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Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:33 pm
by OscarGuy
To correct a small incorrect portion of your statement. The constitution was amended during the Truman administration, not during the Roosevelt. If he hadn't died, he could have kept getting re-elected, I'm sure. However, Truman felt that two terms would be enough and thus pushed for the amendment.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:49 am
by 99-1100896887
Of course, you would have seen a Gore victory. The election was stolen by the Republicans. The Pubs even agree, and gloat about it( at least the ones I know).
All this arguable stuff. And no criddic. He must have already run out of excuses for his Saviour.

Would be interested if any one of you had run into such an incompetent pair of HS people as we did. Magilla, you have. Anyone else?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:46 am
by Mister Tee
Well, as far as 2000, Gore clearly won the popular vote, which is all the Keys system promises to predict (no sense getting into Florida again). Clinton was immensely popular, and had he been eligible to run, the margin would likely have been far wider; Gore lost additional two keys -- charisma and incumbency -- which made it a tougher race, but he was still the predicted victor (and in a rational world, that's how it turned out).

Regarding other turnovers from two-term presidencies: in 1988, Reagan's second administration left a positive record (growing economy, foreign policy successes with Gorbachev) that made Bush a favorite (despite insistent media myths that Dukakis "blew" the election). The '61-'68 JFK/LBJ run wasn't an orthodox two-term, but the circumstances -- the war, the violent protests, the Wallace third party run -- made it impossible for Humphrey to succeed. Eisenhower's two terms are usually misjudged by pundits, who point to Ike's enduring (and merited) popularity with the public due to his WWII heroics and thus proclaim the adninistration a success. To the contrary, his second term featured the Sherman Adams scandal, a midterm election disaster, poor economic growth (culminating in a recession during the '60 campaign), and the foreign policy humiliation of the downed U-2 plane. For an utterly non-charmismatic (and non-incumbent) Nixon to win in that circumstance would have been miraculous -- though Kennedy's then-controversial Catholicism made it closer than it ought to have been.

Going back in history: Truman's almost-two terms left a mess of scandals and foreign policy disasters (Korea and China) that made it impossible for Stevenson to win. Wilson's second term -- which actually resembles Bush's, apart from the fact he won his war -- included recession, big losses in the midterms, and huge failure to sell the League of Nations; his would-be successor was wiped out.

There aren't actually that many pristine two-term examples -- Harding/Coolidge/Hoover filled just 12 years, two of the terms successful and the third disastrously not; FDR had three successful re-elections (before they amended the Constitution to forbid such long runs), then died leaving Truman the incumbent for '48. And, going further back, McKinley/T. Roosevelt was 12 years between the two with McKinley's assassination helping prolong incumbency.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:21 am
by OscarGuy
The only wrench in your theory, least based on your examples...was that both Reagan and Clinton were running against one-term presidents. Do you have any pertinent examples that would associate with a two-term president ending? We know the party affiliation switched after Clinton, but Gore was riding a wave of popularity with Clinton's tenure. Matter of fact, if Florida hadn't disenfranchised half its Democratic votership and gone to great lengths to ensure a victory for Gov. Jeb's brother, I think we would have seen a Gore presidency.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:30 am
by Mister Tee
Akash wrote:But after, the stunning disappointment in 2004 - which should have been an easy victory for anyone who wasn't Bush - I'm not dismissing the Dems ability to fuck up a great opportunity.
Actually, Akash, this is another thing that is widely believed -- especially by those on our side -- but the Keys system told a different story. Bush had a united party, an economy not in recession, and the GOP had made gains in the midterm election; these elements were enough to nudge a very competitive election slightly to Bush's advantage (though the outcome was debatable). Such is not the case for next year: the midterm blowout, the likelihood of a battle for the GOP nomination (and the lack of incumbency), combined with clear disaster in Iraq and burgeoning scandals, make it a far worse environment for a party trying to hold onto the White House.

As for Hillary or Obama's weaknesses -- I'm generally a believer (as is Lichtman) that the particular candidate matters substantially less than is generally thought. Early in 1980, no one looked more unelectable than Ronald Reagan -- he was "another Goldwater"; Democrats couldn't believe their luck in drawing him as an opponent; even many GOPers looked for alternatives deep into the year (proposing a co-presidency with Gerry Ford). We know how that turned out. Similarly, in 1992, most Republicans were convinced Clinton's "character issues" were going to carry the demonstrably weak GHWBush to victory. Wrong again. Presidential elections are zero-sum games, and all evidence is the vote is up or down on the incumbent administration. A truly popular/charismatic challenger can make the process easier (which is why I think John Edwards would be the strongest candidate next year, and why I think Obama, despite the racial issue, would be more potent than Hillary), but the outcome seems to be the same, even (as in 1968) when the most unlikable candidate imaginable is offered.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:11 pm
by Akash
From your mouth to God's ear Mister Tee. But after, the stunning disappointment in 2004 - which should have been an easy victory for anyone who wasn't Bush - I'm not dismissing the Dems ability to fuck up a great opportunity. So far the Democratic front-runners are a polarizing woman and a black man in what is still sexist, racist America. More mistakes to come?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:35 pm
by Mister Tee
Akash wrote:If the Pubs are now jumping on the bash Bush bandwagon, that could only help even the score in an election against the Dems who don't even have their anti-Iraq platform to stand on anymore (having dithered on the ONE ISSUE they could have claimed without trepidation).

Whoever gets the Republican nomination is going to isolate himself from Bush as well. Come election time, all he has to say is "You're anti-Bush? Well so am I! What else you got?" and wait for the chirping crickets.
I know alot of people say and believe this, but the history of presidential elections -- since the arrival of the two-party monopoly in 1860 -- is that no unpopular president has ever been succeeded by a president of his own party. Candidates in 1896, 1920, 1952 and 1968 all ran at least somewhat in opposition to the incumbents of their own parties (in 1896, William Jennings Bryan explicitly denounced the economics of the Cleveland adminstration), but all were dragged down by the failures of their predecessors. I see no reason why that won't happen again next year.

Alan Lichtman has a fascinating theory of presidential elections, The Keys to the Presidency, which retroactively analyzes all elections from 1860 through 1980, and has accurately forecast all the elections since. His take on '08? It's the most lopsided environment for one party -- the Democrats -- since he developed the theory.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:47 pm
by Sonic Youth
Akash wrote:
Sonic Youth wrote:But the point was, Bush is losing support from all over the spectrum, other than the brainwashed 'droids. I don't much care what the reasons are.

The problem though is that this across the board realization (more to the point: among Republicans) will do the Democrats no favors in 2008. The only reason those cowardly fucks took the House and the Senate last year was a final national frustration with the ass hattery of the Bush Administration. If the Pubs are now jumping on the bash Bush bandwagon, that could only help even the score in an election against the Dems who don't even have their anti-Iraq platform to stand on anymore (having dithered on the ONE ISSUE they could have claimed without trepidation).

Whoever gets the Republican nomination is going to isolate himself from Bush as well. Come election time, all he has to say is "You're anti-Bush? Well so am I! What else you got?" and wait for the chirping crickets.

President Romney may be a chilling reality.
Romney would be a step up. Giuliani is the most scary. If he's prez, we'd be wishing for a return of the good ol' Bush days.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 6:03 pm
by Sonic Youth
Okay, maybe not...

Thursday June 7, 4:27 AM
Baghdad, Ankara, WHouse deny reports of Turkish incursion

AFP News

The foreign ministers of both Iraq and Turkey, as well as the White House, all denied reports Wednesday that Turkish troops had launched a cross-border raid to strike Kurdish rebel bases in Iraq's northern highlands.

Turkey has stepped up its military presence in its own southeastern region, Iraq's Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told AFP, but both he and his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul denied there had been a recent incursion.

Ankara suspects northern Iraq's Kurdish authorities of turning a blind eye to cross border attacks by separatist fighters from the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which is fighting for self-rule in southern Turkey.

In recent weeks the tone of the dispute has hardened following a spate of attacks by Kurds inside Turkey, spawning Wednesday's invasion rumours.

"These reports are inaccurate. There hasn't been any Turkish military incursion into Iraqi territory," Zebari told AFP in a telephone interview.

"We've checked those reports with Kurdish regional authorities and with border guards all along the Turkish frontier. They denied that there has been any such incursion or any operation whatsoever," he said.

The minister, himself an Iraqi Kurd, confirmed the Turkish military was increasing its presence near the border, but denied it was on the move.

"There has been Turkish build-up for some time, but it's all been in their own territory, there hasn't been any movement across the border," he said.

In Turkey, Gul confirmed this, telling reporters: "There is no incursion into any other country at the moment. There is no such thing. If there ever is, we will tell you."

But he warned that Ankara's patience was not limitless.

"No one should forget that we are involved in a war on terror. We will not flinch from taking whatever action is necessary to eradicate terror... There are preparations in that respect," he said.

The White House also denied reports with White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe stating: "I am here to say that the Turkish government and US officials on the ground say that it is not occurring."

Johndroe was speaking in the northeast German city of Rostock, not far from Heiligendamm, where US President George W. Bush was attending a summit of Group of Eight leaders.

"There's been no new activity" on the part of the Turkish military, aside from increasing its presence near the border, Johndroe said.

Since April, the Turkey has been conducting large-scale operations against the PKK, including in areas close to the Iraqi border.

The Turkish media has reported that thousands of troops, backed by heavy armour and air power, are involved in the operation, triggering speculation that the army is poised to pour into northern Iraq.

But the head of Iraq's troops on its northern frontier with Turkey on Wednesday also denied the reports of a Turkish raid, which were carried on several websites and news agencies, but not AFP.

Colonel Hussein Roshid, the commander of the Iraqi border guards in the Kurdish province of Dohuk, said: "It's untrue. There have been no cross-border incursions on the Iraqi frontier in Dohuk."

Roshid said that last month there had been a brief Turkish military push into Dohuk, the Iraqi province bordering Turkey, which saw troops push two kilometres (one mile) into Iraqi territory near Zakhu.

But the probe was short-lived and had not been repeated, he said.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:56 pm
by Akash
Sonic Youth wrote:But the point was, Bush is losing support from all over the spectrum, other than the brainwashed 'droids. I don't much care what the reasons are.

The problem though is that this across the board realization (more to the point: among Republicans) will do the Democrats no favors in 2008. The only reason those cowardly fucks took the House and the Senate last year was a final national frustration with the ass hattery of the Bush Administration. If the Pubs are now jumping on the bash Bush bandwagon, that could only help even the score in an election against the Dems who don't even have their anti-Iraq platform to stand on anymore (having dithered on the ONE ISSUE they could have claimed without trepidation).

Whoever gets the Republican nomination is going to isolate himself from Bush as well. Come election time, all he has to say is "You're anti-Bush? Well so am I! What else you got?" and wait for the chirping crickets.

President Romney may be a chilling reality.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:50 pm
by Sonic Youth
Mister Tee wrote:I'm hardly impressed by Bill Kristol suddenly turning on Bush simply for failing to compound the Plame crime by pardoning Scooter Libby.

I know. It just shows what scumbags they all are.

But the point was, Bush is losing support from all over the spectrum, other than the brainwashed 'droids. I don't much care what the reasons are.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:31 pm
by Sonic Youth
Sorry, what was this "progress" that was being made? I still don't know.

Turkish Troops Enter Iraq

Jun 6, 3:21 PM (ET)


ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Hundreds of Turkish troops crossed into northern Iraq early Wednesday to chase Kurdish guerrillas who attack Turkey from bases there, Turkish security officials said. One official said the troops had returned to their bases by the end of the day, but Turkey's foreign minister denied they had ever entered Iraq.

The senior security officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media, characterized the raid as a "hot pursuit" raid that was limited in scope. They told The Associated Press it did not constitute the kind of large incursion that Turkish leaders have been discussing in recent weeks.

One official said several thousand troops went less than two miles inside Iraq and were still there in late afternoon. "It is a hot pursuit, not an incursion," one official said.

Another official said by telephone it was "not a major offensive and the number of troops is not in the tens of thousands." He also said the Turkish troops went into a remote, mountainous area.

A third official, based in the border region, said 600 commandos entered Iraq, and were backed up by several thousand troops along the border. He said the commandos raided Iraqi territory across from the Turkish border town of Cukurca before dawn after rebels opened fire from Iraqi soil on Turkish patrols.

The official said the commandos returned to their bases in Turkey later in the day. There was no immediate explanation for the conflicting accounts of the officials.

All three officials are based in southeast Turkey, where the military has been battling separatist Kurdish rebels since they took up arms in 1984.

The officials stood by their statements despite denials from Turkish and Iraqi officials.

Turkey's private NTV television quoted Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul as saying reports of a cross-border operation were false.

"There is no such thing, no entry to another country. If such a thing happens, then we would announce it," Gul said. "We are in a war with terror, we will do whatever is necessary to fight terrorism."

Several military officials at the Pentagon said they have seen nothing Wednesday that would confirm the reports of Turkish troops crossing the border into Iraq.

One military official said that small numbers of Turkish forces periodically move in and out of Iraq doing counterinsurgency operations, but not thousands at one time. The officials requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information.

While the U.S. has about 16,500 troops in northern Iraq, most of them are not right along the border. Many of those are training teams working with the Iraqi border patrols.

The White House said there has been "no new activity" in northern Iraq to justify the press reports. Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the White House's National Security Council, said that U.S. officials in the region have confirmed that the activity is a continuation of Turkey's years-long campaign against the Kurdish PKK guerrillas of Kurdistan Workers' Party.

"The Turkish government reports no new incursions into northern Iraq," Johndroe said. "U.S. officials on the ground confirm no new activity."

Johndroe said Washington remains "concerned about the PKK and the use of Iraq as a safe haven."

"We have no indications or no reports that the Turks have conducted a cross-border operation into Iraq," said Brig. Gen. Perry Wiggins, deputy director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

"They're partnered with us on the global war on terrorism and ... they continue to fight Kurdish terrorists that have targeted a number of their citizens in their country," Wiggins told a Washington news conference. "They are conducting aggressive operations in southeast Turkey - counterinsurgency operations - and they continue to do so."

Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, a military spokesman in Baghdad, said he could not confirm any Turkish troops were in Iraq but "we are looking into it and obviously we are very concerned."

The last major Turkish incursion into northern Iraq was in 1997, when about 50,000 troops were sent to the region.

The officials did not say where the Turkish force was operating in northern Iraq, nor did they say how long they would be there. Both officials are involved in anti-rebel operations, though they did not disclose whether they participated in the planning of the operation on Wednesday.

The officials said any confrontation with Iraqi Kurdish groups, who have warned against a Turkish incursion, could trigger a larger cross-border operation. The Turkish military has asked the government in Ankara to approve such an incursion, but the government has not given formal approval.

An official at military headquarters in Ankara declined to confirm or deny the report that Turkish troops had entered Iraq.

Turkish authorities rarely acknowledge such military operations, which were more frequent before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Earlier Wednesday, reports of an incursion circulated on some media outlets, including Turkey's private Cihan news agency.

The Turkish military said rebels across the border in Iraq opened fire Wednesday on a Turkish military outpost in the province of Hakkari, which borders both Iraq and Iran. It said there were no casualties.

Turkey has been building up its military forces on the Iraqi border recently, amid debate among political and military leaders about whether to attack separatist rebels of the PKK. The rebels stage raids in southeast Turkey after crossing over from hideouts in Iraq.

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said the government has not seen any major operations along the border.

"There has been intermittent shelling, for instance, attacks, certain violations, minor violations on the border which we have documented and reported back to the Turkish side, but honestly we haven't seen any major operations along the border," Zebari told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.

"We are aware of this Turkish troops buildup on the border and the Iraqi government position has been that we will not accept or tolerate any military incursion into Iraqi territories," he said.

Col. Hussein Rashid, a top official with the Iraqi border guards, dismissed the report of a Turkish raid.

"Not even a single Turkish soldier has entered Iraqi territory," he said by telephone from his post near the border, although he pointed out that Turkish troops have been operating very close to the frontier as part of a recent buildup. "I have made contacts with many border posts and none report any incident."

During major incursions in the 1990s, fighting occurred on a front stretching more than 100 miles, mostly in rugged terrain where communications were difficult and the Turkish Kurds were already entrenched in the mountains.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:05 pm
by Big Magilla
cam wrote:There have been horror stories, Peter. Has Homeland Security ever arrived at YOUR door? They have to ours.
The closest I ever came was a package that had been opened by Homeland Security with umpteen stickers across it.

The package contained Region 2 DVDs I ordered from England, which were inadvertantly mailed to Venezuela and then to me. It took over a month to get the package when I usually get a package in 3-5 days from England. I can only guess what kind of analysis it and I went through while they considered what to do about it.

On my first trip back east after 9/11 everything went fine on the trip out. On the way home, I happened to be sitting in the waiting area next to a gentleman from Egypt who was headed to the Bay Area. He wanted to know how to get from Oakland to San Francisco. I gave him some advice. Some enterprising a-hole must have seen us talking. He and I were delayed at the gate and our luggage thoroughly gone through.

That's nothing, of course, compared to your ordeal. I don't blame you for being bitter.

On a side note, one of my best friends is a Filipino named Bruno. Only his name is scary. His family calls him "Bunny" for short.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:40 pm
by Mister Tee
Iraq Coalition Casualties now puts their number at 3503. Since I seem to recall we passed 3000 almost exactly on New Years Eve, that means 500 deaths in barely over 5 months -- by far the worst of the whole bloody four years. A year or so ago, Richard Holbrooke, informed Bush had 1000 days left as president said, "Dear god -- 2000 more dead American soldiers". It may go far higher.

Damien, we can only wish people like your mother's friend had come around by 2004, in time to head off some of this. The only saving grace is, the GOP collapse is now so thorough, whichever Democrat is elected next year will have more substantial progressive majorities than, really, any Democrat since LBJ (even moreso, now that the call-ourselves-Democrats-but-vote-conservative Southerners make up a much smaller percentage of the coalition).

I'm hardly impressed by Bill Kristol suddenly turning on Bush simply for failing to compound the Plame crime by pardoning Scooter Libby. Oh, best post-debate comment, on Giuliani's sudden bleeding-heart-ness toward Libby -- "It's not as if Scooter tried to squeegee somebody's windshield or anything". (You have to be a NYer to really get that)

Washington, like Oregon, is an odd state. The two states' primary cities (Seattle and Portland) are so overwhelmingly progressive that the states are a reliable part of the blue coalition. But the rural areas are primitive, militia-like, which may explain cam's experience. It recalls James Carville's description of Pennsylvania: "Philadelphia and Pittsburgh -- with Alabama in between".

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:53 pm
by 99-1100896887
There have been horror stories, Peter. Has Homeland Security ever arrived at YOUR door? They have to ours.

A Little story:

Our niece,was adopted at birth. She is Indonesian(she's married to an Afghan, as well.) Very bright, wonderful pianist, has her degree in social work, works at a "home". She asked in Thanksgiving 2002, if she could bring her boss and his family( they are Iranian). We said, come ahead( to the lake), but expect to be held up at the border. They were, of course, for three hours and even the 6-month old baby was fingerprinted.
They arrived just before dinner, very very upset, ate and left right after dinner.

In 2006, while we were at the lake, Homeland Security knocked at the door. "Do you know Abdul Reza Abdullah( not real name). I said, "No I 've never heard of him, but come in." " This alien has been using your address here."
After some time, trying to figure out who this guy was, my wife twigged, called my brother, who verified the name. Apparently he was given a piece of paper that he was supposed to turn in upon reentering Canada and did not.
In his terror, neither would I remember.
We draw dark curtains acoss the front windows when we are away: well, it seems that "Jerry Orbach" and "Bruno"( this is what we call them) had been out several times before when we were not there, and upon looking through a crack in the curtains saw what they said was "a signal"I said "A signal, tom who?" terrorists, he answered. They were keeping an eye on the house. Paranoid, much?

I was able to point out to him a) the red alarm light, and b) the sunlight bouncing off the turning fan upstairs.(This was " the beacon for ter'rists.")
Jerry gave me his card, and I phoned later in the week and asked him if we were "now marked". He said, no, it was solved.
Bruno, I should mention, a hulk of a man, stood "at ease", and you could see that one hand was near his gun. He said once, blurting out,"Do you want aliens and terrorists using your address?" and that was his contribution, except casing the joint.

What a couple of bananas.

Now criddic, do you understand why we are moving back to Canada after 30 glorious sunny years there, where the children learned water sports and boating and had a great deal of fun?
What have you go to say to that, criddic? Gonna defend GWB's policies again? There are too many people like you in the US, enough to make me worry for the safety of Americans, let alone "foreigners". Ever heard the word 'xenophobic'? Look it up.