I may not have time this evening, so please be patient while I frame and form a response that will hopefully convey how I, the original target, feel about the matter.

Edited By OscarGuy on 1200404217
Wesley Lovell
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
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