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Re: Everything Is Great Again

Post by Greg »

Even if Trump is replaced by another Republican, e.g. Pence, if it happens before November, 2020, U.S. membership in the Paris Accord will still outlast the Trump Presidency.
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Re: Everything Is Great Again

Post by Sonic Youth »

Greg wrote:
Sonic Youth wrote:No, he'd be president until January 20th, 2021.
That's iffy.
He's not being replaced by a Democrat, if at all.
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Re: Everything Is Great Again

Post by Greg »

Sonic Youth wrote:No, he'd be president until January 20th, 2021.
That's iffy.
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Re: Everything Is Great Again

Post by Sonic Youth »

Greg wrote:The U.S. will not be able to officially leave the Paris Accord until November, 2020. So, the way things are going, the U.S. membership in the Paris Accord will outlast the Trump Presidency, if it even finally leaves at all.
No, he'd be president until January 20th, 2021. Best case scenario, we're out of the Accord from November to January 21st. In between, some states will make a concerted effort to independently cut greenhouse emissions in accordance to the Accord's guidelines. Maybe most states will, if the outcry is strong enough. California is doing it already. I've already seen this:

https://twitter.com/billpeduto/status/8 ... 8344674304

So, it's possible there may not be any environmental harm done in the long run so long as we can get him out of office. But there are other ways to measure self-inflicted harm, and they're astronomical.
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Re: Everything Is Great Again

Post by Greg »

The U.S. will not be able to officially leave the Paris Accord until November, 2020. So, the way things are going, the U.S. membership in the Paris Accord will outlast the Trump Presidency, if it even finally leaves at all.
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Re: Everything Is Great Again

Post by Sonic Youth »

Clearly I must have some sort of block, whether it be mental or psychological. I just can't wish violent and physical suffering upon other people, and not with such graphic and emotional intensity.
I've changed my mind.

Please start slurring your speech, Mr. "President".
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Re: Everything Is Great Again

Post by Sonic Youth »

I'm never going to second-guess this guy again. He's gone back on his word about NAFTA and other things, I thought he'd do so here.

Considering we signed on to the accord only a few months ago, one could argue that we haven't really lost anything. Just our international standing and our superpower status, that's all.

Any spontaneous protests this weekend?
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Re: Everything Is Great Again

Post by Big Magilla »

I hated Nixon from the get-go, but I never questioned his intelligence. George W. Bush was the first president in my lifetime who I actually thought was dumb. Donald Trump is a smart man of business, but in every other way a moron and so are a good percentage of the people who voted for him and continue to support him no matter what. The others are opportunists. He'll get his comeuppance when the opportunists finally see him as a liability no longer able to support their agenda.

Nixon elicited sympathy in his old age. Trump and the monsters that surround him won't. History won't be so forgiving this time.
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Re: Everything Is Great Again

Post by Sabin »

Sonic Youth wrote
So, I took no pleasure in the Covfefe explosion yesterday. ...If we could just step outside ourselves and see what this all means, we'd see how bad this all become.
I hated it for so many reasons. It reveals that this country's new national pastime is call out culture. I can't blame the Twitterverse for treating Donald Trump as a celebrity first and a President second, but I also can't shake the feeling that if we can make thousands of "Covfefe" memes in a handful of hours, why the fuck can't we do anything constructive?

#ImpeachThisMotherFucker -- 1M Retweets
#HeyDemocratsSrslyImpeachThisMotherfucker -- 10M Retweets
#WeWillVoteYourSpinelessAssesOutOfFuckingOfficeIfYouDon'tImpeachThisMotherfuckerNow -- 100M Retweets

I would ask the elders on this board what their experience was during the early 1970s but my impression has always been to some degree that there was a national thirst to tear something down and to some degree Richard Nixon was a manifestation of that. Not to diminish everything that Richard Nixon did wrong, it seems to me like so much was chipped away from the Presidency that a toppling was inevitable. Are we going through that again? Last year, I feared that whoever won was inheriting a poisoned chalice. I would give anything to live in a world where Hillary Clinton was the President but from a politically Martian perspective I don't fool myself for one second that the news headlines would be much less vitriolic at least from one side.

I don't know how Trump is going down but I'd imagine it's going to involve some version of a farewell speech like "I tried to be the best President ever but you wouldn't let me." Then Mike Pence humbly takes the oath of office. We rally around him. Then he pardons him. We see a giant drop in approval rating. It's everybody in the pool on the Democrat's side and we end up going with some kind of outsider/reformer like Bernie Sanders...Groundhog day?
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Re: Everything Is Great Again

Post by Sonic Youth »

So, I took no pleasure in the Covfefe explosion yesterday. Rather than amused, I initially felt it was a distraction that too many upset people latched on to way too eagerly, like a collective crazy-laugh. But it grew into such a phenomenon that I can't help but be impressed. But it's symptom of a big problem: he's really, really not respected. If it were any other president who did this**, there would a little snickering, the supporters would wave it off saying "everyone makes mistakes" (which, let's face it, is really all this was), and it'd be slightly entertaining for 90 minutes. Not here. Millions of people are looking for an opportunity to knock him down several pegs. On the one hand, good! A monster like him doesn't deserve any better. But it really demonstrates what a degraded condition our country is in. If we could just step outside ourselves and see what this all means, we'd see how bad this all become.

**I won't say "If his approval/disapproval numbers were reversed" because I can't imagine such a scenario.

Anyway, here's my bold prediction. Trump is NOT going to pull out of the Paris accord. I know a "source" said he possibly was, but that he's taking a few days to announce it means that this was a trial balloon, and one that's getting a lot of pushback from very powerful people (meaning "other billionaires"). As evil as this evil fuck is, we've learned at least one thing about him: he tends to default to other positions if there's enough pressure put upon him to do so. But since he's no "loser", he'll turn this into victory and make it conditional. IOW, we'll remain in the Paris accord for now if the NATO countries make a concerted effort to pay their "membership dues". That's my semi-confident prediction. If I'm wrong and he really cuts and runs from the accord, then he has a legacy death wish.
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Re: Everything Is Great Again

Post by Big Magilla »

Apparently not!
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Re: Everything Is Great Again

Post by Sabin »

I don't know what beer they had when you were growing up, but that ain't what the kids are drinking these days.
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Re: Everything Is Great Again

Post by Big Magilla »

How many brews does it take to see Sen. Warren in a downtown L.A. brewery on a Sunday afternoon? :o
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Re: Everything Is Great Again

Post by Sabin »

Very small personal anecdote...

I was at Angel City Brewery in DTLA yesterday with my girlfriend, when we saw Elizabeth Warren. She arrived to no fanfare, found someone she was looking for, and within a minute she was gone. Both my girlfriend and I were struck silent at the sight of her, and by the time we got up to say hi (or a version of "Please save us"), it was too late. But we both arrived at the same conclusion...she's not going to be President in 2020. She looks like a tiny old Midwestern grandmother. I know I'm saying this after a mid-70s bald socialist Jew made a strong showing in the Democratic primary, but I was taken by how small, sweet, and...Midwestern she is. This country cares about presence. I'll take odds on Cory Booker.
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Re: Everything Is Great Again

Post by flipp525 »

Mister Tee wrote:After a one-day absence, Afternoon Bombshell returns to the air, with a special "While the President's Plane is Aloft" episode.
There were like FOUR bombshells while he was in the air!
"The mantle of spinsterhood was definitely in her shoulders. She was twenty five and looked it."

-Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
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