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Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 1:47 am
by Penelope
I'm so happy for you, Nik! Congratulations, I wish you and Rick all the happiness in the world, but I suspect you've found it already!

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 12:21 am
by Aceisgreat

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 11:46 pm
by Nik
Hey everyone!

Most of you know that I was not well a few months ago and was recovering in London with my parents. I am happy to report that I am much better and that there are some surprising developments in my life that I wish to share with my online community. I have been involved these past few months with a guy (Rick) I met in London. Our relationship has developed quickly but wonderfully and – embarrassed as I am to say this – I find myself giddy and ridiculously in love. I have always been awful at making relationships work – apparently analyzing and trying to figure out what everything means to me on a psychological level, doesn’t scream “romance” to most guys. Who knew?

Anyway, all that changed with Rick. He is smart, witty, practically Socialist in his political beliefs (this is a deal-breaker for me) and – probably most resonant for me given my troubles lately – ceaselessly kind. I invited him with me to Barcelona (to visit my uncle) and we are still here, enjoying how beautiful and romantic this city can be. Recently I realized how happy I was and – unlike in the past when this stage of a relationship usually makes me want to bolt and leave a Nik-shaped hole in the wall– I only wanted to spend more and more time with him.

To make a long, winding story shorter (and less gooey), I proposed to Rick in a gushing fit of reckless love and he accepted. We both have an idealistic and strong attachment to Spain now – a country where our relationship took another step, and a country that allows gay marriage. My usually flaky kill-joy parents support me and all of my family and friends (including Damien) are happy for me. We finalized all our plans this week and so I decided to share my joy with you guys.

We will be married in Barcelona on June 30th. It will be a small, unaffected ceremony (the idea of anything bigger embarrasses me) just for a small group of family and best friends. We will probably return to London sometime in August so I can spend some more time with my parents and he can see his family as well. Our future plans are a little vague and built on good intentions but we really think we can make it work. Of course this marriage will not be recognized in the US but to that I say, “Suck my co ck America.”

I will be returning to the US in September to start Graduate school and Rick will come with me and stay for as long as he can. He is applying to Medical school in the US for 2007 and if he gets in to one that he likes, then we stay in the US. If not, he has already been accepted at a school in London for 2007, and we may return to the UK then if that is our option (in that case, I will seek a transfer to Cambridge or Oxford).

I never thought I was the kind of person who would be so malleable for a guy. I always thought people who did this were silly. I also always rejected the idea of marriage and tying myself to one person, and I certainly thought that anyone who did it in their early 20’s was nuts. But being with Rick makes me happy and when you’ve had as dark a time as I had earlier this year (darker than some of you know, believe me), you start to appreciate things like kindness and love much, much more.

Anyway, that’s my obnoxious, saccharine news. Feel free to throw tomatos, hiss, or write me off as an idealistic lovelorn fool. It’s probably how I would react a year ago had someone else said this to me in the exact same way. It won’t bother me, really. I’m much, much too happy.


PS - I finally understand what the hell Beyonce was singing about 2 or 3 yrs ago.