The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Post by Sabin »

MaxWilder wrote
Tiffany Haddish has often told a story about Kevin Hart helping her out when she was struggling. Maybe she wouldn’t take the gig.
There’s nuance to everybody.
MaxWilder wrote
But not Jeffrey Wells. ... -3216/amp/
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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Post by MaxWilder »

Tiffany Haddish has often told a story about Kevin Hart helping her out when she was struggling. Maybe she wouldn’t take the gig.
Sabin wrote:Jeffrey Wells also disagrees that it’s inappropriate to email famous directors for cut naked scenes of actresses he likes, so I’ll be taking that opinion with a big old grain of salt.
Story? :shock:
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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Post by Sabin »

Big Magilla wrote
Jeffrey Wells disagrees. He says "Tiffany Haddish doesn’t seem to know movies all that well. Remember how she said she decides what to see by what her friends at the beauty salon tell her? She’s not a Movie Catholic, and the Oscar host has to believe, has to really care."
Jeffrey Wells also disagrees that it’s inappropriate to email famous directors for cut naked scenes of actresses he likes, so I’ll be taking that opinion with a big old grain of salt.
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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Post by OscarGuy »

Also, the Academy's board cringed at the nominations announcement last year when she butchered several names.

Further, the problem with Hart is how he handled it, not that he has grown and matured since he said them. First of all, he didn't start deleting until yesterday, which shows that he wasn't embarrassed by those tweets, even in retrospect until his livelihood was on the line. Second, when being called out for homophobia, the proper response is to apologize with a good apology, not a "I'm sorry if anyone was offended" non-apology. One that actually acknowledges that you understand WHY you're apologizing. He didn't do that. Matter of fact, he got defensive, which is a sure sign that he hasn't grown or matured, he just didn't want anyone to think badly of him.

Third, and most importantly, the Academy doesn't need to background check someone. I know plenty of people who had castigated Hart in the past for his homophobic material. There was a large enough group of people that knew of his history that any customary and semi-diligent investigation could have turned up the information. They didn't need to dig through his past posts.
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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Post by Big Magilla »

Sabin wrote:An interesting replacement being floated about is Tiffany Haddish.
Jeffrey Wells disagrees. He says "Tiffany Haddish doesn’t seem to know movies all that well. Remember how she said she decides what to see by what her friends at the beauty salon tell her? She’s not a Movie Catholic, and the Oscar host has to believe, has to really care."
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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Post by Sabin »

An interesting replacement being floated about is Tiffany Haddish.
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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Post by Greg »

HarryGoldfarb wrote:However, it is not surprising: part of what is done in the company for which I work now, when evaluating candidates to fill vacancies in different jobs, is to review their social networks, and I understand that it is a common practice.
What about candidates who never used social networks?
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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Post by HarryGoldfarb »

If we can conclude something of all this is that the background check for host candidates in future editions will take an eternity, since it will involve reviewing everything the person has said on social networks. It'll be like checking the backgrounds of a nominee to become an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States...

And let's be frank: we've all made comments that we regretted later; perhaps because of cynicism or because we believe/believed that mordacity is a form of mental acuity. In any case, it is likely that at some point we have offended someone, even if today we are not aware of it.

Hart handled it badly. A simple apology would not have subtracted anything from him, but it is his prerogative to have decided what he decided. But it is worrisome that the past registered in networks is such a powerful tool to generate these results. However, it is not surprising: part of what is done in the company for which I work now, when evaluating candidates to fill vacancies in different jobs, is to review their social networks, and I understand that it is a common practice. And definitely, there seems to be much that can be concluded from a person by their social networks. It is a way of "discriminating", understanding the word in its most literal sense and not in the scope it currently has for the current social sciences.
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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Post by ITALIANO »

"Faggot" is a terrible word. Always - but I'd say even more if it is used by the "gay community". It doesn't change its meaning - or its derogatory aspect - depending on who uses it.
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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Post by flipp525 »

Last edited by flipp525 on Fri Dec 07, 2018 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Post by OscarGuy »

That was the most disgusting defense I've seen yet of Kevin Hart.

NO, it is NOT natural to worry about your son being gay because he may not be into or able to partake in the customarily male exercises of society. THAT is toxic masculinity. If you worry about that, think about WHY you're worrying about your child having to adhere to societal norms established by the patriarchy. Why are these considered norms? Why is it not normal for men to show emotions? Why is it not normal for men to participate in once-customarily female positions and jobs? Because ANYONE can be ANYTHING and worrying about them having to conform to societal codes of conduct is not appropriate. Love them for who they are. Let them be who they are. Don't force societal strictures and gender norms on your child simply because YOU don't think they will live up to YOUR expectations. Them being who they are and doing whatever they want should be your only expectations. Screw what society demands or says is normal.

Even joking about killing your own child if he were gay is NOT a tolerant or acceptable joke even if it's intended to make fun of such people because when made in such a way, it becomes a rallying call for others who feel that way. Would you accept a white comedian joking about hanging his son if he were to date a black woman or have a mixed-race baby? No, you would not. If you would approve of such a joke, I would label you racist.

This isn't an example of political correctness gone awry. Those who attack political correctness want to make their racist, sexist, and homophobic speech acceptable. We cannot accept that kind of language. No, you cannot say "faggot" and get away with it. I don't care if you're joking. The only community entitled to use that word is the gay community. It's called reclaiming a word. It's why the black community may use the N word with impunity, but the white community cannot.

You don't get to use your dumb Pollock jokes anymore. You don't get to make your Step-N-Fetchit jokes anymore. You don't get to make your rich Jew jokes anymore. You don't get to use your limp-wristed homosexual jokes anymore. They are offensive stereotypes and have ZERO place in modern society.
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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Post by ThePianist »

I'm going to play an 'accused devil's' advocate and just blatantly state that making fun of a hertrosexual father’s concerns of his son possibly being gay does not reinforce anything homophobic. Calling that stand-up routine homophobic, is like calling Borat racist. It makes fun of stereotypes and presumptions. I don't believe we should pro-take in a society where we have to walk on eggshells just so no one's feelings get hurt. For example, a simple joke about gay people, or using the word “faggot”, is not automatically homophobic. Then again, I’m not one to believe anyone is above being the subject of comedy. In my book, homophobia implies blatant hatred and/or prestigious against homosexuals due to their inherent nature.

His routine simply a reflection of what some fathers actually go through, believe it or not. Not only does it take some getting use to, but It's rather hard when you realize when your son doesn’t have an ideal, “typical” hetero male trait that you both share. It's sort of why fathers dislike it when their son is doing something either males don't do, what females do, or not doing something a "typical" male does (and why also false social concepts such as "toxic masculinity" are being preached about in today's society). You won’t be able to talk about the crushes he has at school - or as you both grow older, the women you both find attractive. You won’t be seeing his future wife walk down the aisle, just as your father saw the same thing. You feel a sense of worry when you realize (or at least presume) your son won’t become a father, or have the life fulfilling joy of raising a family, which includes seeing what your grandson will look like.

It's not an old or "conservative" mode of social engineering to think about this stuff: its human nature. This is all perfectly normal. It doesn't mean you have to start hating or discriminating your own offspring - your literal flesh and blood - just because he has a different sexuality. Quite the contrary. It's just that as men, the majority of us all share a cohesive tribal identity. You have to keep that perspective in mind. If Kevin Hart’s son actually came out as gay, I don’t think he would act any different towards him. He won't be trying to “marginalize” him with his “aggressions”. He’s not a homophobe.

Having said all that, his twitter posts are absolutely immature. It seems like something I’d do back when I was 14. Since social media is at play here (where something could be completely devoid of character and context), he should’ve known way better than to tweet unfunny jokes that are edgy for the sake of being edgy. It's a firm lesson when it comes to being careful what you do. It's sort of reminds me of what James Gunn did.

The only reason he didn't apologize at first, is because he’s a total hack who’s completely full of himself. He thinks he can away with everything. All had to do was explain himself, and say he was sorry. And then we would all move on. But no.

I just felt he was far past his prime, and even when his prime began to fade, I was already tired of seeing his nonsense. Pretty much a one-note artist that's been played to death. Enough of him already. I thought after of 2 years in in row of Mr. Unfunny Talk Show Soapbox Man that maybe we'd get someone who was, I don't know, entertaining? Suppose it's my fault for having nice expectations.
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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Post by Big Magilla »

Sabin wrote:
OscarGuy wrote
If they want to appeal to younger audiences, then they could get someone like The Rock or even Justin Timberlake.
Dwayne Johnson was the first person I thought of when I was thinking about who should host. He's probably the biggest star in the world, he's got good enough comic timing, and he brings in a big audience.
Yes, Dwayne Johnson AKA The Rock would be a good choice with his light touch, but why appeal to younger audiences who aren't interested in the Oscars anyway? All a good host has to do is have a brief opening monologue that puts the audience at ease, introduce the presenters and stay out of the way. It can be one or two people. It doesn't matter, but there should be no banter between them. One comes out, does his or her thing and alternates with the other one, maybe come on together at the end to say good night. The Tonys used to do that so well, the Oscars not so much. I mentioned Hanks and Streep, not because they are big stars but big Oscar stars. They've sat in that audience many times. They know what it's like to be nominated, to win or not win. You don't like the combination? Then what about Streep and Viola Davis or just Davis, assuming she's not going to be nominated anyway? She has the gravitas to do it.

The problem with comedians, is you expect them to be funny. When they're not, you feel cheated. With more serious hosts, you don't expect funny. If you get it, it's a bonus.
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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Post by Mister Tee »

I can't believe Hart screwed this up so royally. He didn't have to eat a ton of shit. A simple "I made jokes back in the day that embarrass me now", and everything would have gone ahead. How was he incapable of such a small gesture, when it meant losing what he called his dream job? I'd have to imagine his management team feels like Trump's staff just now, aghast at how self-destructive their guy is.

Oh, least it's early in the season, and there's plenty of time to find a new host -- Oh, wait.
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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Post by Sabin »

Should we just cancel the Oscars this year? Like, honestly. These guys are doing a terrible job and who would miss it?
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