Thanksgiving 2020-2022

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Re: Thanksgiving 2020

Post by mlrg »

We don’t celebrate thanksgiving in my country, but I thank your all for keeping this board alive
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Re: Thanksgiving 2020

Post by danfrank »

It will be just my husband and me this year, such an odd state of affairs, though most practical as the virus surges.We have been spending most of our pandemic year up at our place in the Sierra foothills, an area filled with oak trees, vineyards, abandoned gold mines, fantastic views, and quiet. It’s also away from people, so feels safe. My husband’s birthday falls on Thanksgiving this year, so we will be celebrating that. I will be cooking, though not traditional Thanksgiving fare. I will be missing family and friends. My elderly mother has opted to stay on the safe side and not spend the day with any of my siblings. She said she’s making a turkey meat loaf, which seems a bit sad, though she’s not a foodie like me and will likely be quite satisfied with that. I will especially be missing my father whom I lost this year, more evidence that 2020 has been the worst year ever (well, of my lifetime anyway).

I’m allowing myself to feel some real hope, though, with a new president and promising vaccines on the not-too-distant horizon. I’m grateful for many things, including the reliable company of this board. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
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Re: Thanksgiving 2020

Post by Sonic Youth »

My wife has lately had her bouts of insomnia, which is different from most. She goes to bed fine, but wakes up super early and can't get back to sleep. Because she's bored and a little jumpy, she's making Thanksgiving dinner right now at 7 in the morning (she actually started at 5am). The turkey and all the accompaniments should be complete before 10am. So, I think we're going to have a Thanksgiving breakfast, or at least a Thanksgiving brunch, and by the time Thanksgiving dinner rolls around, we'll be eating leftovers. This will be interesting. (ETA: The accompaniments were made early, but she waited until 10am to put the turkey in the oven. Result was a very nice Thanksgiving lunch.)

Both happily and sadly-but-necessarily, wife, daughter and I will be hunkering down and enjoying each other's company. The rest of the family (on my side) will be having Thanksgiving get-togethers in defiance of recommendations. Nothing I can do about that. But I am thankful we finally have something to look forward to. No, I don't mean having an actual human being in the White House. Certainly I'm thankful for that, but it's just temporary nostalgia. (Just because Trump failed his doomed-before-it-even-began overthrow doesn't mean he hasn't subverted democracy, the Supreme Court and - particularly in these last few weeks - at least 40% of the citizens, probably permanenty). I'm talking about Covid-19 looking more and more like it will have an end-date, with vaccines clearly on the horizon. Yeah, it really looks like it's gonna happen, and we'd be witnessing one of the very greatest scientific achievements literally ever. And soon, the world will revert back to day-to-day normal. That I believe! Things will be slightly different, but the desire to snap back to 2019 is great. Just a little bit more waiting, and a little bit more boredom, and before we know it, we can all be praying in gratitude to the great big Neutral Observer in the sky (who's proving to be more and more Neutral with each passing year) for sparing us for one more season.

Please be safe this Thanksgiving! It may not be ideal, but however you celebrate, have a happy Thanksgiving and a hearty appitite. Cheers, friends!
Last edited by Sonic Youth on Thu Nov 26, 2020 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thanksgiving 2020

Post by Mister Tee »

I'm in Connecticut, but it's nothing like a normal year.

My mother entered the hospital in late October for hiatal hernia surgery. She suffered scary/life-threatening complications -- we really thought we were going to lose her -- but she's rallied. Late last week, she was moved to a rehab center. (For you culture geeks: the same place Eugene O'Neill went in 1912 to be treated for his TB.)

My brother and I both came to CT during the direst times, and he's been at my parents' ever since. Today, I arrived -- we'll keep my father company for the holiday (interspersed with a visit to my mother), then my brother'll head off, and I'll be my father's wing-man till his return. The irony here is, given the COVID situation, it's a year I'd have passed on any family gathering for the holiday, but, somehow, at least three of us'll be together (eating restaurant-ordered turkey dinner with, most appealing, bourbon pecan pie for dessert).

It's not been a normal year in any way, including at this board. But I salute you all as always for the camaraderie you provide, and offer the wish we're thinking of one another in more normal ways a year hence.
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Re: Thanksgiving 2020

Post by Sabin »

This is the first Thanksgiving I'm basically going to spend alone. My sister is going out of town with her boyfriend. My roommate and I have never really bonded. I'm a bit older. He's a terrific, respectful person who wants to spend some time by himself and go for a drive. I'm not in a relationship. And currently my relationship with my parents are increasingly strained. I haven't spoken much about my work situation but my boss front-loads me with an insane amount of work, we speak frequently, and she is someone who never really thinks about anything beyond her company to the point where I wonder if she is on the spectrum of something. It's only work, work, work. So, I might chat with her.

I have to work on Friday-Sun and I made an insane purchase of Thanksgiving food from Cat & The Fiddle. I mean, FAR too much food. A turkey dinner, a roast beef dip, fried chicken and macaroni, steamed spinach, a pie... Apparently, I have the apartment to myself. I just purchased a PS4 and attached all my channels. So, I plan on catching up on some television I've missed (like The Mandalorian Seasons 1 and 2), watching a movie, playing some Spider-Man, and taking it easy.

Happy Thanksgiving all.
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Re: Thanksgiving 2020

Post by OscarGuy »

Here's what I told someone else last week. Thanksgiving doesn't have to be on Thanksgiving. If projections are correct, you could have Thanksgiving in June and Christmas in July next year. Then have the normally-scheduled ones at the end of the year. What makes Thanksgiving special is how it's celebrated, not really when.
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Re: Thanksgiving 2020

Post by Reza »

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

This year our family get together got waylaid because of the pandemic as older members of the family (rightfully) wanted to avoid large gatherings. My cousin, who is great at cooking turkeys - she got 3 this year - will have an evening with a few of us at her place to celebrate Thanksgiving. Better late than never.

Later in December she plans to cook the other turkey for a Christmas dinner.
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Re: Thanksgiving 2020

Post by Big Magilla »

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

I'm playing it safe and having Thanksgiving alone this year although I will be in touch with friends and family members by phone.

I have a Turkey Rolaide (turkey breast stuffed with apples, cranberries, herbs and spices) that I will make with a side stuffing, cranberry sauce and Brussel sprouts, with a Dutch Apple pie for dessert.

I made a delicious pot roast in the slow cooker for lunch today, thinking it would last four days until Thanksgiving, but nope, I'll be lucky if stretches to three meals, but that's OK. I'll have a lighter lunch the day before the holiday.

I bought a Sharper Image Christmas Tree that stands 6 ft. tall by 3 ft. in diameter that comes pre-decorated with LED lights, red and silver balls, and red and gold ribbons. It arrived yesterday so I immediately put it up - took all of five minutes after I unwrapped it. You just attach three metal poles to one another inserted in the base and drop the flat tree over the poles. It stores flat taking up much less space than any other tree of the same size.

After putting up the tree, I decided to decorate the rest of the house - entrance way, living room, dining room, kitchen, and both bedrooms. That took between 2 and 3 hours but much less bending than decorating a tree like the one I've had for years.

I have some tree ornaments that can stand on their own on display on the dresser in the guest bedroom and a dozen or so tree ornaments that hang with ribbons on various posts and cabinet knobs throughout the house.

The only left to put up is the wreath on the front door which I will probably do the day after Thanksgiving.
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Re: Thanksgiving 2020

Post by FilmFan720 »

Thanks, Greg!

Thanksgiving is one of the harder reminders we have had this year, just because it is my wife and my favorite holiday. We usually host about 40 people at our house, with all our combined families together, and a cooking party the day before with my wife's grandmothers and aunt.

This year, my wife and I are still cooking a big turkey and stuffing, along with a couple of sides, and having curbside service at our house. It will be a chance for at least some of family to have a distanced catch-up, and for us to feel like we are still kind of hosting people, and for a lot of our family to have food without having to cook it themselves.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I am, as always, thankful for this community.
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Thanksgiving 2020-2022

Post by Greg »

I hope everyone will have the happiest Thanksgiving possible, under the circumstances.

Last year I had both Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner by myself, but at a restaurant. This year, Thanksgiving dinner will also be alone; but, at home and not a restaurant, for obvious reasons. I decided to buy a prepared Thanksgiving dinner at my local Winn-Dixie which only requires reheating. It is listed as having eight servings. With a four-day-holiday weekend, I figure I can sleep in and this will make for brunch and dinner for those four days, giving me at least somewhat of a holiday feel.

With all the excellent vaccine news, we should be back to normal by next Thanksgiving. So, till next year!
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