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Post by Sabin »

1. The Social Network
2. The King's Speech
3. Toy Story 3
4. Inception
5. True Grit
6. The Kids Are All Right
7. 127 Hours
8. Black Swan
9. The Town
10. The Ghost Writer AND Shutter Island
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Post by Big Magilla »

Interestingly, my number 1, 2 and 4 guesses are the same as Eric's.

I know Travers included Up last year and WALL-E the year before, but he ignored Toy Story and Toy Story 2 so I'm guessing he'll ignore Toy Story 3, so...

1. The Social Network
2. The King's Speech
3. 127 Hours
4. Inception
5. Black Swan
6. The Kids Are All Right
7. Blue Valentine
8. Rabbit Hole
9. The Fighter
10. Another Year
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Post by Eric »

I'm tempting fate here, but I'm banking on his #1 being a slam dunk.

01. The Social Network ("Better than the movie of the year. The Social Network also brilliantly defines the decade.")
02. The King's Speech ("The emotion this film produces is staggering.")
03. A Prophet ("This knockout punch of a thriller surpasses its trappings to speak in a universal language about the ways power corrupts the human condition.")
04. Inception ("Glows with a blue-flame intensity all its own. Nolan creates a dream world that he wants us to fill with our own secrets.")
05. The Kids Are All Right ("The Kids Are All Right makes its own special magic.")
06. True Grit ("A new Coen bros classic. Bridges is killer good. The Dude does the Duke proud.")
07. 127 Hours ("Boyle ... makes his own special magic.")
08. Toy Story 3 ("A joy to behold. It hits every button from laughter to tears and lifts you up on waves of visual dazzlement.")
09. Shutter Island ("Sizzles with so much nerve-frying suspense that it's hot to the touch.")
10. Black Swan ("Darren Aronofsky does to ballet what Kanye West does to rap.")

Really wanted to make room for Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: "A breathless rush of a movie that jumps off the screen, spins your head around and then stealthily works its way into your heart. ... It's a game-changer."
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Post by Sonic Youth »

If you'd like to see the results from the previous contests, here they are:


I'm not sure if there are threads from the other years.

(It just ocurred to me that I've had this Peter Travers avatar for a year now. Oy!)
"What the hell?"
Win Butler
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Post by Sonic Youth »

Here we go again. It's the Peter Travers Top Ten list contest for 2010! I've started this a little late, but we should have approximately ten days or so. No pithy introduction this year. You all know how the contest works: try to guess what Peter Travers' (of Rolling Stone magazine) Top Ten List for 2010 will be as accurately as possible.

Here are the rules:

a). One (1) point is awarded for correctly guessing which films will be on his top ten list.

b). One (1) additional point is awarded for accurately guessing precisely where on the list a film will end up. (Total: two (2) points.)

c). One (1) more additional point is awarded for accurately gussing the number one film of the year. (Total: three (3) points)

d). Three (3) bonus points for accurately predicting which movies will result in a tie, if any. (See his 1995 and 2000 lists, both forthcoming.) Remember, there may or may not be a tie this year. Accurately predicting that there will be no tie gets you zero (0) points. Nice try.

e). One (1) point is docked for every inaccurately predicted tie. This is to discourage contestants from predicting too many ties.

f). The poll is officially closed when his list is released, and it's authenticity has been verified to my satisfaction.

g). Anyone caught revising his or her list after Travis releases his list will be disqualified.

h). In the event of a first place tie, the completely arbitrary solution is: whoever has guessed more higher-ranking movies on the list wins. If there is still a tie, then the winners will agree to share the honor with grace and humility.

i). Sonic Youth is not prohibited from winning his own contest. (This rule has never been applied, and probably never will be.)


a). Do not go by Travers' star ratings! He works with a star rating, but it's not to be used as a guage to guess his Top Ten list with. Every year, three-and-a-half star movies are given higher rankings than four star films, and sometimes four star films don't appear on the list at all. It's completely arbitrary, although I don't think a three star film has ever appeared on his list.

b). Don't go by my ballot. No, really. DON'T GO BY MY BALLOT! YOU'LL LOSE!

c). Here are his previous Top Ten lists:


1. Precious
2. Up in the Air
3. The Hurt Locker
4. An Education
5. Up
6. Where the Wild Things Are
7. A Serious Man
8. District 9
9. (500) Days of Summer
10. The Messenger

1 Milk
2 Slumdog Millionaire
3 The Dark Knight
4 Frost/Nixon
5 Wall-E
6 Revolutionary Road
7 The Visitor
8 Doubt
9 Rachel Getting Married
10 Man on Wire

1 No Country for Old Men
2 Atonement
3 Into the Wild
4 Eastern Promises
5 Sweeney Todd
6 American Gangster
7 There Will Be Blood
8 Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
9 I'm Not There
10 Knocked Up
(tie) Juno

1 The Departed
2 Dreamgirls
3 (tie) Letters from Iwo Jima
(tie) Flags of our Fathers
4 Volver
5 Babel
6 United 93
7 The Queen
8 Borat
9 Little Miss Sunshine
10 A Prairie Home Companion


Good luck to all!
"What the hell?"
Win Butler
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