Forum Downtime

A place for the UAADB Admin to post information necessary for all members to read.
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Big Magilla
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Post by Big Magilla »

Maybe it's time to start deleting some of the old psots.
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Post by OscarGuy »

I may have to take the board down again. Just an idea of what's going on.

This past week, my site started operating severely slowly. When I brought this information to my admin, the research claimed that it was the ikonboard.cgi file that was causing the issue. Since I have made no changes to this system at all, I find it highly suspicious.

But, they seem to be refusing to do anything to assist the issue, so I may have to take it down for a bit more. I don't know at this point. I'll let you know.
Wesley Lovell
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Post by OscarGuy »

I was not able to complete the transition this evening and may not be able to for a little bit longer. Please continue to use this page until the site has fully moved. The main site, however, has been moved to

Please keep in mind I'm still transitioning things and some items might not work the way I want them to yet, but they will eventually be ironed out.
Wesley Lovell
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
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Post by OscarGuy »

Starting late Saturday night, early Sunday morning, I will be transitioning this site to a new one. In order to do this, I will need to stop all updates to the site before the transition. My intention is to keep your login info and settings the same in the transition, but I make no promises.

If all goes smoothly, it will be back up and operational later in the day on Sunday. If not, I don't know. Thankfully, we've got a nice lull between the Oscar nominations and anything of significant importance (the Annie Awards and the USC Scripter award are it for the next week). Hopefully you like what I will be doing with everything.

When everything is said and done, for a short period of time, there will be an automatic re-direct, but you WILL need to change your bookmarks at that time or else they will stop working after that period. How things will be transferred after that time has no been decided.

Just giving everyone a heads up that while they may still be able to post after this time, their posts may get lost in the transition.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Wesley Lovell
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
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Post by OscarGuy »

I will be bringing down the forums some time this week (probably Friday or so). I do not expect a lengthy down time, but it will be unavailable for a little bit as I make some changes to the site.

Please note if you have a bookmark to the UAADB, you will have to be aware that it may no longer work after this impending change.
Wesley Lovell
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
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Post by OscarGuy »

There should be NO MORE FORUM DOWNTIME! Hooray!

The new board is up and running at the new address. Please update your bookmarks if you have bookmarked the page. You may have to request your password and reset it, but everything should work just fine!

There may also be some page display screw ups as you look through the posts around here. It's usually only in old posts with quotes. Magilla or I can go in and edit those and correct them to make them display correctly. When you come across one, just send us a PM and we'll take care of it.

Edited By OscarGuy on 1240630744
Wesley Lovell
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
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Post by OscarGuy »

I had anticipated re-launching the board when my new website goes live on Sunday. However, because the support staff at Ikonboard dragged their feet all night, I was not able to get the work done tonight that I wanted to. Therefore, I have no idea when I'll be able to actually get this thing going. So, until I have some kind of timetable from Ikonboard on getting everything set up...or a refund for no support whatsoever, then I'll be able to let you guys know and make the transition.

I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. I have had a very frustrating evening and I have frustrated you all in the process. I also apologize to Flipp who didn't get to enjoy his birthday with his friends here on the board. So, enjoy discussing things for a little while until I can get everything transferred...or maybe never at this point...
Wesley Lovell
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
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Post by OscarGuy »

I think I may almost be to a point where I can bring the board down to transition to the new forums. I have verified that a number of things I'm hoping to accomplish should be able to be done. So, Yay!

Anyway, I expect that I will probably be bringing the board down sometime this week, but I don't know when. Most likely, when I do you won't even have warning b/c I'll just take it offline.

Please note that the current address you are using for the board WILL NOT work after the board transitions as the entire affair will be moving to a new location on my site. I won't give you the address b/c that wouldn't be any fun for me. :) Anyway, just be prepared and I hope everyone has everything they want just in case data is lost in the transition.
Wesley Lovell
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
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Post by OscarGuy »

I'm going to invoke the "about" clause as I will likely not bring the board down exactly on April 1. There are many reasons for this, but mostly because my entire website re-design is not done and is not likely to be done until after the 1st due to other obligations I have right now. However, when the board does go down, it shouldn't hopefully be long. I'm going to be paying the ikonboard people to help walk me through the migration as well as help me set up some much needed improvements/changes I want to make to the board, including a new location within my site.

Your existing shortcuts/bookmarks to the message board will not work after the board is fully migrated, so if you have not requested notification by e-mail when the board is back up, then you will need to bookmark my main site and keep an eye out for the pending re-design.

I am quite happy with the way the design looks and I'm hoping everyone else will be. I've been working hard over the last few weeks on this and with more than 1200 pages to go through, it is taking a decent amount of time. So, I'm hoping everyone else is as impressed with it all as I am...and I've still got a lot of pages to go, so color me excited.
Wesley Lovell
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
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Post by OscarGuy »

On or about April 1, 2009, I will bring the UAADB down for maintenance. This will include an attempt to upgrade the message board software.

I will then backup my entire site, including the board and also download the databases so that I have everything I need should something mess up and I have to backtrack on my install.

I do not know how long this downtime will be. It could take a day, it could take a week or two. I will do my best to get it back up and running as quickly as possible.

I would encourage you to save any data from the board that you want to maintain in the extreme case that the entire board becomes irretrievable. I will do everything in my power to avoid that occurrences, but I wanted to make everyone aware so they have some time to prepare.

My website will also likely get its revamp right around that time. I'm working on that right now since I can work in a sandbox elsewhere to get things in order. So, both may be down temporarily.

But let me just say "WE WILL BE BACK!" I'm not giving up this place even if everything goes horribly awry. So, don't fret if the board and the site aren't up and going again quickly. It will be there.

If you want to receive an e-mail notice when the board is back up in full, send me a PM with your information and I'll add you to a list of people I will specifically notify when things are up and running again. If you don't give me your info, you won't get a notice and you'll just have to keep checking back.
Wesley Lovell
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
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