Best Original Story 1931/32

1927/28 through 1997
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What as the Best Original Story of 1931/32?

The Champ (Frances Marion)
Lady and Gent (Grover Jones, William Slavens McNutt)
No votes
The Star Witness (Lucien Hubbard)
No votes
What Price Hollywood? (Adela Rogers St. Johns, Jane Murfin)
Total votes: 8

Mister Tee
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Re: Best Original Story 1931/32

Post by Mister Tee »

These threads are winding down not with a bang but a whimper, as nearly every year there's at least one nominee I've not been able to locate. Here it's Lady and Gent, without whose presence I can't vote. But I can offer brief comment.

I found Star Witness close to unbearable, thanks mostly to the Civil War vet grandfather, who appears to believe anyone who wouldn't risk their own life and their family's to testify against a vicious criminal is a hopeless wuss. Not a work of nuance, to put it mildly.

What Price Hollywood? seems the early draft of A Star is Born (and, according to Inside Oscar, was itself a compilation of familiar Hollywood lore). Not a bad piece of work, but nothing terribly memorable.

Calling The Champ sentimental is like calling the Atlantic Ocean wet. It's operatically sentimental (Michael Gebert wrote that he looked forward to one day reducing his children to tears by screening it), but you've got to credit it with staying true to its mission of evoking sobs by whatever means necessary. As I said, I'm not voting, but were I to make a choice from what I've seen, the shameless The Champ would be where I'd go.
Big Magilla
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Re: Best Original Story 1931/32

Post by Big Magilla »

Either I've never seen Lady and The Star Witness or I've forgotten them, but neither sound like something I would vote for.

I like The Champ and voted for it. What Price Hollywood? is an okay nominee, but what should the others have been? How about A Nous la Liberté, Transatlantic and Dishonored?
Big Magilla
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Best Original Story 1931/32

Post by Big Magilla »

A whopping four nominees here...
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