A real piece of work

For the films of 2013
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Re: A real piece of work

Post by rolotomasi99 »

ksrymy wrote:Let's remember that Susan Sarandon voted a straight ticket for Silver Linings Playbook last year, and only one category won.
First of all, that makes me lose so much respect for Susan Sarandon.

Second of all, since the Academy is mostly white men, I am thinking this white man's opinion might better reflect the Academy than a member who is not a white male. I am assuming he is a white male since he was part of the directors branch, and I cannot imagine any of the non-white or female directors talking like that. I am also assuming he is straight since I cannot imagine Marshall, Van Sant, Almodovar, or Daldry (is there anyone else?) behaving so horribly. Also, since he specifically calls Dern his friend, the guy is probably older.

However, what I am really struck by was how he seemed to vote based on how much he personally enjoyed a film rather than how much he admired it as a piece of art. He could not relate to GRAVITY or 12 YEARS A SLAVE on a personal level, therefore he did not feel inclined to award them Best Picture for their artistic and/or technical achievement. Specifically, he cites AMERICAN HUSTLE not being all the artistically ambitious, but it was just so much fun. He singles out how interesting he found the characters. This is the part that makes me think straight, white, male voters are going to go with AMERICAN HUSTLE because it engaged them on a level that 12 YEARS A SLAVE could not.

We shall see soon enough.
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Re: A real piece of work

Post by mojoe92 »

ksrymy wrote:Let's remember that Susan Sarandon voted a straight ticket for Silver Linings Playbook last year, and only one category won.
Was there in interview where she said this ?

I agree with Jacki Weaver, and Robert Di Nero completely, but a straight ticket? eh
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Re: A real piece of work

Post by Greg »

flipp525 wrote:They may as well have revealed his name: David O. Russell.

If that is the case, then Amy Adams will be pissed.
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Re: A real piece of work

Post by flipp525 »

They may as well have revealed his name: David O. Russell.

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Re: A real piece of work

Post by ksrymy »

Let's remember that Susan Sarandon voted a straight ticket for Silver Linings Playbook last year, and only one category won.
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A real piece of work

Post by rolotomasi99 »

I find these pieces on Oscar voters and the thinking behind their votes fascinating. This guy seems to enjoy being horrible (under the cover of anonymity). I can only imagine working under him as a director. Also, this is why I maintain AMERICAN HUSTLE still has a chance of winning Best Picture. It just speaks to the straight, white, male Oscar demographic so much more than the others.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/race/o ... est-682957

VOTER PROFILE: This Oscar voter is a longtime member of the Academy's 377-member directors branch.


Captain Phillips struck me as a slightly hokey, overacted, not particularly gripping action movie. Gravity pales in comparison with Cosmos, Neil deGrasse Tyson's recent 13-part reboot of Carl Sagan's famous TV series about the universe. Philomena, which I've wanted to call Philomania ever since the Golden Globes, was an effective tearjerker -- I was moved by it -- but that doesn't make it a great film. Nebraska was skillfully done but limited by its limited ambitions and its overly measured pace. Her interested me because of my complete ignorance of everything in it -- it was like sitting through a class that I wasn't necessarily enjoying but that I knew was good for me. (And just because I fall asleep in a movie doesn't necessarily mean I don't admire and like it; I've actually occasionally fallen asleep in my own movies.) Dallas Buyers Club was very good, and I was engaged by it all the way through, but there were no real surprises in it. The Wolf of Wall Street has almost nothing to say, but I found it hysterically funny. Conversely, with 12 Years a Slave, you don't even crack a smile, but it was interesting, admirable and well done; I must say, though, that contrary to what some have asserted, it's not as if it required great courage to make that movie -- maybe if you made it in Mississippi in 1930. As for American Hustle, its ambition is not overwhelming, but it takes an interesting subject and very interesting characters and delivers 100 percent on what could be done with it in a very engaging, entertaining, interesting and truthful way. I would not put it in the legendary masterpiece category, but it doesn't fail on any level.

MY PICK: (1) American Hustle; (2) 12 Years a Slave; (3) The Wolf of Wall Street


David O. Russell, hands down. Steve McQueen made an admirable movie, but I don't think it's remotely as ambitious or good as his previous film, Shame. Wolf is like Casino and GoodFellas -- fun, bubble-gum Scorsese. Payne -- whatever. And Cuaron was part of a committee of technicians who made that movie, and I have seen things at the planetarium that were at least as impressive.

MY PICK: David O. Russell (American Hustle)


Ejiofor was good. DiCaprio has been better; this is a popcorn performance. McConaughey was very good; he's really doing some great stuff now, and I would give it to him for True Detective. Dern is a great guy and a friend and is excellent in the movie, and if I were not as taken by Bale's performance as I am, I would have voted for him. But Bale had a much juicier role -- Dern's role is very contained, whereas Bale is all over the place -- so I had to go with him. It's the role of a lifetime.

MY PICK: Christian Bale (American Hustle)


Blanchett has to win this. Bullock is the weak link -- she's just OK. For Streep, whom I love, this is a bottom-drawer performance. Dench is a terrific actress, and she's very good in this film. Adams I love. But you have to vote for who's truly the best, and to me, Blanchett -- whom I'm normally not that wild about, with the exception of Bandits -- is that. She was just a revelation; she was just spectacular.

MY PICK: Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine)


Everyone was at least very good, but Cooper was the best. I think this is the best he's been in anything. If he wasn't in the category, I'd probably end up voting for Jonah Hill, only because I found him so funny. Jared Leto was good and will win, but he's getting tremendous points because of the person he's playing more than the way he played it, which is as close to pandering as you can get.

MY PICK: Bradley Cooper (American Hustle)


Lawrence and Hawkins are the two obvious best of the five. Hawkins had a difficult part -- it's not an attractive role, and she's intentionally overshadowed constantly by Blanchett, but she registers strongly in each scene she's in. Jennifer was even better -- she has that extra level of excitement in every scene she's in. She just dazzles; she's always doing something original and bold and surprising and believable. June Squibb was fine. Julia Roberts was horrendous. And Lupita was very good, but a lot of the commotion over her is attributable to people's tremendous empathy with and sympathy for the role she's playing.

MY PICK: Jennifer Lawrence (American Hustle)


12 Years a Slave wins easily. Wolf is enjoyable, and if you were giving awards for most fun, it probably would be the biggest winner this year, along with American Hustle, which is a much better movie overall. On the other hand, by that logic, Step Brothers would have won. Philomena is an earnest and emotionally effective tearjerker, but that doesn't mean its script is great. Captain Phillips is one step above hokum. And Before Midnight is a travesty of ineptitude and dreadful writing, like the other two in that horrible trilogy -- if I was sitting next to those people, I would run in the opposite direction.

MY PICK: 12 Years a Slave


All five scripts are extremely good. Her is a worthy contender, and what it has over the others is that it's completely original, but, even though I was impressed by the movie, I found myself nodding out periodically, so that meant I couldn't put it on the same level as American Hustle and Blue Jasmine. I often choose personal friendship when I am torn between two almost equally good options, but in this case I'm friends with both David and Woody, so that doesn't help. … I'm going for American Hustle because Woody has already been overwhelmingly rewarded. I feel very badly about the absurd bullshit that's flying Woody's way, but that can't intrude one way or the other on voting. Both films have literally not a single dead spot in them.

MY PICK: American Hustle


I have seen none of them. I have no interest whatsoever. That ended when I was 6. My son dragged me to a few when he was 6; I would seat him and go outside and make phone calls.

MY PICK: I abstain.


I actually liked several of the movies, especially 20 Feet From Stardom, but I refuse to dignify the category by voting in it. Even with its new rules, the documentary category has about as much claim to legitimacy as the Bush-Gore presidential election. It's an incestuous little club.

MY PICK: I abstain.


I immediately rule out Palestine for Omar because I saw it, and it's a bunch of f---ing anti-Semitic swine. The Hunt was the best, by far -- the performance, the writing, the boldness of the approach. The Great Beauty is unbelievably f---ing slow and dull; that's another movie where you can sit there and pass out five times and miss nothing. I stopped Broken Circle Breakdown halfway and Cambodia's after 20 minutes.

MY PICK: The Hunt

STORY: Best Actor Oscar Breakdown


There was some pretty impressive stuff in Gravity. I didn't think any of the other movies were shot on the level of the really great films -- Prisoners was excellent but a cut below Roger Deakins' best work, such as Andrew Dominik's film and the Coen brothers' films -- but Gravity was.

MY PICK: Gravity


American Hustle, unquestionably. Everything about the period is done not only accurately and believably but adds to the movie. I lived through that period, and it all rang true.

MY PICK: American Hustle


American Hustle is light years better than anything else. There is nothing but sharp cuts and rhythm in the movie -- there is not a wasted frame. Captain Phillips is, to me, the chickenshit way of editing; it's usually done because you're terrified of boring the audience, so you keep cutting, and it actually becomes unbelievably tedious and headache-inducing, and it's not the way the mind perceives reality, either. And 12 Years a Slave had about 15 to 20 minutes of sluggish, boring stuff that I would have ripped out.

MY PICK: American Hustle


To me, the only one is Dallas Buyers Club. It's the most prominent thing about the movie. It works unbelievably. I was aware of it, and ordinarily when you say you're aware of something it means it's not working very well, but I was aware of it as something that was done very skillfully and believably. I was shocked to hear it had a $250 budget for makeup.

MY PICK: Dallas Buyers Club


I found all five scores inferior. Desplat has done a number of exceptionally good scores, but Philomena is not one of them, so I'm not gonna vote for him this year.

MY PICK: I abstain.


I didn't vote because I regard all four songs as utterly inferior and not worth voting for. To dignify any of them with a vote is to suggest that they're worthy of a nomination, and they're not; they're just bad songs. And, as for disqualifying the fifth nominee? The rules are so petty and stupid, these people should get a life -- it's embarrassing. They're like sub-basement, quasi-Talmudic scholars.

MY PICK: I abstain.


I would immediately eliminate 12 Years a Slave and Gravity. The other three would all be worthy winners -- Gatsby, for instance, was not a good movie, but it still popped and came alive, especially in 3D -- but I liked American Hustle the most overall so I voted for it. It was well-done and accurate, in terms of the period, and each set is done in a way that adds to the believability and the character of the scene.

MY PICK: American Hustle


Most of the time, who knows what was recorded on the set, as opposed to what was added in post? I generally vote for the movie with the best overall sound in both sound categories.

MY PICK: Gravity


Even though I thought Inside Llewyn Davis was an atrociously bad movie, the sound mixing was good. But the best sound mixing was for Gravity, by far. It had a very clean track.

MY PICK: Gravity


Four of them are completely without interest of any kind whatsoever on any level, and Gravity's effects, in 3D, anyway, are terrific. So this isn't even a contest.

MY PICK: Gravity


I don't watch the shorts. And, if I don't know anybody who made one of them -- a friend or an enemy -- I just don't vote, which was the case this year.

MY PICK: I abstain.
"When it comes to the subject of torture, I trust a woman who was married to James Cameron for three years."
-- Amy Poehler in praise of Zero Dark Thirty director Kathryn Bigelow
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