Best Supporting Actor Poll Winners (Complete)

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Big Magilla
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Best Supporting Actor Poll Winners (Complete)

Post by Big Magilla »

1936 - Mischa Auer, My Man Godfrey (tie)
1936 - Walter Brennan, Come and Get It (tie)
1937 - Ralph Bellamy, The Awful Truth
1938 - John Garfield, Four Daughters
1939 - Thomas MItchell, Stagecoach
1940 - Walter Brennan, The Westerner (2)
1941 - Donald Crisp, How Green Was My Valley
1942 - Van Heflin, Johnny Eager (tie)
1942 - Henry Travers, Mrs. Miniver (tie)
1943 - Claude Rains, Casablanca
1944 - Clifton Webb, Laura
1945 - James Dunn, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
1946 - Claude Rains, Notorious (2)
1947 - Edmund Gwenn, Miracle on 34th Street (tie)
1947 - Richard Widmark, Kiss of Death (tie)
1948 - Walter Huston, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (2)
1949 - Ralph Richardson, The Heiress
1950 - George Sanders, All About Eve
1951 - Karl Malden, A Streetcar Named Desire
1952 - Victor McLaglen, The Quiet Man
1953 - Frank Sinatra, From Here to Eternity
1954 - Lee J. Cobb, On the Waterfront (tie)
1954 - Karl Malden, ON the Waterfront (2) (tie)
1955 - Sal Mineo, Rebel Without a Cause
1956 - Robert Stack, Written on the Wind
1957 - Sessue Hayakawa, The Bridge on the River Kwai
1958 - Burl Ives, The Big Country
1959 - George C. Scott, Anatomy of a Murder
1960 - Peter Ustinov, Spartacus
1961 - Montgomery Clift, Judgment at Nuremberg (2) (tie)
1961 - George C. Scott, The Hustler (2) (tie)
1962 - Omar Sharif, Lawrence of Arabia
1963 - Melvyn Douglas, Hud
1964 - Lee Tracy, The Best Man (tie)
1964 - Peter Ustinov, Topkapi (2) (tie)
1965 - Michael Dunn, Ship of Fools (tie)
1965 - Frank Finlay, Othello (tie)
1966 - Walter Matthau, The Fortune Cookie
1967 - Gene Hackman, Bonnie and Clyde
1968 - Jack Albertson, The Subject Was Roses
1969 - Gig Young, They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
1970 - Chief Dan George, Little Big Man
1971 - Ben Johnson, The Last Picture Show
1972 - Joel Grey, Cabaret
1973 - John Houseman, The Paper Chase
1974 - Robert De Niro, The Godfather Part II
1975 - Chris Sarandon, Dog Day Afternoon
1976 - Jason Robards, All the President's Men
1977 - Peter Firth, Equus
1978 - Christopher Walken, The Deer Hunter
1979 - Melvyn Douglas, Being There (2)
1980 - Timothy Hutton, Ordinary People
1981 - John Gielgud, Arthur
1982 - Robert Preston, Victor/Victoria
1983 - Jack Nicholson, Terms of Endearment (2)
1984 - Haing S. Ngor, The Killing Fields
1985 - Klaus Maria Brandauer, Out of Africa
1986 - Michael Caine, Hannah and Her Sisters
1987 - Morgan Freeman, Street Smart
1988 - River Phoenix, Running on Empty
1989 - Martin Landau, Crimes and Misdemeanors
1990 - Bruce Davison, Longtime Companion
1991 - Harvey Keitel, Bugsy
1992 - Gene Hackman, Unforgiven (2)
1993 - Ralph Fiennes, Schindler's List
1994 - Martin Landau, Ed Wood (2)
1995 - Kevin Spacey, The Usual Suspects
1996 - William H. Macy, Fargo
1997 - Burt Reynolds, Boogie Nights
1998 - Billy Bob Thornton, A Simple Plan (2)
1999 - Jude Law, The Talented Mr. Ripley
2000 - Benicio Del Toro, Traffic
2001 - Jim Broadbent, Iris
2002 - Christopher Walken, Catch Me If You Can (2)
2003 - Tim Robbins, Mystic River
2004 - Morgan Freeman, Million Dollar Baby (2)
2005 - Jake Gyllenhaal, Brokeback Mountain
2006 - Jackie Earle Haley, Little Children (tie)
2006 - Mark Wahlberg, The Departed (tie)
2007 - Javier Bardem, No Country for Old Men (2)
2008 - Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight (2)
2009 - Christoph Waltz, Inglorious Basterds
2010 - Mark Ruffalo, The Kids Are All Right
2011 - Christopher Plummer, Beginners
2012 - Tommy Lee Jones, Lincoln
2013 - Jared Leto, Dallas Buyers Club
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