Super Bowl XLlll

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Mister Tee
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Post by Mister Tee »

I once heard the definition of a great game was, one filled with suspense and reversals that is won by the team you favor. In that sense, for me last year's Super Bowl was a more classic great game: this year I was essentially neutral, so there wasn't the extra kick of having my rooting interest come out on top. And, as Sonic rightly points out, the number of penalties hit an absurd level -- when anything exciting or promising happened for either team in the second half, you assumed three seconds later they'd announce a flag on the play.

But by any standard this was a pretty exciting match, full of "did you SEE that?" plays, with the outcome in doubt literally till the last moment (who would have been surprised to see Warner hit Fitzgerald for one more TD?). I'm old enough to remember when the Super Bowl was the most widely-watched and complained-about game of the year, because the scores were always so lopsided. In this past decade, we've seen an exceptional number of thrilling, close games, and this one was a proud addition.

I was at one site yesterday where folks were trashing Springsteen, which stupefied me. I thought he was one person generally spared hatred -- but I guess Tina Fey was right about the Internet. I thought he was pretty spectacular: one of the greatest live entertainers it's ever been my good fortune to see, alot of which came across even from the TV.
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Sonic Youth
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Post by Sonic Youth »

Holy god, that was sick.

It was one of the dirtiest, ugliest game to watch, but what a nail-biter! That's two amazing Super Bowls in a row (although not so amazing if you were rooting for Arizona, which I sorta was, I guess), and two games where the intensity is consolidated in the final quarter. Many of the great plays like the 100-yard field goal were more like accidents - watching Harrison "run", I'm betting he was praying he'd be tackled - but whatever. This was a freak game by two teams playing nowhere near their best (penalty after penalty after penalty) and - if you were patient enough - great fun.

Only three decent commercials I can recall. The Dylan/ spot was amazing, there was a cute Coke commerical with insects in it, and a hysterical ad for Hulu with Alec Baldwin. Oh, and an ad for something called I remember liking, but damned if I can remember why. But I do recall what the ad was for, which is more than I can say for the Dylan/ ad. And for all the hype of Miller Lite's 1 second ads, I only managed to see one of them. Guess I blinked.

Those who say The Boss is a great entertainer are vindicated tonight. He really is a great, great entertainer. Those who say he's a cheeseball also have a point. What a cheeseball! Halftime shows have been on a streak these past few years.


Edited By Sonic Youth on 1233551421
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Win Butler
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