The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay

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Post by kaytodd »

I am almost finished this this book. It has been a while since I had so much fun reading a novel. I think your casting ideas are good but I think Radcliffe and Yelchin are a little young, especially since so much of the important parts of the story take place when they are adults. While Yelchin has the right look nothing I have seen of his work makes me think he has the acting chops yet to pull off Joe Kavalier, especially as an adult. Admittedly, I have not seen a lot of Yelchin's work. The most recent thing I can remember is Chekhov in the 2009 Star Trek and he wasn't given much to do.

In the unlikely event this happens soon (I understand Stephen Daldry has been trying to get his script into production for years), I was thinking Jesse Eisenberg for Sammy and Shia LeBouef for Joe. They are only a few years older than Radcliffe and Yelchin but the difference in appearance and maturity between 22 and 25 can be big. And Eisenberg and LeBouef are still young enough to play the 18 or 19 year olds at the beginning of the story.

Anna Kendrick is a good choice for Rosa Saks. Natalie Portman also if she keeps some of her pregnancy weight (which I hope she does). And Jamie Bell is an inspired choice for Tracey Bacon. I kept picturing someone almost cartoonishly handsome but aware of his limitations. Tyler Hoechlin would also be good. They can lighten his hair if the director thinks it is important that he more closely match Tracy's description in the novel.
The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving. It's faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a life worth living. Oliver Wendell Holmes
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Post by anonymous1980 »

I've been reading the book and I think I came up with the perfect dream cast for it. I believe Sabin is also a fan but I doubt he'll agree with most of my picks for the major characters:

Sammy - Daniel Radcliffe
Joe - Anton Yelchin
Rosa - Anna Kendrick
Tracy Bacon - Jamie Bell
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